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U S Airways mech/related must read before voting!


Aug 22, 2002
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E-Mail: [mailto:]
Employer: USAirways
Location: CLT H/M 1st shift Shop Steward
I must admit that even I am shocked by the new lows set by our iam unelected leaders.
8/30 Robert Roach tells the company that the membership has spoken and that “our actions will be guided by their decisionâ€. Sounds encouraging.
9/5 iam reaches history making agreement with USAirways which allows 6.1 million dollars in bonuses to be paid only to “middle managers†not the new guys. What the? I’d rather the new guys get this money then the morons who ran us into the ground.
9/6 iam is “forced†by the company to revote. NO PROTEST IS MADE BY R.ROACH (verified by an eye witness).
9/9 I am told that the iam had to bring this out for a revote because the company said that they were going to bring it back to us regardless. Wouldn’t the “fighting machinists†fight this effort to undermine the democratic process? NO! (Keep reading, it just gets uglier).
9/10 I invite myself to the weekly conference call ( I am a shop steward) and get to hear Bill Fryberger call the membership “stupid†for rejecting the proposal that the iam didn’t endorse. “They are like little kids who play in the street no matter what ya tell ‘emâ€. This fighting machinist warrior goes on to say “â€I wish we hadn’t brought it back out, I don’t care any more†He referred to his vast seniority and said he will show he is a good union man by helping us load our tool boxes when we loose our jobs. Someone on this conference call said “I wish you could just accept this for the good of the membershipâ€.
When asked whose decision it was to re-vote Bill said “Roachâ€
9/11 On the anniversary of last years terrorist attack Charlie Nardello, the VP of maintenance who admits he is getting a $40,000 bonus, succumbs to a one hour verbal assault by me and my coworkers. The first question I asked is “why are we re-votingâ€, when he says “confusion†I asked “if we had approved this by 57% and a few complained would you call for a re-vote? He answers “NOâ€, I told him “that’s right and that proves that the real reason for the re-vote is that we voted wrong and that this is an insult, this **** normally happens in third world countries and Jimmy Carter is there to watch, I don’t see Jimmyâ€.
During this 1st shift meeting he says “we have no legal right to force a re-vote, your committee agreed to thisâ€. When we asked which one of our leaders agreed, he paused and named no one (He said Roach at the other meetings). I smell a rat.
9/12 The iam 141M update admits that “Because of correspondence we have received from the membership clearly indicating confusion about the bankruptcy process and the company's goal before the bankruptcy judge, the IAM has agreed to have another vote.†This is a new low, they're not even hiding their betrayal any more.
>From 9/9 to 9/13 I have attempted to get answers from our leadership as to the membership’s legal rights should this final offer be re-rejected on 9/17 and to date we have no official answer.
Our AGC’s haven’t stepped foot in the hangar since Roaches betrayal and it is becoming increasingly obvious that they don’t want to do what the company clown Nardello did , help the no vote by telling the membership that should the judge abrogate our contract the iam will have to fight in court so that we may have the legal right to strike.
The iam wants no part of this fight, but if they don’t do their duty they will suffer the mother of all class action law suits.
The iam knows that their days as a mechanic representative are numbered; If this ILC is ratified they will spend the next decade making fun of the AMFA contract at USAirways. All they want is for this to pass so that mechanics are screwed and the planners, tech specialists and stock clerks have a contract in place, in the words of one angry stock clerk I met this week. Without mechanics, they will be like a tail without a dog.
Well looks like it's either believe, Edited by Moderator, Bill Fryberger or, hope above all hope that Dave throws in a bone at the very last second, or pray the judge is an incognito ex mechanic who worked his way through college as such before climbing the ladder to judge hood, or we could use our own GOD given common sense and use our own GOD given brains to reason what is best for the each of us.
On 9/15/2002 8:59:54 PM Jet Mechanic wrote:

This post by a first shift mechanic in Charlotte is quite accurate as to the circus I've seen during second shift, too. Management, along with the IAM, has done everything they possibly can to alienate this worker group. Heck, they could be a textbook example for business students in years to come! It's almost as if they are giving us multiple reasons to vote NO.

Tuesday's the day to get out and vote.

I'm still voting a big NO.

Jet Mechanic
Boy, are you sadly mistaken and misinformed. Voting NO as a way to get back at the IAM is plainly STUPID! All it will do is allow them a greater role in your future. The best way would be to vote your conscience (hopefully for the airline to remain in business) and then work on getting new representation. By not passing the TA all you are doing is allowing management to impose their own view of what is best for the company on you and the rest of the IAM. Looks to me like the only choice is between what the IAM negotiated, which includes SOME protections, and the company's initial offer, with NO protections. That's it!
This post by a first shift mechanic in Charlotte is quite accurate as to the circus I've seen during second shift, too. Management, along with the IAM, has done everything they possibly can to alienate this worker group. Heck, they could be a textbook example for business students in years to come! It's almost as if they are giving us multiple reasons to vote NO.

Tuesday's the day to get out and vote.

I'm still voting a big NO.

Jet Mechanic
[P]You, like so many others are missing the entire point and can't get by your emotions long enough to see the big picture in a logical way...[/P]
[P]I don't like the restructuring proposal either. I don't like our management's past failures. I don't trust our management. I don't trust our union leadership. I don't like the bonus plan for our managers. This is all BESIDE THE POINT. The point being, our company's best chance for survival is to get the cash from TPG, emerge from bankruptcy in about 6-9 months, and give Dave Siegel a chance to gain our trust. We deserve that, and we certainly won't get any of that if we vote no.[/P]
[P]Also, you stated:[/P]
[P]Charlie Nardello, the VP of maintenance who admits he is getting a $40,000 bonus, succumbs to a one hour verbal assault by me and my coworkers.[/P]
[P]I feel that this is not the way to address a senior officer of the company. You may not like him (I don't care for his style or track record either), but he is an individual in a position that is very important to our (maintenance) very existence. I feel embarrassed for our department when I see union members lose their tempers like that. It is very unprofessional and disrespectful. At no time, should anyone have to resort to a foolish, hot-headed approach. This is a business. Cool heads prevail in business. Please squelch your emotions and tackle the problems with wisdom and respect.[/P]
[P]Hang in there. [/P]
[P]I'm not debating what the truth is. Fact is, I'm in agreement on just about every point you and other no voters have made when it comes to how we've been treated by both the company and the union. All I'm saying is, we must ratify the restructuring proposal to have the best chance for survival. It's that simple.[/P]
[P]I'm putting my emotions aside and voting YES with my head - not my heart. [/P]

NYPD,go to the above website and take Cavalier with you!
My post above was a cut and paste statement from that site. See AL**** GONZ***EZ DATED 09/14/02 22:16:O3. He is an IAM steward, who has access to their conference calls, and he posted this information in a public forum for all to see.To all others, the above website is another excellent website to find the truth.

Total Posts: 14
Last Post: 9/15/2002
Member Since: 9/7/2002

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I'm not debating what the truth is. Fact is, I'm in agreement on just about every point you and other no voters have made when it comes to how we've been treated by both the company and the union. All I'm saying is, we must ratify the restructuring proposal to have the best chance for survival. It's that simple.

I'm putting my emotions aside and voting YES with my head - not my heart.


NYPD,go to the above website and take Cavalier with you!
Forget about this hardliner, let him swim in his delusion that the shore line is only a no vote away. He is so blinded with anger and confusion that he is a funnel for deception being filled by the absurd.
On 9/15/2002 8:29:38 PM jetmechline wrote:

E-Mail: [mailto:]
Employer: USAirways
Location: CLT H/M 1st shift Shop Steward

I must admit that even I am shocked by the new lows set by our iam unelected leaders.

9/5 iam reaches history making agreement with USAirways which allows 6.1 million dollars in bonuses to be paid only to “middle managers” not the new guys. What the? I’d rather the new guys get this money then the morons who ran us into the ground.

9/10 I invite myself to the weekly conference call ( I am a shop steward) and get to hear Bill Fryberger call the membership “stupid” for rejecting the proposal that the iam didn’t endorse. “They are like little kids who play in the street no matter what ya tell ‘em”. This fighting machinist warrior goes on to say “”I wish we hadn’t brought it back out, I don’t care any more” He referred to his vast seniority and said he will show he is a good union man by helping us load our tool boxes when we loose our jobs. Someone on this conference call said “I wish you could just accept this for the good of the membership”.
When asked whose decision it was to re-vote Bill said “Roach”


Jet Mechanic Im disappointed in you.

You of all people should know that the suits aren't getting the entire 6 million that amount was reduced to 1/3 and its going to be paid over the course of a year (not one lump sum) and the individuals who receive it must stay at the airline in order to receive it, if they leave they forfeit the cash.

As far as the conference call you mentioned I listened to same conversation and if I remember correctly Bill was upset at all the messages he had on his phone from all the AMFA cry babies (his words not mine) about the revote. When he said he wished they would have never brought it back that should tell you he's fed up with this and people like you aren't going to believe the consequences of your actions until your moving your tool box off the property because what you've done is voted yourself out of a job. He merely stated a fact about being there long enough to help you move your tools.

Jet Mech why don't you tell the good people of this newsgroup when Bill stated that the management in Pittsburgh has already held meetings and made a list of employees their going to keep and another with the employees their going to terminate if this vote is turned down?

You seem to have voiced your opinion rather loud to Charlie Nardello the VP of maintenance. Do you yourself think he has forgotten that? If such a list exists after piss'n ole Charlie off do you honestly think your going to be there long enough to say the words AMFA much less be there to greet them should that day ever come?

You my friend have not only alienated yourself from the company but the people who currently represent you aren't to happy with you either. You spoke out at a meeting knowing you could because you had the Union to back you up.

Should you get your way and the T/A is voted down what happens on September 18 when you become an at will employee? What you've managed to do is paint a big bulls eye on your back and every Supervisor will be gunning for you.

If the T/A is turned down YOU lose if its approved YOU lose, Jet Mech Im glad Im not in your shoes. One last thing... can I have your locker