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mweiss said:
I never used the word "everybody." I wouldn't have, in part because far too many people have said for far too long that it would pass.

If anybody and their mama can vote whatever they want, so can anybody and their mama post whatever they want (within the board's TOS). So it makes the whole discussion moot.

This is where I get off of this ride.

Figured you would jump off you can't support your case Sherlock will not be happy with you Watson

Its funny but your case was doomed from the get go I mean I agreed with you with the obvious (great deduction) so why would I have a clue why anyone would be surprized about vote? I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would think it wouldn't pass. If the company ran the company the way it gets over on employees it may have a chance to survive but that ain't gonna happen. A better quuestion after the company fails will be how on earth is anyone surprized the company failed.
700UW said:
The decision to bring it out for a vote was NOT made by the negotiating committee, it was made by the international.

700, did the international officially make the decision, or is this just another rumor?

If this is the case, it proves that the International had no problem bringing back the proposal that would furlough 50% of the membership.The very same proposal that you claim that District 142 would not bring back.

I can certainly understand the International’s reasoning for making this decision, they need every dues paying member to support their income.

As reported for Tom Buffenbarger Intl. President of the IAM

His year 2000… compensation was reported at $211,324
His year 2001… compensation was reported at $240,938
His year 2002… compensation was reported at $249,250
His year 2003… compensation was reported at $259,204

As Reported for VP Roach of the Intl IAM

His year 2000 compensation was reported at $164,229
His year 2001 compensation was reported at $199,869
His year 2002 compensation was reported at $212,418
His year 2003 compensation was reported at $221,242

CARELLI, FRANK year 2000…$101,707

[logistic /rep year 2001…$115,754

year 2002…$124,465

year 2003…$127,151

Tieberi, Joe year 2000…$106,368

[communication] year 2001…$107,371

year 2002…$105,509

year 2003…$112,024

Varsel J.T. year 2000.. $102,752

year 2001.. $107,371

[asst/ coor] year 2002…$136,629

year 2003…$137,929
700UW said:
I voted no on the final offer and YES to Stike!
Of course you did!!!!....You dump lavs for a living.....I like that.....setting your sights on your future!! Good choice, 700!!!! :lol: :lol: GOOD DAY!!!!
AP Tech said:
That is why Jerry Glass is one of the best there is regards to labor relations.  He was brought in to break the unions and extract concessions and he did just that!  Love him or hate him he is one of the CCY executives who is doing his job.
Hey!! Finally see someone who is on the same page!! :up:
amt4u said:
i voted yes for proposal no for strike, because it is the best of both evils for everyone.

now i have 3 or 4 options i would't have if the vote is no .

1 i can quit/ fuorlogh

2 i can retire/fuorlogh

3 i can swap places with a fuorloghee

4 MOST IMPORTANT, those that want the company to thrive will have a chance to go at it.

5 I CAN STAY, i know 55k yr is not great but here in clt goes a long way.

i think some of you guys are right about the............" IAM SOLD US OUT"


Thats it in a nutshell!!! :up:
700UW said:
You sold yourself out by voting for it.

What is it going to take for all of you to understand the IAM could never have reached an agreement with US as they wanted 50% of the workforce to be laid off?

This is a final offer that you voted for, you are the one who makes the choice to vote for it, not your Negotiating Committee.

I hope you realize you just set back your profession 20 years and added to the Wal-Marting of America.

You are going to vote yourself out of being able to survive.

700, thought the thread said PIT ONLY!!!
back to the original topic.....................
seems word has it that hangar 5 staffing to be in the neighborhood of 2 's' chks and one drop in with a mech compliment of around 120.....also late word indicates management is going to go with a work week of 4 ten hour days(no midnite)...sources indicated management "floated" this tonite...but recent experience with SPINA and compny would lean towards it being law...and expect your daze off to be t/f/s and s/m/t.....take it to the bank...dude told you....
also word of inspection positions being totally abolished and rebid for a PIT total of 44 inspectors......
look for a mech compliment in PIT of around 300 people total for base.....
and if you check on the HUB......logon,go to divisions.......go to maintenance ops...open right drop box an look up base maintenance tracks....clt/pit are listed and you can only view from work unless you have lakefield for a suckbuddy.... (does not work from home)
delldude said:
back to the original topic.....................
seems word has it that hangar 5 staffing to be in the neighborhood of 2 's' chks and one drop in with a mech compliment of around 120.....also late word indicates management is going to go with a work week of 4 ten hour days(no midnite)...sources indicated management "floated" this tonite...but recent experience with SPINA and compny would lean towards it being law...and expect your daze off to be t/f/s and s/m/t.....take it to the bank...dude told you....
also word of inspection positions being totally abolished and rebid for a PIT total of 44 inspectors......
look for a mech compliment in PIT of around 300 people total for base.....
and if you check on the HUB......logon,go to divisions.......go to maintenance ops...open right drop box an look up base maintenance tracks....clt/pit are listed and you can only view from work unless you have lakefield for a suckbuddy.... (does not work from home)

Ok Dude you lost me on one part.

If the compliment is 120 for hangar 5 how are you arriving at 300 total in base? What am I missing?

Do you mean 120 per shift X 2 shifts plus inpection?

Don't forget the few Utility people that are going to be left behind.

300 left on the entire base.. How much you want to bet they keep every single supervisor, manager and planner.
NeedForSpeed said:
Of course you did!!!!....You dump lavs for a living.....I like that.....setting your sights on your future!! Good choice, 700!!!! :lol: :lol: GOOD DAY!!!!
You really need to call Bill W, your word means nothing.

And I have not been to work in several months, but I guess you can't comprehend from my posts where I have been.

I am glad the only thing you do on these boards is stalk me and try to attack and insult instead of actually disproving what I post.

Guess the move to FL has done nothing for you.
justaumechanic said:
Ok Dude you lost me on one part.

If the compliment is 120 for hangar 5 how are you arriving at 300 total in base? What am I missing?

Do you mean 120 per shift X 2 shifts plus inpection?

Don't forget the few Utility people that are going to be left behind.

300 left on the entire base.. How much you want to bet they keep every single supervisor, manager and planner.
total mechanics around 300 includes inspection,any shops left,fab,gse,plant..... base...
delldude said:
back to the original topic.....................
seems word has it that hangar 5 staffing to be in the neighborhood of 2 's' chks and one drop in with a mech compliment of around 120.....also late word indicates management is going to go with a work week of 4 ten hour days(no midnite)...sources indicated management "floated" this tonite...but recent experience with SPINA and compny would lean towards it being law...and expect your daze off to be t/f/s and s/m/t.....take it to the bank...dude told you....
also word of inspection positions being totally abolished and rebid for a PIT total of 44 inspectors......
look for a mech compliment in PIT of around 300 people total for base.....
and if you check on the HUB......logon,go to divisions.......go to maintenance ops...open right drop box an look up base maintenance tracks....clt/pit are listed and you can only view from work unless you have lakefield for a suckbuddy.... (does not work from home)
So with a total of 300 in pit base,how many mech cuts total??
Baja4U said:
So with a total of 300 in pit base,how many mech cuts total??

You looking at just over 50% being cut out.

Thats just mechanics.. Not counting inspection and utility.

I am sure to that the company will be keeping all of
the supervisors and planners.. With three tracks you are
going to need more supervisors and planners vs having
7 tracks.. It's US Airways math.
Thanks dell for Info.

Speed, you need to do some soul searching, your thing about 700 is not even healthy. 700 is only doing his part. You, Rico, Itrade, Spin and the other blow hard company hacks should go to a GOP love fest and enjoy the orgy and leave the other “normal" posters to themselves.

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