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Company's Latest Proposal To Cwa....garbage...

I am convinced that the folks making these offers to the Unions are indeed smoking something. Almost everyone needs to be VERY concerned about the line that reads " Operate an Unlimited amount of Mainline flights into Express stations"
This could end up being every station with the exception to 5 or 6. Then they want the Mainline Express and MDA to TOP OUT at a bit over $9 an hour!!!!. I don't care where you live, there are several jobs out there that start at or over that amount.
Imagine having 20+ years with a Company and earning $9 an hour. This is the ULTIMATE insult to labor. If they do anything smart, they should just make everyone the same payscale in the $15-$16 range, and not be concerned with how many flights there are in a given station or who operates them. The CWA and other Unions should use this offer to Wipe and return it back to them at the table.
wings396 said:
Imagine having 20+ years with a Company and earning $9 an hour. This is the ULTIMATE insult to labor.

You live in the United States of America in 2004. Republicans control the White House and Congress. What are you confused about?
I suspect this has more to do with who is currently setting in CCY than in congress or the white house. We're seeing corporate greed at it's worse. With labor and management at a standoff, it's gonna get ugly very soon. I hope those folks that have travel plans in the next couple of months are aware of the discontent and disguest this company has brought upon every employee. If I was a customer, I would not spend one penny on a company that is building its future on grabbing every last dime from it's employees, while management sets and continues life as usual.
If it does get to the point of $9 wages, they may as well let the place Burn to the Ground. Starting pay and top rate are only $2 apart, and they want this to stay in place until 2011? Minimum wage will exceed that rate by 2011. Anyone that would even consider voting for a T/A like this needs their head examined. Maybe they can get Taxes, Food, Healthcare, Etc to stay flat until 2011 also. A true Bunch of Jokers at the Helm. It is very apparent that they don't really want any type of agreement to be reached with offers as such.
It is also apparent they would like nothing better than the chase every employee away and hire kids off the street who are willing to work for a few bucks an hour and free flight benefits. Morally, this company is in the toilet and it's dragging down every one with it. It's a shame, legally the company is following the rules ob BK, but morally, they have no souls or concern for the people that gave their blood, sweat, and tears for this company over the years, only to see promise after promise broken as CEO's went thru the revolving door in CCY.
Bear96 said:
As I understand it, the judge will say yes or no on what the *Company* proposes. The Company is the one making the motions here, as is their right as long as they are the debtor in possession. The Company will not propose the old, rejected proposal. So I don't think it is accurate to say the judge will be presented with two contract proposals-- he'll only be presented with what the Company presents him.

If a union decides it now wants an older proposal implemented, it can try to negotiate that with the Company. (Good luck.)

This is my understanding as well.... I don't know where A320 is getting this 'judge chooses between management and union proposals.'
WestCoastGuy said:
If I was a customer, I would not spend one penny on a company that is building its future on grabbing every last dime from it's employees, while management sets and continues life as usual.

Unfortunately, the customer could really care less is you make $100 an hour or $1 an hour as long as they get that almighty "cheap" fare and a flight that arrives at the destination somewhere near the time it was scheduled to.
Many customers may not be spending a penny at USAir not because it is building it's future on the backs of the current employees. But, because with all that's going on with the airline and the constant barrage of bad press, they may feel the seat may not be there when they paid to go. Good luck to all of you, you're going to need it.
Robc98 said:
Company to CWA 1113 © Proposal
October 22, 2004

Transformation Plan Term Sheet

2. Scope · The Company may operate an unlimited number of mainline flights into Express cities
· /quote]

I have received news today from work that TAMPA is slated to become a MAINLINE EXPRESS station. This is with 27 Mainline jet flights a day come Feb 05.
Coming to a station near you soon. No need to even squabble on the $13.62/hr. Topout for Express is under $13.00. :down:
Ahhhh...so this is the plan. Make make every city that has at least one express fight called Mainline Express, dump everyone's pay into the toilet and add 20 more jets to the city. Interesting ....what a crafty bunch of sneaks in CCY. :down:
I would expect something from CWA later today hopefully stating whats going to happen. I suspect that they will not even have to have an "Express" flight into a city to be express or they will contract out that station (the West coast where the Express planes cant make it). They will probably end up with mainline only in the hubs/focus cities and every other city will be express or contracted out.
It would come as no surprise to anyone who works the west coast to see all services contracted out to UA since we have such heavy code shares with them here. So even without Express on the west coast, you can bet your farm on the fact the CCY has plans for here, as well, to rid itself of those high seniority problem agents.
tadjr said:
Robc98 said:
Company to CWA 1113 © Proposal
October 22, 2004

Transformation Plan Term Sheet

2. Scope · The Company may operate an unlimited number of mainline flights into Express cities
· /quote]
I have received news today from work that TAMPA is slated to become a MAINLINE EXPRESS station. This is with 27 Mainline jet flights a day come Feb 05.
Coming to a station near you soon. No need to even squabble on the $13.62/hr. Topout for Express is under $13.00. :down:

tadjr...any word yet if we hold out until our stations turn mainline express and we fail to take the job do we get any type of furlough benefits? This will be quite a gamble for all the ones ready to walk now. Hold out for flying and unemployment? Jump ship now?
Got a clarification from the manager tonight who called his boss to get the word since even he wasnt sure what was happening.

Fleet proposal shows Mainline Express in all cities except the focus cities.
CWA proposal does NOT show Mainline Express in those cities.
Hence the confusion. They are different proposals and he said there was not a typo in them. Of course take it for what its worth since things change daily, but for now the CWA proposal does not make everyone ME.
Posted on: Apr 20 2003, 10:01 AM

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I''ve heard a scenario similiar to this last fall. Mainline designation for hubs, focus cities (DCA,LGA,BOS, etc.) TPA, MCO and MIA. Probably mainline for long range (DEN, SEA, LAX, etc.) although you can paint an interesting picture here with the UA code-share. All else express as the Rj''s come online.

The IAM fleet contract says any station can be redesignated express, and have two mainline jets on the schedule. Additionally, unlimited jets can be placed on the schedule on a seasonal basis - four months out of twelve. With that scenario, even the SEA''s of the world could be expressed


I posted that in April 2003, and take no satisfaction in being pretty near the mark.

Just a matter of recognizing crooks, and adjusting expectations accordingly.
RowUnderDCA said:
You live in the United States of America in 2004. Republicans control the White House and Congress. What are you confused about?

Word up, R.U.D., you are absolutely correct.

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