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mweiss said:
I don't see why there's so much surprise about it. People tend to vote their own self interest. This is why the final offer was crafted the way it was. All you have to do if you want the agreement to be ratified is offer just enough so that a majority of people, voting their own self interest, will vote Yes. If you really want to be sure, you sweeten the pot just enough to give yourself an extra margin of safety.

This is how it works in adversarial labor relationships.

Great deduction Watson anything else you want to enlighten everyone with before its all over?
amt4u said:
i voted yes for proposal no for strike, because it is the best of both evils for everyone.


You have no clue and deserve everything you get or make that don't get.

Can you explain a no vote on strike regardless what you voted on contract offer?
700UW said:
I hope you realize you just set back your profession 20 years and added to the Wal-Marting of America.


Yes there is always a silver lining you are going first lololololololol
To take glee in someone getting laid off shows all about your character, or shall I say the lack of it.
amt4u said:
i voted yes for proposal no for strike, because it is the best of both evils for everyone.

now i have 3 or 4 options i would't have if the vote is no .

1 i can quit/ fuorlogh

2 i can retire/fuorlogh

3 i can swap places with a fuorloghee

4 MOST IMPORTANT, those that want the company to thrive will have a chance to go at it.

5 I CAN STAY, i know 55k yr is not great but here in clt goes a long way.

i think some of you guys are right about the............" IAM SOLD US OUT"


you sold us out...spineless is a good characterization.....
700UW said:
To take glee in someone getting laid off shows all about your character, or shall I say the lack of it.
What do you want you were on the edited and brought it up for vote. You did it to yourself.
The decision to bring it out for a vote was NOT made by the negotiating committee, it was made by the international.
You were not able to get a T/A that is why the international had to step up and screw membership. There is only one reason it was put up to vote and you have stated it on here many times in different words. To have the union wash its hands of this and turn around and tell the membership you voted it in not us. I didn't see the IAM offering any clue how the membership should vote. And don't say its because it was companies final offer because you know that the IAM has given "vote no" recommendations in the past.
usairways_vote_NO said:
Great deduction Watson
Good. So, since I seem to have a knack for the obvious, now you can explain why people are so surprised with the result. :huh:
mweiss said:
Good. So, since I seem to have a knack for the obvious, now you can explain why people are so surprised with the result. :huh:

After you show me where all these people that are surprized are Watson.
Nearly half of the people in this poll thought it wouldn't pass. That certainly suggests that there are people who are surprised that it will.

Your explanation?
mweiss said:
Nearly half of the people in this poll thought it wouldn't pass. That certainly suggests that there are people who are surprised that it will.

Your explanation?

Elementary dear Watson remember that these polls have a + or - of 100% try again
You allege that they were lying? The question in the poll was whether you thought it would pass, not how you were going to vote.
mweiss said:
You allege that they were lying? The question in the poll was whether you thought it would pass, not how you were going to vote.

I allege anybody and their mama can vote whatever they want and that poll was started before the final offer plus what they called the "enhancements" came out and poll means garbageola you need something better to back up your allegations thats everybody is surprised by the vote. I wait dear Watson

By the way was the poll for fleet or mech and related ? You need to get facts straight first dear Watson you of all people should know that.
I never used the word "everybody." I wouldn't have, in part because far too many people have said for far too long that it would pass.

If anybody and their mama can vote whatever they want, so can anybody and their mama post whatever they want (within the board's TOS). So it makes the whole discussion moot.

This is where I get off of this ride.

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