So, she's been mayor and governor: exactly what has she accomplished in those positions that shows she's ready to be VP of the world's most powerful nation??
Let's talk about experience...
Let me think...Bill Clinton...Governor of Arkansas....Ronald Reagan, Governor of California....Jimmy Carter, Governor of Georgia...Franklin Roosevelt, Governor of New York.
Depending on your party affiliation or your personal beliefs, these Presidents, who were also Governors, are regarded as "great Presidents" by their respective parties, save for Jimmy Carter, who I'm sure the Democratic party would like to forget.
Bill Clinton...nothing prior to Governor of failed US House race
Ronald Reagan...nothing prior to Governor of California and some failed campaigns. Union President and Actor
Jimmy Carter. Briefly a State Senator, held various positions on school, library, and hospital boards...failed campaign for governor before being elected.
Franklin Roosevelt...State Senator from New York, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and then Governor of New York.
Sorry, folks, but experience not only doesn't count for a VICE doesn't count for a PRESIDENT, either.
Bill Clinton and FDR are held up like heroes by Democrats, just like Reagan is by the Republicans. I think we all agree about Jimmy Carter. The point I'm making is that we've had plenty of "just Governor" candidates with virtually no federal experience and some of them are regarded as our best Presidents.