The people in this country have to realize this isn't 'American Idol' here, I hope we aren't voting for Palin because "I like her" or "She's a MILF" or "I like her glasses".This woman would be leading the country if something were to happen to McCain.
She isn't "refreshing",she's yet another bible toting Christian Fascist,ready to take her "Small town" values to the world stage in Washington DC.We see how well that 'Faith Based' nonsense has worked out the past eight years.
I really wish we would stop pandering to the small town bible clutching crowd.Why is the Republican hot button issue gay marriage? I could give a rats ass about that.I care about $5.00 a gallon gasoline,skyrocketing food prices and who the frack is going to pay for this latest government clean up.Hooray for subprime mortgages...
Great article in The Economist about stem cells and cancer research,too bad it's viewed as arcane voodoo by the bible brigade.
As they say, when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.
Nonbelievers such as yourself think this way because they really believe there is no real GOD to answer to and that mankind can "work things out on their own".
This has been going on since the beginning, the fall. Satan rules this world under the guise of all religions, cults and false Gods.
Being a Christian is not a religion by a personal relationship with the one and only creator. This keeps the believer balanced centered and full of hope without despair no matter their personal circumstances in this life.
These bible toting freaks believe that GOD is still in charge and that everything else MUST come second before things will be "OK". This is demanded of GOD himself and not the imaginations of the bible toting fringe.
Your God has a name and he is making a real mess of the true God’s creation. Satan has many followers carrying out his wishes believing they are doing the right thing while totally ignoring the one and only true God, when in reality that is exactly what is wrong with this planet. Blame Satan and not some person or political party.
It's simple to see this reality for a believer but looks like insane bible toting fools to nonbelievers seeing people going around and actually asking God to help them, their neighbors and this planet for help and direction.
Satan is a master at deception having had eons of practice. It makes people steaming mad when the truth is presented them because the truth is hidden from them and truth seems like a fools game to the unbelievers.
Intelligence doesn’t play a part in believing and if it did the learning institutions of this world would not be preaching the doctrine of darkness but of light.
You can't be talked into believing, screamed at into believing, you have to be called by the Holy Ghost the very Spirit of God himself, and if you're not, you will continue to rant and rave being upset screaming at all the believers you come across and see as fools freaks and morons.
God help us in this time of need and God save all these unbelievers from themselves and most of all Satan’s trap which are constructed out of lies and Godless world leaders where most place their faith and therefore their very destiny.