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The "I LOVE Sarah Palin" Thread

But 700...what if I was running and promised to fight for the values of "my" God? Would you have a problem with that? The reason that our founding fathers wanted the separation of church and state was so that we wouldn't run the risk of someone making laws at the direction of "their God", and in essence, creating a "state religion". I know, I know....YOUR God is the only true God...but I'll bet that YOUR God differs from even a Catholic's God. So I don't want Sarah or George or anybody else letting THEIR God become the law of MY land.

Yes you’re correct--regardless our founding fathers based this country’s construct from God’s laws, they were Christians. Unlike today where depravity is celebrated and where Satan took over via his followers, nonbelievers now rule and left God out of their life accepting by default what Satan offers, pain suffering death and sorrow. There are only two choices, two Gods, it's that simple or that hard to comprehend.

Any thinking sane individual can clearly see how messed up this world is. To believe some individual human can come along and meet everyone’s needs wants and desires is the wisdom of a fool and trap as old as the enemy, Satan the ruler of this world, price of the air, the deceiver of this world.
Sounds remarkably like one of the tenets of radical Islam...anyone not of the faith is an infidel and as such must be put to death.

I told you the truth hurts and it does....the true God doesn't ask us kill unbelievers but to pray for them, where the false God who IS Islam---Satan---requires exactly what they are saying, death to anyone who doesn't follow him (Satan).
I would like this back on topic, please.

"I Love Sarah Palin" is the self-explanatory topic we're here to discuss. If you want to spread hate, find another thread by starting the "I Hate Sarah Palin" thread and keep it there.

I think she's going to be the best Vice President this country has ever seen and will prove all the naysayers wrong.
The way the McCain camp is carrying on about Change you'd think the Democrats had been the ones running the country into the ground these past eight years...

Funny you mention that. I was watching his interview on 60 Minutes and he admitted the republicans (including him self) screwed up. He said that government has increased by 40% over the last 8 years and that the republicans (including him) were in power for 6 of those years and that while their stated purpose was to change government, what happened was that government changed them (including him). So he basically admitted that at least for the past 8 years he has been partly to blame for the failure of government and the cause for it's expansion in direct opposition to the republican parties stated goals. Yet, even though he was part of a 40% expansion of government and it's associated waste, he expects us to give him another chance? I guess we will find out exactly how stupid the US voting public really is.

I do not think this country needs a man who helped increase government by 40% and a religious wacko as his side kick.
Funny you mention that. I was watching his interview on 60 Minutes and he admitted the republicans (including him self) screwed up. He said that government has increased by 40% over the last 8 years and that the republicans (including him) were in power for 6 of those years and that while their stated purpose was to change government,

I do not think this country needs a man who helped increase government by 40% and a religious wacko as his side kick.

Same interview McCain also said he would nominate Andrew Cuomo as his SEC chairman.

Ya think Obama has the kahunas to nominate a partisan Republican to an important financial post?

And please refrain from inflammatory comments. Perhaps your religious beliefs may appear extreme to others...
Same interview McCain also said he would nominate Andrew Cuomo as his SEC chairman.

Ya think Obama has the kahunas to nominate a partisan Republican to an important financial post?

And please refrain from inflammatory comments. Perhaps your religious beliefs may appear extreme to others...

Impossible, I have no religious beliefs. Besides, if I did, I would keep my religious beliefs private as they should be. You do not consider someone who has hallucinations about Jesus and believes that the Iraq war is 'gods will" a nut job? Really?

IIRC, Obama has openly said he would have no problem with a bi-partisan cabinet.



Earlier Obama had told the audience at a suburban high school rally in Dallas, Texas, that he intended to follow the example of his hero, President Abraham Lincoln, and appoint a cabinet of the talents, irrespective of party labels.

“I think America deserves the best person for every job and so we are going to be canvassing far and wide if I am fortunate enough to be elected,â€￾ he said.

I am sure there are more but you get my point.
I do not think this country needs a man who helped increase government by 40% and a religious wacko as his side kick.

I knew you'd bring Obama and the reverend Wright into this.... :lol:
You do not consider someone who has hallucinations about Jesus and believes that the Iraq war is 'gods will" a nut job? Really?

You check out Big 'O's new church that he goes to now that Rev Wright is listed as a religious wacko?

They tell me they 'speak in tongues' at the United Church of Christ from time to time Cos.... 😱
Bobbie said:
I think she's going to be the best Vice President this country has ever seen and will prove all the naysayers wrong.

The best Vice President this country has ever seen? She'll make us forget all about potatoe Danforth J. Quayle and Murphy Brown tearing apart the moral fiber of the country. :lol:

If McCain wins, I'll be praying he stays alive for the next four years.
I do not get all of this immediate adoration for Palin. Sure, she's ultra-conservative, which is why the republicans love her. But they loved her immediately, and that was the first time that 95% of the people ever HEARD of her.

I would like to know exactly what she has done, besides raise a family. So, she's been mayor and governor: exactly what has she accomplished in those positions that shows she's ready to be VP of the world's most powerful nation?? I'm sure instead of an actual reply, most people will say "Well, what was Obama done?". As pointed out, this is an "I love Sarah Palin" thread, so I'm just looking for people to defend her, especially from someone who is 'lifelong liberal'. Palin is not even close to being liberal.

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