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Palin is not qualified to be POTUS


The premiere of TLC’s Sarah Palin’s Alaska (Sun, Nov 14, 9-10 p.m. ET/PT) garnered a 3.5 HH rating and delivered 4.96M P2+, 1.8M P25-54, 1.1M W25-54, 1.6M P18-49, 4.7M P18+ and 3.9M P35+, according to Nielsen fast nationals.

Sarah Palin’s Alaska is the #1 program launch in TLC history among HH and P2+ delivery, besting the What Not to Wear series launch in 2003, and posting triple digit rating and delivery gains vs. the prior six week prime average, and the 4Q10 to-date prime average.

5 million viewers........guess nobody cares about her.

5 million viewers........guess nobody cares about her.

The couple people I know who watched it didn't make it through the whole episode. I think there was a big curiosity factor. These are conservative friends of mine btw.
The couple people I know who watched it didn't make it through the whole episode. I think there was a big curiosity factor. These are conservative friends of mine btw.

And a couple million people you know watched the whole episode. There was a big curiosity factor. Their heads exploded. These are liberal progressive marxist friends of yours btw.

They said next episode will see if it goes as good.

I guess it will. If people are willing to watch some of the garbage that they call "reality" nowadays, I am sure she will maintain a healthy audience. She has found her calling.
Nuke option? I don't think it would be needed. She skipped out on her job half way through it because it was inconvenient for her. Her social stances are far right of center. er religious beliefs (speaking in tongues) re way out there for the general public. I a sure there is quite a bit more out there.

She is a liberals wet dream. It's a moot issue. There are quite a few potential candidates out there with far more general appeal and experience than Palin. She has found her niche in politics which is on the side lines giving speeches and rallying the parties core. She has already shown that she is not capable of holding office.

I know someone else not capable of holding office !

Ooppss.................my bad ! He's already holding office !
Murkowski: Palin lacks leadership to be president

JUNEAU, Alaska – Republican U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she doesn't think Sarah Palin has the leadership qualities to be president, nor the "intellectual curiosity" needed to make good policy.​

Lisa Murkowski: Sarah Palin Lacks "Intellectual Curiosity" to be President

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowki told CBS News' Katie Couric today that she would not support Sarah Palin for president because Palin lacks the "leadership qualities" and "intellectual curiosity" to craft great policy.

"You know, she was my governor for two years, for just about two years there, and I don't think that she enjoyed governing," Murkowski said. "I don't think she liked to get down into the policy." The Alaska senator added that she prefers a candidate who "goes to bed at night and wakes up in the morning thinking about how we're going to deal with" important issues.​
Does the 5m include those like me who TiVo'd the episode at a different time?...
Can you imagine what will happen when Palin is elected president? 😱

Man Shoots TV Over Bristol Palin Dancing
Suspect surrendered after 15-hour standoff with Wisconsin cops

Cowan’s wife called police Monday evening to report that her husband had blasted the TV and was threatening to kill himself. Cowan, who had been drinking, became angry while watching Palin, 20, perform on the ABC program.
Told ya!

Sarah Palin Says She Could Beat Obama
In Interview With Barbara Walters, Palin Says She Is Seriously Considering Entering Race in 2012

Linky link
Murkowski: Palin lacks leadership to be president

JUNEAU, Alaska – Republican U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she doesn't think Sarah Palin has the leadership qualities to be president, nor the "intellectual curiosity" needed to make good policy.​

Lisa Murkowski: Sarah Palin Lacks "Intellectual Curiosity" to be President

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowki told CBS News' Katie Couric today that she would not support Sarah Palin for president because Palin lacks the "leadership qualities" and "intellectual curiosity" to craft great policy.

"You know, she was my governor for two years, for just about two years there, and I don't think that she enjoyed governing," Murkowski said. "I don't think she liked to get down into the policy." The Alaska senator added that she prefers a candidate who "goes to bed at night and wakes up in the morning thinking about how we're going to deal with" important issues.​

Must be nice having a father who appoints you to the senate seat he once held.
They said next episode will see if it goes as good.

Ratings Hit: Palin‘s ’Alaska’ May Return for Second Season

Last week’s episode — guest-staring reality TV diva Kate Gosselin and her eight kids — drew more than 3 million viewers for the cable network. “That is more people than are watching Bravo‘s ’Housewives’ series or most other cable shows,” PopEater reports. “For sure the network is doing everything it possibly can to convince Sarah to do another season, but at the end of the day it looks like it will all come down to money.”


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