Natives and blacks received all treatment that women got with the added benefit of being killed whole sale.
Just like the millions of aborted infants who were 'chosen' to be killed because they were inconvenient?
Natives and blacks received all treatment that women got with the added benefit of being killed whole sale.
I will vote for whoever I want and for whatever reason I choose. I have that right as a voter. There's no requirement for me to pick anyone other than who I know in my heart will be the best candidate. That's democracy in action, far from an "abuse of the democratic process."
Why don't we throw out that 19th amendment and let the men of America choose our President.
Keep in mind that black men had the right to vote in this country before any female did.
When did control over ones own body and abortion come into this conversation and what does it have to do with how women have been treated in this country??
The women's movement must be so proud of you. You have set them behind by 50 years and put a rather unintelligent spin on a real issue. Luckily there are millions of women standing opposite you...that feel that the women's movement is a chance to use their brains and get away from impulse decisions based on nothing but stereotypes and outward images. You must be proud.
Are you married to 700IAM? You sound just like him but with longer hair (though I have an image of 700 as Jesus since that is who he pretends to be).
It came because since 1973 people have been voting "pro life" to ban abortions. Most of those years, the candidates they voted for were elected. Yet abortion is still legal. Kinda makes you wonder why they haven't questioned their candidates. Of course, many will vote for McCain because of his "pro life" stance. You know...the guy who said thisWhen did control over ones own body and abortion come into this conversation and what does it have to do with how women have been treated in this country??
8/24/99: "But certainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade, which would then force X number of women in America to [undergo] illegal and dangerous operations."
Slick retreat. But you can't unring your bell.
Besides, we're only talking about the deaths of millions of women each year.....
It came because since 1973 people have been voting "pro life" to ban abortions. Most of those years, the candidates they voted for were elected. Yet abortion is still legal. Kinda makes you wonder why they haven't questioned their candidates. Of course, many will vote for McCain because of his "pro life" stance. You know...the guy who said this
Government should stay out of what is really a personal issue. I enjoy my right to choose.
If Ms Palin has her way, that choice will no longer exist.
I don't believe that for one minute she's going to impose her will on other women...that's just not in the cards.
From Abortion to Sex, the government doesn't tell women what to do, in any way shape or form.
Actually, it's been reported several times that she opposes abortion EVEN in cases of rape or incest. While nobody (not even democrats) are "pro-abortion", that stance is definitely not pro-choice.I don't believe that for one minute she's going to impose her will on other women...that's just not in the cards. The choice between good and evil is one that we all have to make. Eliminating that right interferes with a person's relationship with God and I have trouble believing that.
Personally, i think she's pro-choice but personally pro-life, but no woman wants a government telling her what she can and cannot do with her body. From Abortion to Sex, the government doesn't tell women what to do, in any way shape or form.
I don't believe that for one minute she's going to impose her will on other women...that's just not in the cards.
Personally, i think she's pro-choice but personally pro-life, but no woman wants a government telling her what she can and cannot do with her body. From Abortion to Sex, the government doesn't tell women what to do, in any way shape or form.