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The "I LOVE Sarah Palin" Thread

I know 'bright' is not thinking that it is OK to go to war with Russia over Georgia and the Ukraine.
Yea you're right...let Georgia and any of our few friends left in this world get crushed turning our backs on them. We should pull our head in the shell and live and let live--like Khmer Rouge for just one example.
Above everything else, and she's amply qualified, she's a woman... are you happy now? I'd vote for anyone regardless of party affiliation as long as they're a woman because we look out for each other. With that, and God looking out for us all from Heaven, we have a good chance of surviving this.

It's a woman thing. The men here would not understand.
Above everything else, and she's amply qualified, she's a woman... are you happy now? I'd vote for anyone regardless of party affiliation as long as they're a woman because we look out for each other. With that, and God looking out for us all from Heaven, we have a good chance of surviving this.

It's a woman thing. The men here would not understand.
So you don't care where she stands on the issues? As long as she's a woman, a christian, and has ran a tiny town and a tiny state (no, geographic size does NOT matter), that proves she's knowledgable enough to possibly become the most powerful person in the world.

BTW, what HAS she accomplished (besides winning 2 elections) to show that she's amply qualified?

A woman voting for her just because she's a woman is the exact same thing as:

A black person voting for Obama just becuase he's black
A man NOT voting for Palin because she's a woman
A white person NOT voting for Obama just because he's black
You're wrong. Female transcends racial lines. We're all women and we've got to support our own. You wouldn't know unless you were ever oppressed like women. I thank Jesus for my right to vote every day. God Bless Sarah Palin.
You're wrong. Female transcends racial lines. We're all women and we've got to support our own. You wouldn't know unless you were ever oppressed like women. I thank Jesus for my right to vote every day. God Bless Sarah Palin.

I can only hope you are flame-baiting b/c voting based on race, sex, or anything else that isn't determinant of moral standing and leadership abilities is the most ridiculous and idiotic abuse of the democratic process not to mention your own intelligence. But then again...the people who win the March Madness office pools year in and year out are the ones that choose teams based on how much they like their uniform colors and not on principles or statistics.

You make me so proud to be a part of this democratic process. It is people like you who don't even understand the issues but will vote b/c you like the watch that the candidate is wearing that demean the entire process. Boy would you have been torn if Hillary was running! I mean...after gender, what do you vote based on? Waist size?

God Bless voters who don't understand voting.
....is the most ridiculous and idiotic abuse of the democratic process not to mention your own intelligence....

I will vote for whoever I want and for whatever reason I choose. I have that right as a voter. There's no requirement for me to pick anyone other than who I know in my heart will be the best candidate. That's democracy in action, far from an "abuse of the democratic process."

Why don't we throw out that 19th amendment and let the men of America choose our President.

Keep in mind that black men had the right to vote in this country before any female did.
You're wrong. Female transcends racial lines. We're all women and we've got to support our own. You wouldn't know unless you were ever oppressed like women. I thank Jesus for my right to vote every day. God Bless Sarah Palin.
so black people were never oppressed? hmmm, interesting. Sure, women have been oppressed too. But thankfully Palin might be the VP, and be able to exert her influence over McCain. He's against a woman's right to choose, so surely she will try to get him to change his position. Oh, wait . .

Well, then maybe she'll try to get McCain and Congress to get rid of "don't ask, dont' tell", so that lesbians who want to serve their country in the military AND still live their personal lives. Oh, sorry, wrong again.
I'd vote for Palin if she was the sitting mayor of Wasilla, elected 2 weeks ago...straight out of the PTO. That's how committed I am to this cause.
so black people were never oppressed? hmmm, interesting. Sure, women have been oppressed too. But thankfully Palin might be the VP, and be able to exert her influence over McCain. He's against a woman's right to choose, so surely she will try to get him to change his position. Oh, wait . .

Well, then maybe she'll try to get McCain and Congress to get rid of "don't ask, dont' tell", so that lesbians who want to serve their country in the military AND still live their personal lives. Oh, sorry, wrong again.

Women were oppressed far worse than black people. Women were enslaved as well, except to their husbands. We were prohibited from working, voting, going places without our husbands, etc. The sexism in this country goes far deeper than our racism. The anti-female sentiment of American and, before that, English men existed long before any of them had even seen a black person. What made women's situation worse than slavery was that the men who dominated them did so under the guise of "love" and "family" while brutally raping their wives until they had baby after baby after baby. It wasn't really until the 20th century that women started doing anything outside of the home or really were able to even choose their husbands. The men chose them and made them their personal sex slaves and baby makers. That's just how it was.

Sarah Palin is pro choice. She openly discusses her "choice" to have her special-needs son, Trig. No law had to be in effect for her to choose life. She had a choice. She savored her right to make a choice. And she exercised that right. She participated in the "choice" process and that makes her pro-choice. She may be a person who will always choose life for herself, but she's knee deep in a process that you say she's against.

As for the gays and lesbians in the military, I think the government needs to be out of people's bedrooms and keep all matters above the waist. It's just not anything we need to be consumed with. I know plenty of gays and lesbians. Whether they go to heaven or hell is between them and God...not between them and their country.
Women were oppressed far worse than black people.

How many white women were lynched?

How you can be logical on some matters and so completely back assward on others is beyond my comprehension. By your rational if Imelda Marcos were a naturalized US citizen running for office you would vote for her. How that makes sense in any universe is baffling.
Sarah Palin is pro choice. She openly discusses her "choice" to have her special-needs son, Trig. No law had to be in effect for her to choose life. She had a choice.

That's a very interesting interpretation of choice. Too bad she seems to advocate depriving that choice to others.

BTW, given her beliefs, she did not have a choice ... but you already knew that didn't you?
How many white women were lynched?

How you can be logical on some matters and so completely back assward on others is beyond my comprehension. By your rational if Imelda Marcos were a naturalized US citizen running for office you would vote for her. How that makes sense in any universe is baffling.

I don't think we'll ever know the true death toll of women who were killed by their husbands, but I'm sure it's in the tens of thousands. Back in those days, it was okay to kill your wife for a lot of reasons. Women were seen as second-class citizens. Of course, this was done out back in the shed and not in the town square by Klansmen where everyone can see.

Regarding Imelda Marcos, a naturalized citizen cannot be President in this country. I don't know enough about her other than she was falsely accused of a lot of crimes, allegedly because she's a woman.
I don't think we'll ever know the true death toll of women who were killed by their husbands, but I'm sure it's in the tens of thousands. Back in those days, it was okay to kill your wife for a lot of reasons. Women were seen as second-class citizens. Of course, this was done out back in the shed and not in the town square by Klansmen where everyone can see.

Regarding Imelda Marcos, a naturalized citizen cannot be President in this country. I don't know enough about her other than she was falsely accused of a lot of crimes, allegedly because she's a woman.


The Anti-Lynching Crusaders
The Lynching of Women.

The Anti-Lynching Crusaders are a band of women organized to stop lynching. Their slogan is: "A Million Women United to Stop Lynching." They are trying to raise at least one dollar from every woman united with them and to finish this work on or before January 1st 1923. The reason that they believe this work to be of pressing importance is because of the facts as to lynching which confront every American. First of all, how many people realize that since 1889 eighty-three women are known to have been lynched? The record is as follows:

State Colored White Total
1. Mississippi 14 1 15
2. Texas 8 2 10
3. Alabama 9 - 9
4. Georgia 8 - 8
5. Arkansas 6 1 7
6. South Carolina 6 - 6
7. Louisiana 4 1 5
8. Tennessee 3 2 5
9. Kentucky 2 2 4
10. Oklahoma 2 2 4
11. Florida 3 - 3
12. Missouri 1 1 2
13. North Carolina - 1 1
14. Virginia - 1 1
15. Nebraska - 1 1
16. W. Virginia - 1 1
17. Wyoming - 1 1
I don't think we'll ever know the true death toll of women who were killed by their husbands, but I'm sure it's in the tens of thousands. Back in those days, it was okay to kill your wife for a lot of reasons. Women were seen as second-class citizens. Of course, this was done out back in the shed and not in the town square by Klansmen where everyone can see.

Regarding Imelda Marcos, a naturalized citizen cannot be President in this country. I don't know enough about her other than she was falsely accused of a lot of crimes, allegedly because she's a woman.

Do you have anything, anything at all (I'll even take a Rush Limbaugh source) to back up your WAG? I will be the first to state that women have been screwed over and continue to be screwed over by men. The double standard that exists between men in women is still alive and well. Ms. Clinton has been held to a far different standard than any of her male counter parts. She has been held to a standard that no male in politics could ever hope to meet. However to say that women have been treated worse than Native Americans or blacks is in my opinion utterly with out merit. Natives and blacks received all treatment that women got with the added benefit of being killed whole sale.

As for Imelda Marcos, I meant to write natural born US citizen. Wrongly accused? Really? What as she falsely accused of? Stealing money from the Philippians? Living lavishly of the stolen money while people starved in the streets? Backing her brutal dictator husband?

You definitely do sound like a woman. You can justify damn near any thing can't you?

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