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The "I LOVE Sarah Palin" Thread

So, bringing hope to millions of Americans is condescending?

Can anyone say Cindy McCain?

What county? Cook county IL.?

Yeah, I know you meant "country." Please provide proof that Michelle Obama "hates" this country.

If wanting a better tomorrow for all of us is a sickness, then I'll be happy to spend the next 4 years in an infirmary...


Okay, let me see if I've got this straight... Instead of answering my questions with facts, you trot out a Wiki page about Michael Savage; a man who's made a career out of spewing bile and hate. This would be akin to me trotting out Chairman Mao to espouse the advantages of soial programs.... Not the best way to try and gain credibility for you & your party....
HOPE. You call socialism a form of hope! Even after looking at it's miserable failure world wide where it failed and now they are going democratic---is that what you mean?

Which countries are you referring to that have gone from socialist to democratic? Also, if wanting a government who looks after the interest of the middle class instead of wall street and corporate america then yes I have hope in Obama. It is time that washington pay attention to the people not just those with the most money to lobby congress. Government is not the problem, we need a balance of corporate oversight and smart government.
Oh and I forgot to say that I am afraid that if Sarah Palin ended up in the White House, she would turn out country into a theocracy. I am for freedom of religion and I have no problem with her practicing her religion. However it is very prominant in her public life. Her world veiw is one that bothers me as a citizen of the U.S.. She is too fundementalist for me. Anyone who believes that their belief system is right and everyone elses is wrong should not be in control of the red button. It is very alarming. We need someone who would be reluctant to take us into another war. We are like ROME. We are spreading ourselves too thin with our imperialistic ventures, and now we are so in debt and still borrowing against our future. NO TO MCCAIN, NO TO PALIN!!!!
Oh and I forgot to say that I am afraid that if Sarah Palin ended up in the White House, she would turn out country into a theocracy. I am for freedom of religion and I have no problem with her practicing her religion. However it is very prominant in her public life. Her world veiw is one that bothers me as a citizen of the U.S.. She is too fundementalist for me. Anyone who believes that their belief system is right and everyone elses is wrong should not be in control of the red button. It is very alarming. We need someone who would be reluctant to take us into another war. We are like ROME. We are spreading ourselves too thin with our imperialistic ventures, and now we are so in debt and still borrowing against our future. NO TO MCCAIN, NO TO PALIN!!!!
Yea You're correct...If Jesus Christ---which is her belief system were promoted, well that might
shine the light into your darkness and we can't have that, no sir.

We must honor all religions---here's the problem with that--- whether you believe it or not there are only
TWO belief systems---Believers and nonbelievers.

As far as war...we don't need cowards trying to get along with the devil offering candy bars.
Yea You're correct...If Jesus Christ---which is her belief system were promoted, well that might
shine the light into your darkness and we can't have that, no sir.

We must honor all religions---here's the problem with that--- whether you believe it or not there are only
TWO belief systems---Believers and nonbelievers.

As far as war...we don't need cowards trying to get along with the devil offering candy bars.

Have you even read the bible?

I love Sarah Palin. She's a true Christian and a patriot who is watching out for all Americans. I've never been so proud to be an American. God Bless America!
If she were looking out for all Americans, then she wouldn't be against a woman's right to choose and any person's right to marry whom they want.

Just like the typical republican, she only looks out for thsoe that share her self-righteous morals.

Being Governor of our largest state and mayor of a smaller city is enough experience for me. She can govern at the state and local level and has proven that leadership...that's no different than most of our Presidents, the majority of whom were not Senators but came from the State and Local level to be President.

Umm, yes the "largest state" but 48th in terms of population. What has she done to prove leadership?
Personally, I dont' think "experience" is all that important. Even if it were, what kind of experience is important? A president or VP also doesn't need to be an expert on all of the issues, that's what the advisors are for. However, that person has to have a basic knowledge of those issues. Based on interviews, I have yet to see that with Palin.
I think the choice of Sarah Palin is a refreshing change for the Republican Party. I'm a lifelong Liberal and support Liberal causes. I'm disappointed in the Democratic Party ticket. I don't think they're in it to win it. I don't like Barack Obama and I don't like Joe Biden. They represent institutionalized politicians who seek to return us to a fantasy past that never existed. It's regressive and not PROgressive to vote for them. It's more of the same "We Hate Republicans" kind of democratic disaster that has kept us from standing up to Bush. All talk and no action...proven.

Sarah Palin represents best what our founding fathers intended when the country was founded. We've lost touch with the fact that "career politician" is a relatively new development. The American dream involves a lot of things, but it's well-documented that the intent was to have ordinary people in politics and to be involved in government. It is a government OF the people and BY the people...not just FOR the people. Nowhere does it say that a career in politics is required. Jesse Ventura is a prime example.
How is it progressive to vote for McCain??? Just because Palin is on the ticket? As has been pointed out several times, Palin is not at the top of the ticket. With the exception of Cheney, the VP hasn't had much of a role at all in the government.
You asked a question that was, well as lame as asking Satan if he will repent 🙄

You were being sarcastic. I know, I got it.

The question isn't lame at all. I'd like to know why someone for whom religion is clearly important doesn't follow the tenets set forth in it's "user manual."

If you are anywhere near the man of God that you think you are, you need to re-evaluate your thinking. Hate is not a Christian value. Period.
You were being sarcastic. I know, I got it.

The question isn't lame at all. I'd like to know why someone for whom religion is clearly important doesn't follow the tenets set forth in it's "user manual."

If you are anywhere near the man of God that you think you are, you need to re-evaluate your thinking. Hate is not a Christian value. Period.
For being a worshiper of Satan, which anyone is who doesn't acknowledge the one and only GOD, it makes perfect sense that you feel compelled to look at me or any Christian as snooty. Hate is not what I feel for nonbelievers, pity would be a closer definition.

Inviting The Wrath Of Almighty God

For being a worshiper of Satan, which anyone is who doesn't acknowledge the one and only GOD, it makes perfect sense that you feel compelled to look at me or any Christian as snooty.

Wow. You sure are assumptive. Don't put words in my mouth ever again.

Hate is not what I feel for nonbelievers, pity would be a closer definition.

Strange... I feel the same way about delusional folks like yourself....

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