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The "I LOVE Sarah Palin" Thread

Picking up the pieces from the last eight years is not going to be easy.

Tackling the recession and the health care problem in this country is not easy, and the solutions will not be popular. That said:

You will be shocked at how happy people are in a couple of years (2011) when the economy is back on track and people are working.

They will also be happy with the health care reforms.

Save this post and make me eat it if I am wrong Dude.

Just like the death panel/kill grandma threads....... :lol:


Duh.........it will turn around...Duh....

Technical support issued a warning to congressional staff that the site - - may be slow or unresponsive because of the large volume of e-mail being sent to members. :lol:

You will be shocked at how happy people are in a couple of years :lol:
social security and possibly medicare will be completely drained once "health care for all" is instituted.

with so many job losses and foreclosures still occurring at record levels today, combined with those living here illegally contributing nothing in payroll taxes, there comes a point when something is going to have to give.

if they do eventually have health care for everyone count on social security being drained first or way before it was suppose to run out.. then medicare to a degree but it will probably still be available with some necessary added personal contributions.

they managed to triple the debt, record job losses and proposing those making over 250 thousand will cover the cost for another trillion dollar plus program on top of it all? it is not going to happen unless something goes first...its going to be either one or the other not all these benefits programs that are in place today.

if they are not collecting adequate payroll taxes from everyone.. who is going to receive the "health care" benefit, how is it going to be paid? how is any of it going to be?

the economy back on track in 2 years while an endless spending spree is on going?

not happening.
The increase in spending was a necessary to jolt the economy that was (is) in shambles from the failed economic policies and Iraq war (which before Obama was not counted in deficit numbers) of the last 8 years under GW Bush.

I will not turn this into an economic discussion; suffice to say the a vast majority of economists agreed that the spending was (is) necessary.

The health care plan I have seen that I support and have written my Senator's and Congressman about will be cost neutral.

I have posted the link to it, among others, in this forum.
The increase in spending was necessary to jolt the economy
what it really did.. was put money back into the same people's hands.. who's key decisions created the mess in the first place!

that was (is) in shambles from the failed economic policies and Iraq war (which before Obama was not counted in deficit numbers) of the last 8 years under GW Bush.
the economy just does not fall apart in a period of one administration. we are talking about the near collapse financially of the entire country! that did not start in 2000. it is a series of bad planning and mistakes along the way.. made presently, in the past and prior to 2000.

(you have to know this)

I will not turn this into an economic discussion; suffice to say the a vast majority of economists agreed that the spending was (is) necessary.
regarding to the degree that was put forward and the additional proposals to spend more?

they are wrong-wrong-WRONG!

was it necessary to jolt the economy with some spending, yes I agree with that..but the issue is the continued..they will fix everything by just taking out more loans or spending more money..if all else fails just rely on the good ole middle class taxpayer..(because that 250 thousand dollar crowd is not going to cover what they propose to spend)


its not a complete loss, I mean for goodness sakes the "cash for clunkers" programs seems to have been a huge success.

The health care plan I have seen that I support and have written my Senator's and Congressman about will be cost neutral.
they plan for these things to be "cost neutral" sort of like, it looks good on paper but then in reality ends up a cluster****.

(it is going to end up a complete mess)

I have posted the link to it, among others, in this forum.
I know..
The increase in spending was a necessary to jolt the economy that was (is) in shambles from the failed economic policies and Iraq war (which before Obama was not counted in deficit numbers) of the last 8 years under GW Bush.

I will not turn this into an economic discussion; suffice to say the a vast majority of economists agreed that the spending was (is) necessary.

The health care plan I have seen that I support and have written my Senator's and Congressman about will be cost neutral.

I have posted the link to it, among others, in this forum.

What you infer as to injecting spending to stimulate has been proven to be full of BS.
Some monies have gone to 'shovel ready projects'....but for the most part are and were political payback to a degree that hasn't been seen in many administrations.

Your cherished party, like I said previously is imploding......I expect a radical change in numbers of both houses.....take it to the bank...those clowns you guys and the media vilify every night are actually members of all three voting persuasions and will exact retribution in the next election.

Obama supporting media dissed the 'teabaggers' and now were caught flatfooted for their lack of coverage previously when it morphed into what it has become.

I found this Obama supporter who now has Obama issues.....views quite entertaining....

But who would have thought that the sober, deliberative Barack Obama would have nothing to propose but vague and slippery promises -- or that he would so easily cede the leadership clout of the executive branch to a chaotic, rapacious, solipsistic Congress? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom I used to admire for her smooth aplomb under pressure, has clearly gone off the deep end with her bizarre rants about legitimate town-hall protests by American citizens. She is doing grievous damage to the party and should immediately step down.


One of your Liberal bastions of truth............ :lol:
This is getting to be a classic that will go down in history!!!! Not for the first, "black Prez", but, the first "black Prez to make a complete mockery out of the Constitution! This Administration is imploding, and the walls around the Dumborat houses are closing in.

People........SOCIALISM WILL NEVER GET A FOOT HOLD IN THIS COUNTRY.........EVER!........PERIOD!(complete government, that is) If you left wing, whatever you are, think it better, break away from the Republic, and form your own special Union. Americans, as a whole, are not "Liberal"! Irrigardless of politics, Americans do not like to be told what they can do, and, now finally, starting to really speak out about how their money is being spent. The Lefters of this Country belated Iraq, war, blah.....blah..... It was NEVER an issue with the majority, because the majority of Americans SUPPORTED it.

I digress....GOOD DAY!
This is getting to be a classic that will go down in history!!!! Not for the first, "black Prez", but, the first "black Prez to make a complete mockery out of the Constitution! This Administration is imploding, and the walls around the Dumborat houses are closing in.
You are in the minority.

That is why you are not cheering on a Republican President, House, or Senate.
That is why you are not cheering on a Republican President, House, or Senate.

Not now, but if this prez keeps on doing what he is now it won't be long. The silent majority is starting to speak and the independents are starting to see the big picture.
If you left wing, whatever you are, think it better, break away from the Republic, and form your own special Union. Americans, as a whole, are not "Liberal"!

Maybe we could give the libs their own section of the country where they can do all the social experiments they want. Maybe then they would realize it doesn't work. I wonder which area would be good to let them have?
Then please explain to the rest of us how to fix the system. Please explain how to fix a system that causes someone who has no insurance and a life threatening illness can go abroad to Asia or Europe, get superior care and a vacation for substantially less than the same procedure with poorer care here in the US. Explain to me why my mother was able to get outstanding care in Berlin for under $5k when the same care was not even offered here in the US much less for anything even close to the amount my mother paid.

This country is reactive rather than proactive. Had various companies and unions looked at the writing on the wall back in the 70's and actually done something about it they would not be in the mess they are in now. Had the medical industry actually looked at the writing on the wall and actually gave a damn about the well being of the people they would have fixed their own industry. The thing is, the auto industry did not read the writing on the wall much less anything else. The stayed the course right over the cliff and now the country took a drastic knee jerk reaction. The medical industry did not do a damn thing to make health care more affordable to to make sure that everyone in this country has access to care regardless of their ability to pay. So now since the system is broken, drastic knee jerk reactions are going to be taken. Now since these actions are going to be taken, they are all saying "wait wait. We can fix it our selves." Yea right. You have been given that chance and did nothing.

Some aspects of US medical care are the best in the world. Others are pathetically embarrassing. As most things in this country, if you have money, you are fine. You can get the best care your money can buy. Those that are not financially set and with good insurance are screwed. How many times have we seen reports of someone in a county hospital keeling over because they were in the waiting room for 9 hours? How many times have we seen and elderly person get shoved out of a car on a corner to fend for them selves? How many times does it happen and we don't even hear of it? How many times does it happen tot he likes of Bill Gates or Donald Trump? Financial status should not be the determining factor of life and death.

I have a job and health insurance yet my hernia operation still cost me over $3k. I cannot afford that. At least not right now. And I know I am doing a whole lot better than most in my position. IMO, that is not right. The free market has not worked. All the free market has done is drive the cost of a simple day surgery for a hernia repair up to well over $15k. That is 3 times the cost of an elbow surgery with 3 plates, 10 screws, 11 days in the hospital, 11 days of physical therapy and IV drugs in Berlin. The US is not in the top 10 in infant mortality, life expectancy or over all quality of care.

Since the companies did not do their job, the people are doing it for them. The difference now is that the people are no longer listening to the BS that the lobbyists are pedaling. People have realized that they are trying to save their own butts and have no concern for the welfare of the people. Whether or not the new direction is the right one I do not know. But may be this will start us on the track to fixing it. So far, no one else has come up with a better idea.
Gar........I'd say if someone here doesn't have health insurance and they can go to another country and pay to get care and go on vacation....they got enough money to get insurance here.

The difference here is if you're old and have a life threatening issue you will get care and most likely survive.......try the same in Europe or Britain.

Obama wants that changed and call it what you wish through smoke and mirrors he will do it.
He lies everytime he opens his mouth..........trust these progressives with your life and health?
I think not.

Everyone thinks they will get 'free' healthcare....that's the farthest thing from the truth.
There's provisions to tap into your bank account.There's provisions to make the 18-30 crowd pay whether or not they want to.

The goverment can't run VA or Medicare and you think they can solve this?

This is who you should be watching....

They wrote the stimulus bill and the healthcare act......
Your gov't farms out its legislation.....
Gar........I'd say if someone here doesn't have health insurance and they can go to another country and pay to get care and go on vacation....they got enough money to get insurance here.

The difference here is if you're old and have a life threatening issue you will get care and most likely survive.......try the same in Europe or Britain.

Obama wants that changed and call it what you wish through smoke and mirrors he will do it.
He lies everytime he opens his mouth..........trust these progressives with your life and health?
I think not.

Everyone thinks they will get 'free' healthcare....that's the farthest thing from the truth.
There's provisions to tap into your bank account.There's provisions to make the 18-30 crowd pay whether or not they want to.

The goverment can't run VA or Medicare and you think they can solve this?

This is who you should be watching....

They wrote the stimulus bill and the healthcare act......
Your gov't farms out its legislation.....

No, that's not usually how it works and it does not reflect the stories I have heard. The way I see it happening is just like in my case. I do not have the the cash for health insurance when I was between jobs. Hoped to hell I would stay OK till I did get coverage. For those who were not so lucky they go to the doc for X and find out it will cost them $30k. Definitely don't have that kind of cash. Need the surgery or I might die... what do I do. Hmmm. I can go to Singapore and have the same operation by a doctor trained in the US for 1/4 the cost. Yea there are risks but I have no choice.

No dell nothing is free. But I wold rather the cost get distributed out over a large population than be on the hook for it my self. We al pay for the crappy health care we get now as it is. Hospitals are being used as doctors offices. Maladies that could have been treated for $10 are now being treated for 5 times that.

There is no reason everyone should not be able to have access to health care regardless of financial status. Don't like the current deas, fine. I'm not thrilled with them either but I do not see anyone coming up with a better idea.
There's provisions to tap into your bank account.

Here we go again.

Show me where it says in any of the proposals that they can tap into your bank account without your approval.

Please do not provide a link to some blog post rant. Show me the actual part of any of the proposals that says this.
No, that's not usually how it works and it does not reflect the stories I have heard. The way I see it happening is just like in my case. I do not have the the cash for health insurance when I was between jobs. Hoped to hell I would stay OK till I did get coverage. For those who were not so lucky they go to the doc for X and find out it will cost them $30k. Definitely don't have that kind of cash. Need the surgery or I might die... what do I do. Hmmm. I can go to Singapore and have the same operation by a doctor trained in the US for 1/4 the cost. Yea there are risks but I have no choice.

No dell nothing is free. But I wold rather the cost get distributed out over a large population than be on the hook for it my self. We al pay for the crappy health care we get now as it is. Hospitals are being used as doctors offices. Maladies that could have been treated for $10 are now being treated for 5 times that.

There is no reason everyone should not be able to have access to health care regardless of financial status. Don't like the current deas, fine. I'm not thrilled with them either but I do not see anyone coming up with a better idea.
Crappy health care? Not sure where you live, but the care I always have gotten has been top notch. A few years ago went into for a benign tumor surgery, over all bill to insurance was about 250K, my copay was $100. Blue Cross HMO and went with the top surgeons at UCLA medical center. Crappy health care? I think not.
since when has the government fixed anything? social security? medicare? welfare? housing? so.. why is it that some are determined they are going to fix health care?

covering of this health care bill means that basically the American taxpayer will be made...

financially responsible and given the bill of any person, be that they are here legally or illegally, or just happens to wander across the border and claim benefits.

don't worry yourselves one bit, this is more than likely going to pass and when it does take effect in about 3 years there probably wont be enough money to finance that great idea..why?

unemployment keeps growing, foreclosures are still at record highs...who is going to pay for this? while unemployment numbers keeps growing and the country in standing in the unemployment line, who is going to fund it? oh yeah, they can just take out another trillion dollar loan and send the bill to the taxpayer via payroll taxes., why not, they already tripled the debt! (that is probably exactly what is going to happen...you know stimulus part 2, then stimulus part 3, oh yeah just keep racking up the debt..) when the taxpayer cannot cover it, just watch...they will be up there pleading their case for another trillion or so to cover this one too..

they also promised not to cut benefits or raise taxes on anyone making less than..250 thousand a year..do you think that is going to happen, that the bill is going to be sent only to the 250 thousand dollar crowd?.. words are meaningless to these people, they will say anything to anyone that they need to even if they contradict themselves. he has also promised not to cut medicare benefits(they are probably not going to be cut just people are going to have to cover more of it themselves) or raise taxes on anyone making less than 250 thousands a year (if anyone really believes that...well..)

the "economy" has not even been repaired, yet they are attempting to create another quick fix by resolving this health care crisis.

are those here illegally going to be covered? if that is the case and when this becomes a reality, you are going to see a major shift come 2012 when the American taxpayer is sent the bill for health care.

when it passes, just remember when it plays out not as expected, it is what you wanted..
So do you also advocate privatizing the USPS and the military? After al, the US gov't can't do anything right? While the gov't may not be the jack of all trades, they can do some things better than private industry can. Given the colossal mess that insurance/hospitals/lawyers and doctors have made with the current system, let's try something different.

What's your idea to fix it?

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