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The "I LOVE Sarah Palin" Thread


All the ones that voted for McCain/Palin.
You mean all the ones (disappointed with change they didnt want, and zero hope) that voted for Obambi/Biden.
You mean all the ones (disappointed with change they didnt want, and zero hope) that voted for Obambi/Biden.

What Nobama and Joe "Paying More Taxes is Your Patriotic Duty" Biden failed to mention, was that these 600,000 jobs were PART TIME SUMMER JOBS ! :blink:
Palin's oversight of health care in Alaska.

Full story here.

State programs intended to help disabled and elderly Alaskans with daily life -- taking a bath, eating dinner, getting to the bathroom -- are so poorly managed, the state cannot assure the health and well-being of the people they are supposed to serve, a new federal review found...

A particularly alarming finding concerns deaths of adults in the programs. In one 2 1/2 year stretch, 227 adults already getting services died while waiting for a nurse to reassess their needs. Another 27 died waiting for their initial assessment, to see if they qualified for help.

Sounds like Sarah already had her own death panel in Alaska.
Funny how you from the left have to keep assassinating Her character forever more.....must be a fear'n of the Lady.....2012 :up:
Funny how you from the left have to keep assassinating Her character forever more.....must be a fear'n of the Lady.....2012 :up:
The reason I brought her up is because she came out again today with her take on the health care reform debate.

I did not assassinate her character. I posted her policy failure in the state from which she Governed, and quit.

As for her running in 2012; the only way that will happen is if the Republican party throws her out there as a sacrifice, knowing the race is lost. Her being the nominee would virtually guarantee another term for a Democratic President.
The reason I brought her up is because she came out again today with her take on the health care reform debate.

I did not assassinate her character. I posted her policy failure in the state from which she Governed, and quit.

As for her running in 2012; the only way that will happen is if the Republican party throws her out there as a sacrifice, knowing the race is lost. Her being the nominee would virtually guarantee another term for a Democratic President.

Your party is imploding daily....I'll be truly surprised if Obama survives.
Your party is imploding daily....I'll be truly surprised if Obama survives.
Picking up the pieces from the last eight years is not going to be easy.

Tackling the recession and the health care problem in this country is not easy, and the solutions will not be popular. That said:

You will be shocked at how happy people are in a couple of years (2011) when the economy is back on track and people are working.

They will also be happy with the health care reforms.

Save this post and make me eat it if I am wrong Dude.
Picking up the pieces from the last eight years is not going to be easy.

Tackling the recession and the health care problem in this country is not easy, and the solutions will not be popular. That said:

You will be shocked at how happy people are in a couple of years (2011) when the economy is back on track and people are working.

They will also be happy with the health care reforms.

Save this post and make me eat it if I am wrong Dude.

Putting the peices back together after the next 4 years is going to be the real problem if Nobama succeeds, which his chances are dwindling day by day, in creating his utopia of a socialistic society in the U.S. !

Health care reform needs to take place , but I'll be damn if the government needs to be in charge of it !
Health care reform needs to take place , but
social security and possibly medicare will be completely drained once "health care for all" is instituted.

with so many job losses and foreclosures still occurring at record levels today, combined with those living here illegally contributing nothing in payroll taxes, there comes a point when something is going to have to give.

if they do eventually have health care for everyone count on social security being drained first or way before it was suppose to run out.. then medicare to a degree but it will probably still be available with some necessary added personal contributions.

they managed to triple the debt, record job losses and proposing those making over 250 thousand will cover the cost for another trillion dollar plus program on top of it all? it is not going to happen unless something goes first...its going to be either one or the other not all these benefits programs that are in place today.

if they are not collecting adequate payroll taxes from everyone.. who is going to receive the "health care" benefit, how is it going to be paid? how is any of it going to be?

the economy back on track in 2 years while an endless spending spree is on going?

not happening.
I love Sarah Palin. She's a true Christian and a patriot who is watching out for all Americans. I've never been so proud to be an American. God Bless America!
Thank You.

If others would attempt to see past a political agenda or trying to label her something she is not, you can clearly see she is a great American.

I respected her then and now.
Picking up the pieces from the last eight years is not going to be easy.

Tackling the recession and the health care problem in this country is not easy, and the solutions will not be popular. That said:

You will be shocked at how happy people are in a couple of years (2011) when the economy is back on track and people are working.

They will also be happy with the health care reforms.

Save this post and make me eat it if I am wrong Dude.

Sadly you bought into the Saul Alinsky mantra and don't even realize it.....


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