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The "I LOVE Sarah Palin" Thread

Will this train wreck ever stop? Every time you think it's finally over, someone opens their mouth to utter some gem of ignorance.

Bristol and Johnson open their mouth ...Again....

Sarah keeps asking people to leave her kids alone yet her daughter and former son-in-law to be keep giving interviews.

Those darn democrats better not dare talk about Palin's family, either. They wish to keep their family life private. 🙄
They can try and twist that family any way they choose, run her and you can guarantee a win for the dems again. Poll after poll show that the younger voters are socially liberal and fiscally conservative, none of which at the current moment match the RNC.
They can try and twist that family any way they choose, run her and you can guarantee a win for the dems again. Poll after poll show that the younger voters are socially liberal and fiscally conservative, none of which at the current moment match the RNC.
And don't forget all the fraudulent votes from ACORN to throw into that mix as well. :lol:
They can try and twist that family any way they choose, run her and you can guarantee a win for the dems again. Poll after poll show that the younger voters are socially liberal and fiscally conservative, none of which at the current moment match the RNC.

Why then...this early out...are the lefties still trying to put Sarah down?

Because they fear her Conservatism..... :up:

When GOP stand by their Conservative principles.....they win.

When they don't you get an Obama administration.

I m not sure what conservatism or liberalism is and I have no idea is scared of whom. I do believe that the reason Palin and her family have a big target on them is do to the fact that they are perceived as hypocrites. Palin promotes abstinence only yet her daughter and more than likely Sarah her self were knocked up before they got married. Bristol 3 months ago said that abstinence is not realistic and now she is all of a sudden on the abstinence wagon. Why? I suspect a rebranding so mom can run for office in 2010/12. Not sure how many people believe them any more. I for one was not very surprised when the marriage was called off after the election. I am surprised that it dd not get more media attention. My suspicion is that the wedding was never going to happen. It was promoted prior to the election because that sold better to the conservative base. I also suspect that win or loose, Bristol was never getting married to Levi. No way to prove it but it would not surprise me, especially given the way the relationship has gone from all cozy and loving to combative in a few months. Seems very odd to me.

The parties will always take shots at each other. If a candidate screws up, it's game on. The Palin family is an accident on the side of the freeway. Everyone will look as they drive by. She may be good for the base. The Limbaughs and Coulters love her. Palin is conservative, religious... etc. The moderates are not interested in that. The polls are showing that people, especially the younger generations are socially liberal.

Pick a side of an issue and stick with it. If you change your mind, you need to have a good explanation as to why you did so. I was for abstinence before I was against it does not work. Ask Kerry. I think that is one of the biggest problems McCain had. People liked the moderate, thoughtful 2000 McCain. The 2008 McCain changed his stance on so many issues with out much of an explanation.

The Republicans pounded the Dems back in the mid 90's when Newt took Congress, now the pendulum has swung.
Say what you wish but if they weren't perceived as a future threat it would go away.

Case in point...Ms California.....gays just love her.

The opposition is always a threat. Both sides do it. Lately the republicans have had to take a beating over the likes of Folley, Haggard, Coulter, Limbaugh and a few others. I am sure at some point the pendulum will swing back. But to argue that the dems are afraid of the repub' and not vice versa is a bit myopic IMO. It's part of the process to beat yuour opponent. Politics is a few steps below the WWF and street fighting.
In case anyone cares, I hear tonight Sarah Palin is being interviewed tonight. I heard she is giving us a big "I told ya so"........................
In case anyone cares, I hear tonight Sarah Palin is being interviewed tonight. I heard she is giving us a big "I told ya so"........................
Funny...everyone is saying that now! :huh:

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