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The "I LOVE Sarah Palin" Thread

Being glad/wishing someone is dead = ridiculing someones thought process.

If you think those are equal sentiments you have serious issues, but I repeat my self.
Being glad/wishing someone is dead = ridiculing someones thought process.

If you think those are equal sentiments you have serious issues, but I repeat my self.

Ahh, gotta love the liberal (hypocrisy) reasoning.

However gotta love the irony in the event of his passing. King of pork barrel spending died as the result of being gutted (like a pig) lol.

Congressman: Murtha Died After Intestine Was Damaged in Surgery
Source: http://tinyurl.com/yach845
Hypocrisy is the ONLY Bi Partisan Activity currently undertaken by the Republicans & Democrats.

If we were living in Biblical times our Congress Persons would be the Money Lenaers and the Halls Of Congress the Temple and those of us who cling to our guns and religion know how that story turned out.
Gotta love the class coming out off the White House. It doesn't matter who is being targeted, this sort of mocking is unbecoming and displays a juvenile mindset on the part of the press secretary that does not reflect well on the president. Robert Gibbs is an immature, cartoonish buffoon.


Keep it up!
Love the way the Liberal Left jump on Palin for a few words scribbled on her hand, while "The Annointed One" will only address the public via his teleprompter..............word for word !
Thank you for the insightful post. We can all take much from your wisdom.

Can't begin to tell you how much that means to me................................coming from you !

Sarah Palin shamelessly uses the tragic events of 9-11 to fund raise.

She even put the Sarahpac logo on the bottom right hand corner of the photo.

"NEW YORK — A New Jersey-based newspaper publisher is suing Sarah Palin and her political action committee for copyright infringement over the use of an iconic Sept. 11 photograph.
A lawsuit filed Friday in Manhattan federal court by North Jersey Media Group Inc. says Palin's SarahPAC posted a copy of the photo on its website and Facebook page without permission."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/09/sarah-palin-pac-september-11-photo-lawsuit-96796.html#ixzz2esuu3zR4
I'm sure that God will strike down the North Jersey Media Group long before their Communist-inspired, pinko-liberal Democrat lawsuit comes to trial.

Sarah Palin shamelessly uses the tragic events of 9-11 to fund raise.

She even put the Sarahpac logo on the bottom right hand corner of the photo.

"NEW YORK — A New Jersey-based newspaper publisher is suing Sarah Palin and her political action committee for copyright infringement over the use of an iconic Sept. 11 photograph.
A lawsuit filed Friday in Manhattan federal court by North Jersey Media Group Inc. says Palin's SarahPAC posted a copy of the photo on its website and Facebook page without permission."

Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz2esuu3zR4
Most of us already know Palin is a nut case.
B) xUT
I sometimes wonder how many know she is crazy. Jackson, Sharpton, Palin, Limbaugh.... all have a large following. There are way to many people who think these folks actuall know what they are talking about and should be in possitions of power.

My fear is that their followers are larger in numbers than we would like to believe.

It's called "tell 'em what they wanna' hear", and do it in a compelling, entertaining way.

It doesn't matter what you say, it's all in how you say it.

They teach that in "divinity" school, seminaries, and Dale Carnegie, (etc. )
Or, as the title and opening line of the opening song in the musical, "Barnum", says, "There's a sucker born every minute."

It's called "tell 'em what they wanna' hear", and do it in a compelling, entertaining way.

It doesn't matter what you say, it's all in how you say it.

They teach that in "divinity" school, seminaries, and Dale Carnegie, (etc. )

Sounds a lot like your talking about Putin's current Beyatch!

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