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The "I LOVE Sarah Palin" Thread

If this bill passes then millions more people will be going to the doctor that did not used to go but I don't hear anything about getting more doctors. More patients for the same amount of doctors could be a problem. What do you think that will bring? Long wait time? Rationing?

that the bill is going to be sent only to the 250 thousand dollar crowd?..

There are most likely a few doctors that make over 250K so what do you think could happen when their taxes go up? They may just have to cut back on their staffing or offices. How do you think that will affect the millions of extra patients?
well if "the colossal mess that insurance/hospitals/lawyers and doctors have made with the current system" is the problem and...

...if that is the problem, maybe focus on the real issue...them.

and that would not include sending the taxpayer the bill!
If this bill passes then millions more people will be going to the doctor that did not used to go but I don't hear anything about getting more doctors. More patients for the same amount of doctors could be a problem. What do you think that will bring? Long wait time? Rationing?
well if you are sick on a Friday, expect to the see the Doctor in about a month from that day.

(the wait lines for the ER will probably be out the wazoo when everyone has their free medical cards in hand)

There are most likely a few doctors that make over 250K so what do you think could happen when their taxes go up?
their taxes will not go up, somehow they will end up making $249,999.99 for the year!

They may just have to cut back on their staffing or offices. How do you think that will affect the millions of extra patients?
well there will always be the free clinic, right? (never mind the two month wait though)
well if "the colossal mess that insurance/hospitals/lawyers and doctors have made with the current system" is the problem and...

...if that is the problem, maybe focus on the real issue...them.

and that would not include sending the taxpayer the bill!

Tax payers pay for everything. That's the only way it works. The issue for me is whether or not I get my monies worth.

Insurance companies and hospitals are private 'for profit' entities. They are profiting off of those who need care. A non-insured person will be billed several times the amount than an insured person. Insurance companies will gladly take your money but will kick you to the curb if you make a claim. Doctors can screw up and are reviewed behind closed doors by their peers. Companies are always going to act in their self interest to preserve them selves. To think that they can honestly police them selves I believe is to believe in tooth fairies and Santa Clause.

I was thinking of perhaps placing a cap on the amount of profit they can keep. Place an incentive for doctor and nurses such as tuition reimbursement, school grants for kids, longer vacations or ... ???? We need to open up clinics all over the place. Care Now is great if you can afford $100 a pop plus treatment costs. There need to be free clinics where people can go when they are sick. Those who abuse it serve community service (may be even in the clinic). You want to become a doctor or nurse, come on down. The US will pay for it, every dime but you in turn own the country 5 or 10 years of service in a county hospital or clinic. You will get paid a fair wage but you will also be paying back the folks who paid for your education. I am sure there are ways to do this. Countries all over the world have managed to provide universal health care that in many ways are far superior to ours. I fail to see why we can not do it as well.
their taxes will not go up, somehow they will end up making $249,999.99 for the year!

Or they may just quit or retire. Who would want to work that hard and pay more taxes. Trust me, there are probably many doctors that are set financially and can just leave.

well there will always be the free clinic, right? (never mind the two month wait though)

Free? Nothing is free..........................
What about those people here in the US who have no insurance and have no clinic to go to? I guess they should be happy that they don't have to wait in line for two months huh? I guess they can go to county hospital and hope they don't die in the waiting room or that they are just sick enough to get seen quickly but not sick enough so that they die. Great options.
Free? Nothing is free..........................
oh yeah? if you dont have to pay for something like health care.. while someone else does, what does that make it?

clarification, it will be free for those who depend on someone else paying for it.
Here we go again.

Show me where it says in any of the proposals that they can tap into your bank account without your approval.

Please do not provide a link to some blog post rant. Show me the actual part of any of the proposals that says this.

There is only one proposal in finalized form at this time ready for vote and that is the House version.

Your boy lives by the blog Pal........NYT reports off blogs.....

You choose not to see the issues......spoon feed yourself my friend.

Hope you're hungry....
There is only one proposal in finalized form at this time ready for vote and that is the House version.

Your boy lives by the blog Pal........NYT reports off blogs.....

You choose not to see the issues......spoon feed yourself my friend.

Hope you're hungry....
Nothing in the bill says anything about anyone being able to get into anyone's bank account.

Try again.
Here we go again.

Show me where it says in any of the proposals that they can tap into your bank account without your approval.

Please do not provide a link to some blog post rant. Show me the actual part of any of the proposals that says this.

You realize IRS is in the middle of this don't you? They don't seize funds do they?

Pg 59 HR3200

‘‘© enable electronic funds transfers, in
22 order to allow automated reconciliation with the
23 related health care payment and remittance advice
You realize IRS is in the middle of this don't you? They don't seize funds do they?
The quote you provided refers to allowing electronic transfers from plan administrators to heath care providers.

In your world that translates into "tapping into your bank account?"

Quite a stretch there dude.

Why must you continue to embellish and misrepresent what is in black and white?

Of course the IRS is involved. They collect taxes. Taxes pay for Medicare/Medicaid, hospital subsidies for indigent care, etc...

You translate that into ----> the IRS is coming to seize my funds in this health care reform.

Geez. 🙄
The quote you provided refers to allowing electronic transfers from plan administrators to heath care providers.

In your world that translates into "tapping into your bank account?"

Quite a stretch there dude.

Why must you continue to embellish and misrepresent what is in black and white?

Of course the IRS is involved. They collect taxes. Taxes pay for Medicare/Medicaid, hospital subsidies for indigent care, etc...

You translate that into ----> the IRS is coming to seize my funds in this health care reform.

Geez. 🙄

You better look again.....its also about financial transactions of which copay amounts are a part.

enable the real-time (or near real
time) determination of an individual’s financial
responsibility at the point of service

And bingo...press of the key and we can EFT it Mr.Obama..... 😱

Obviously you overlooked this part............ 🙄
‘‘(F) provide for timely acknowledgment,
response, and status reporting applicable to any
electronic transaction deemed appropriate by
the Secretary

This too.............. :shock:
You better look again.....its also about financial transactions of which copay amounts are a part.

And bingo...press of the key and we can EFT it Mr.Obama..... 😱

Obviously you overlooked this part............ 🙄
So the legislation allows for EFT's.

Guess what. The last time I paid a copay, I did it with a debit card (That is an EFT you know).

What part of that allows them to tap into your bank account and take funds without your consent?

Go back to your talking points list and try another. That one was too easy.

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