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The "I LOVE Sarah Palin" Thread

So the legislation allows for EFT's.

Guess what. The last time I paid a copay, I did it with a debit card (That is an EFT you know).

What part of that allows them to tap into your bank account and take funds without your consent?

Go back to your talking points list and try another. That one was too easy.

Now you're twisting and turning...... :lol:

electronic transaction deemed appropriate by
the Secretary;

Praise Obama......
Now you're twisting and turning...... :lol:

electronic transaction deemed appropriate by
the Secretary;

Praise Obama......
I filled in the part you left out. You still have not shown where it says they can tap into your account without your consent, and you will not, because it is not there, and you know it is not.


(F) provide for timely acknowledgment, response, and status reporting applicable to any
electronic transaction deemed appropriate by the Secretary;

your translation ----> they are going to tap into your bank account and take your money.

Now. Move on to the next talking point.
I filled in the part you left out. You still have not shown where it says they can tap into your account without your consent, and you will not, because it is not there, and you know it is not.


(F) provide for timely acknowledgment, response, and status reporting applicable to any
electronic transaction deemed appropriate by the Secretary;

your translation ----> they are going to tap into your bank account and take your money.

Now. Move on to the next talking point.

Quite self explanatory...........financial and administrative transactions..(copay among other things)....keywording:

applicable to any
electronic transaction deemed appropriate by the Secretary;

If this isn't a door wide enough to fly a '74 through I don't know..... :huh:


Praise Obama.......... :up:
They are only going to pay more taxes if they make more money. Either way they are ahead.

Just another one of those, "Take from the people who have earned it and give it to the people who haven't!"

How socialistic of you ! :down:
Paying taxes is socialistic now? When did that happen?

If your making $250,000 a year and Big Brother wants to tax you more , so they can dole out goods and services to someone making less than $250,000..............yes , that is socialistic !

All depends on what your doing with said collected taxes !
If your making $250,000 a year and Big Brother wants to tax you more , so they can dole out goods and services to someone making less than $250,000..............yes , that is socialistic !

All depends on what your doing with said collected taxes !

Comrade.............from Brother Marx.....this is the way we should see taxation:

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.
From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.
that is the basis of socialism and communism and that is exactly what appears they are trying to start one program at a time.

it would be a good thing if some would simply just step back and view the whole situation with an open mind..

in a situation like that what happens simply is eventually something gives...the ones everyone is dependant on (the rich folks)..well that group eventually shrinks and as everyones needs continues to grow, the result is everyone is impoverished..


when the 250 thousand dollar crowd cant cover the "needs" then its down to the 100 thousand dollar crowd, then when they cannot cover it...it further dwindles down to the 75 thousand crowd, to the 50 fifty thousand crowd, to everyone is in need and everyone is in the poor house because there is no one to fall back on.. its a steady decline to a third world country with a few at the top running the whole show..

clearly this is the direction some are foolishly accepting without thinking completely through..

(and then blaming another administration to justify it all going forward)

it will not work.

(those who are living in reality understand that)
Dignity wrote:
It would be a good thing if some would simply just step back and view the whole situation with an open mind..

Some do but when they do the Progressive Left uses these rules to destroy:

From Saul Alinsky's playbook:

Rule 1: Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do.

Rule 2: Never go outside the experience of your people.
The result is confusion, fear, and retreat.

Rule 3: Whenever possible, go outside the experience of an opponent. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat.

Rule 4: Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. “You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.â€

Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

Rule 6: A good tactic is one your people enjoy. “If your people aren’t having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic.â€

Rule 7: A tactic that drags on for too long becomes a drag. Commitment may become ritualistic as people turn to other issues.

Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for your purpose. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this that will cause the opposition to react to your advantage.â€

Rule 9: The threat is more terrifying than the thing itself. When Alinsky leaked word that large numbers of poor people were going to tie up the washrooms of O’Hare Airport, Chicago city authorities quickly agreed to act on a longstanding commitment to a ghetto organization. They imagined the mayhem as thousands of passengers poured off airplanes to discover every washroom occupied. Then they imagined the international embarrassment and the damage to the city’s reputation.

Rule 10: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Avoid being trapped by an opponent or an interviewer who says, “Okay, what would you do?â€

Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.
people are entitled to their beliefs, that is all well and good..they should form a commune or their own club and finance their own ideas themselves!

without always sticking the bill onto the taxpayers as the quick fix!

(that generally doesnt end up working in the first place)

how many more mistakes will it take for some to finanally understand?

the tax payer cannot solve the worlds problems!

and simply the tax payer is not going to be able to fix "health care".

(if collecting more taxes was the ultimate solution, we would have never had any problems in the first place)

what about all these charities that we donate money to? do they not help anyone at all in medical situations? of course they do.

what about all the money we send overseas to everyone else? maybe before sending millions to billions out to everyone else, at least.. ask them for some help, I mean for goodness sakes maybe its their time to do so, as they have most of our money? if we are in such a mess, at least ask!

or how about holding off sending all that money overseas until the country gets their house in order here first!

if a society is created that is completely dependant on someone else..

it will always be that way.
This womans lack of intelligence knows no bounds. She is complaining (justifiably so IMO) about the national debt but she is advocating war with Iran. Does she know that war is not free (at least not the way GWB or RR conduct them)? Does she know that Iraq is running over $1,000,000,000,000 a year?

She wants lower taxes but she want's to start a 3rd war? Come on people. Is this the future of the RNC? Is there nothing better?
This womans lack of intelligence knows no bounds. She is complaining (justifiably so IMO) about the national debt but she is advocating war with Iran. Does she know that war is not free (at least not the way GWB or RR conduct them)? Does she know that Iraq is running over $1,000,000,000,000 a year?

She wants lower taxes but she want's to start a 3rd war? Come on people. Is this the future of the RNC? Is there nothing better?

She's .........."as SOFT as Church Music" !! :mf_boff:
Funny yet typical those that cry foul over the besmirching of a dead and bloated pork barrel senator, yet think its acceptable to do the same of Palin. The liberal hypocrisy is never ending and is enough to make me vomit.

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