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Teamsters "raiding" TWU?

UAL AMT's don't have love for the Teamsters

To ORD Mechanic and Related:
The Grievance Committee here in Chicago is extremely embarrassed of the current survey put out by the IBT National Airline Division. Although we have little control of their actions we do have input in the direction of our membership. We have always said we would not recommend a “Yes or No” for any votes; however with the magnitude of this survey and our future we are compelled to respond accordingly.
Survey Question numbers
#1. thru #6. – one should answer as applicable.
#7. thru #10.- We will be answering absolutely positively “Hell NO”
#7. Will tie us up in the court system for years, #8. thru #10. Is obvious “protect our seniority”
We will continue to voice our opinions to the National; however I find no harm in everyone contacting the National and voicing your personal concerns.
The survey link is in the mechanics dispatch and we will have it posted on the Website.
Please stay focused and Strong.

The ORD Grievance Committee.
UAL is in the process of merging mechanic seniority lists as a result of the merger between CAL UAL and CMI. The Teamsters are attempting to involve the entire membership in this important process. Because of past law suit decisions placed on United Airlines from a Federal District Court of Appeals Judge in 1976, there may be little option to the mechanics other than date of hire for the purposes of lay off and recall seniority.

Should the members choose to challenge the existing court ordered Consent Decree (date of hire), it is a very certain possibility that years could be added to the ongoing negotiations. The IBT has created this survey to know the true opinion and direction of it's members. Of course, some will be in favor of other than date of hire, others will not. The above post by TWU Informer is an example of one of those opinions. We will have the overall opinion in a few days, and I for one am OK with the choice of the IBT to poll all members.
UAL is in the process of merging mechanic seniority lists as a result of the merger between CAL UAL and CMI. The Teamsters are attempting to involve the entire membership in this important process. Because of past law suit decisions placed on United Airlines from a Federal District Court of Appeals Judge in 1976, there may be little option to the mechanics other than date of hire for the purposes of lay off and recall seniority.

Should the members choose to challenge the existing court ordered Consent Decree (date of hire), it is a very certain possibility that years could be added to the ongoing negotiations. The IBT has created this survey to know the true opinion and direction of it's members. Of course, some will be in favor of other than date of hire, others will not. The above post by TWU Informer is an example of one of those opinions. We will have the overall opinion in a few days, and I for one am OK with the choice of the IBT to poll all members.


"The Grievance Committee here in Chicago is extremely embarrassed of the current survey put out by the IBT National Airline Division."
The Grievance Committee here in Chicago is extremely embarrassed of the current survey put out by the IBT National Airline Division.

Yes they are. The Chicago Committee (UAL Mechanics) disagree with the position of others and are embarrassed that this subject is still an issue. I am too. But at the same time, I do not disagree with the decision to poll the membership for the overall opinions. I find this to be a good thing.
Not bragging just setting you straight. SWA is not outsourcing more now than they have before, it's still the same range. Correcting your previous statement, as I have to do with you, Anomaly and Realityck. 3 peas in a pod.
So I am glad you admit that WN outsources more than anyone. And they do outsource more than before, going from 4.0 to 2.9 AMTs per aircraft even though WN has grown and its aircraft are getting older means you ARE outsourcing more work.
On the subject of the UAL survey, I think ORD is embarrassed by the 2 problems with it in its current form.

1) there is no "Keep DOH" selection, which of course would be the predominate selection on sUAL

2) the survey isn't secure. The control inputs are name and file number, nothing else, which any UAL mechanic can come up with, for any other mechanic.

There were at least two groups I'm aware of here in SFO that were hunched over computer terminals for several hours today with nothing but big cups of coffee and OV crew rosters.

This amateurish polling is just the sort of ridiculous lack of representation the teamsters are known for here at UAL.
On the subject of the UAL survey, I think ORD is embarrassed by the 2 problems with it in its current form.

1) there is no "Keep DOH" selection, which of course would be the predominate selection on sUAL

2) the survey isn't secure. The control inputs are name and file number, nothing else, which any UAL mechanic can come up with, for any other mechanic.

There were at least two groups I'm aware of here in SFO that were hunched over computer terminals for several hours today with nothing but big cups of coffee and OV crew rosters.

This amateurish polling is just the sort of ridiculous lack of representation the teamsters are known for here at UAL.

YES, nothing like never providing the available answer that most would want to choose, and then claim you polled the membership for their opinions.

No deflection. I'll refer to AMFA as a union or association as it doesn't change the fact that the twu is still an industrial, catch all, undemocratic, unaccountable, dues sucking, concession swallowing organization.
When do the 15,000 AMFA members that lost their jobs listening to Louie Key and OV get to vote and hold their leadership accountable? Is losing your job and being on unemployment a concession Ken? Nope, that's AMFA fighting...all the way to the unemployment line and shipping those jobs to El Salvador, Korea, and China. SWEET!
When do the 15,000 AMFA members that lost their jobs listening to Louie Key and OV get to vote and hold their leadership accountable? Is losing your job and being on unemployment a concession Ken? Nope, that's AMFA fighting...all the way to the unemployment line and shipping those jobs to El Salvador, Korea, and China. SWEET!

I would rather live on the unemployment line than live on my knees accepting concession after concession which the Twu has done on a consistant basis at AA when do you say enough is enough to save jobs that at the end of the day will wind up going to the same places the others have only your wage will be at the bottom as well for those who remain.
So I am glad you admit that WN outsources more than anyone. And they do outsource more than before, going from 4.0 to 2.9 AMTs per aircraft even though WN has grown and its aircraft are getting older means you ARE outsourcing more work.

Again you are wrong. WN does not outsource more than everyone else. Do your homework. And NO SWA does not outsource more now, than in the past. It's been in the same percentile range forever. Your theory above as far as your 4.0 and 2.9 that SWA is outsourcing more and more is comical.
On the subject of the UAL survey, I think ORD is embarrassed by the 2 problems with it in its current form.

1) there is no "Keep DOH" selection, which of course would be the predominate selection on sUAL

2) the survey isn't secure. The control inputs are name and file number, nothing else, which any UAL mechanic can come up with, for any other mechanic.

There were at least two groups I'm aware of here in SFO that were hunched over computer terminals for several hours today with nothing but big cups of coffee and OV crew rosters.

This amateurish polling is just the sort of ridiculous lack of representation the teamsters are known for here at UAL.

Hey guys I must admit. This survey you all are talking about is not secure. I, myself, clicked on the survey, answered all questions and submited it. It was accepted and I'm not even a mech of the airline from which the union representing such airline is conducting the survey. NOT SECURE folks... Way to go teamsters!!! Don't believe me, try it guys, enter some BS for name and co id and answer away and submit it. LOL. You will be surprised.
When do the 15,000 AMFA members that lost their jobs listening to Louie Key and OV get to vote and hold their leadership accountable? Is losing your job and being on unemployment a concession Ken? Nope, that's AMFA fighting...all the way to the unemployment line and shipping those jobs to El Salvador, Korea, and China. SWEET!

And when do thousands of AA mechanics stand up as the mechs of NWA took a stand for the AMT's of America? When Overspeed? FREAKIN when? These guys at NWA were not directed by AMFA to stay on strike. They all voted to stay out because NWA company wanted to cut more than 50% of them so they all desided to say, "if they want 50% plus then they can't have all of us." These are true union men and women, not lame freakin pusies like the AA/TWU mechs that caved time and time again to the AA companies concesions for the last freakin 3 decades!!!!
Louie Key and OV in no way shape or form direct the NWA guys what to do. They desided to do it themselves. Unlike what you boys could do yourselves at AA. Get your facts straight Overspeed. This was the most union supported employee group I have ever seen in years. I walked the picket line with all the brothers and sisters at NWA at DFW as well as in other cities. Why because AMFA local 11 more than OVERWHELMINGLY supported them while out on strike. Can you sir, say the same about your freaking "Scab Supporting" teamsters??? #### no!!! You cannot...
I would rather live on the unemployment line than live on my knees accepting concession after concession which the Twu has done on a consistant basis at AA when do you say enough is enough to save jobs that at the end of the day will wind up going to the same places the others have only your wage will be at the bottom as well for those who remain.

Nothing personal. and no offense intended, but Bull Sh@t lineguy. Nobody believes that because you have lost so much already. How much more will you take? Sign a Teamster card and start your road to recovery.

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