I just got word from a very reliable source that this Teamsters drive is a hoax,...
I hate to hear that AMFAMAN, I really do.
I just got word from a very reliable source that this Teamsters drive is a hoax,...
Well now the person who gave me the card assures me this is not true; whatever. I'm not sure what is true and quite frankly don't care anymore. I'm at a point of saying screw them and the head games I'm getting and looking at the Informer's proposal, although a costly one.If true, this is a flagrent invasion of member privacy and the rights of individuals to seek alternative representation.
It may have never been implimented but it hasnt died either. Its still something we should be concerned about.Two more splendid examples of your complete ignorance in this matter.
FAR Part 66 isn't making any companies happy because IT WAS NEVER IMPLEMENTED ! IT DIED IN THE NPRM PHASE!
Additionally, PART 66 has NOTHINGto do with mechanic staffing requirements. It covers AMT certification requirements.
It may have never been implimented but it hasnt died either. Its still something we should be concerned about.
Here is how I see it. As a shortage of A&Ps develops the industry will claim that they cant get A&Ps, the schools cant pump out enough, so they need to overhaul the process. Instead of schools turning out A&Ps which takes at least two years they will let the airlines certify AMTs as needed. They will go to a 40 hour class and have limited certification that would allow them to sign for their work in the logbook, but they will not be A&Ps.
A few years back an instructor from JFK was sent to England, (which operates under the JARs,FAR66 mirrors JAR66), to teach workers over their the AAGENFAM for the A-300. These guys were hired to do interior checks. When one of the students asked "What is an empenage" the instructor started asking them questions. He found out that they had no prior aircraft maintenace training. However under the JARs they could be certified to do specific tasks if they were trained, even if the training they recieved was meant for liscenced mechanics who had a background that would enable them to make use of the training.What they are doing is akin to taking someone who hasnt even had algebra and putting them Calculus.
I just got word from a very reliable source that this Teamsters drive is a hoax, and coming from the higher levels of the twu atd up to and allegedly including Yingst, to see who is signing cards and to do a check on their loyalty from former team twuers. :down:
Now this is really pissing me off knowing that my card got in the hands of these greaseballs, but I guess I should have seen it coming. I'm not sure how the former believers who are running the cards are going to explain this, but oh well, that's their problem.
I had a feeling that something was up when my contact couldn't get a letter confirming that the IBT was behind the drive. Add on that the "Man of the People" has always been a very good source of information, and his post states that he talked with the higher ups of the IBT and they confirmed that their is no drive.
Are you serious?????? I told you a week or more ago that this card drive wasn't legit.
If true, this is a flagrent invasion of member privacy and the rights of individuals to seek alternative representation.
For starters, I'd be filing an ethics complaint with the NMB.
Next, since the intent of the deception was to identify "disloyal" TWU members, I'd file a harassment complaint with AA HR against the union as well as any union officials like Yingst who may still be on company payroll, since there is zero tolerance for harassment of fellow employees, right?
So, you're admitting you had insider information on the TWU's hoax?..
Please tell me you aren't buying this crap FM??? Some fool thought it would be a good idea to pass out cards thinking it was okay and then realized, oops, I need to get approval from someone to do this. They found out there was to be NO approval and now all of a sudden its a conspiracy.
Oh boy.......
Here's my reply from Aug 28th when I first saw this topic. Anyone who knows anything about the IBT knows this. Pretty cut and cry........
How's this for back on topic......
Are you freakin' kidding me?? The Teamsters are not going to authorize a raid on the TWU. The two organizations get along and respect each other. But, prove me wrong. Show me a letter (a ligitimate letter that is) from any official from the IBT International saying they have authorized an organizing drive at AA among mechanic and related, or will file the cards with the NMB if they receive them. That link Amfaman put up is as generic as all get out. Anyone could have come up with that crap. It's a card. Big deal!! Hackman, Princess, Informer, Amfaman, anyone...anyone???? The burden of proof falls on you.
Get me something official in writing from the Teamsters and you'll have 4,000 from the DFW/AFW area in a week.I and many others on the crew signed Teamster interest notices today. Several AMT's in Hangar 6 are collecting and claim Teamsters want 900 to start a drive. Anybody but the TWU will work for me. More communication about this effort would easily produce 900 "show of interest" applications. THIS IS NOT A HOAX!
Last time I spoke to the IBT they didnt committ one way or the other. They said they had to see when our contract expired because by law they could not come in until the contract expired. I told him that we were under the RLA and that law, unless it was a Teamster rule, did not apply. He then said that he had been an organizer for 20 years and that I was wrong. They never said No though. Maybe they changed their mind.The individual I talked to today in Hangar 6 said at first the IBT was not interested but when pressed demanded the 900 cards. I will ask for contact information so this drive can be legitimized by all.