No. This will be the last time I answer you. You killed yourself in your post #111. You said, and I quote, "Once I read the IAM filing and understood "why" their wouldn't be a vote I started "trying" to tell people who kept arguing with me about it" blah blah blah.
Now let's break this phrase down in a time table form and you will get educated on how you just threw yourself under the bus.
Once you read the IAM filing? Hmmmm. Gee when did that come out? The filing came at the end of all the announcements. The filing came after months upon months of them announcing the asso was being formed.
Then you state that you didn't start "trying" to tell people until after the filing and "after" you understood why there would be no vote, again all this came long after the announcement of this asso coming. Yea maybe it is roadkill, and I am sure you would love to put it behind you but it actually goes towards your character that some out here, newbies, need to be reminded of when you speak the BS you speak here.
Again when they filed for the asso representation it was months upon months after they announced it would happen and proves the time table that you flipped or waffled at the end not from the beginning as you are "trying" to indicate.
You have the exact same trait that 700 had. The more you post the more YOU make yourself look bad and the opposite of what you claim.
BTW, the filing also came long after myself and others contacted the NMB and were told that "the NMB has no jurisdiction over the asso vote" You still argued with me saying that there would be a vote. You didn't find out from the unions about the no vote until they filed, and in their filing it was then told to you guys that it will get certified by the NMB with no vote. In other words it was too late, it just happened and that's when you found out. Thanks for playing the "I need no help in making myself look stupid"
Now, just for a reminder, because you have this all wrong too. The sole reason I stopped communications with you was because you completely disrespected the AA mechanics wishes to stay out of the mechanic issues. Therefore, I supported their wishes and stopped answering you with them and will continue to do so after this post. I just needed that last confirmation post from you to put an end to it all and for all out here to see and read. Now they all know where you stood with 700 and the unions. Bye-Bye...