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TAESL closing January 31

AA89 said:
Well of course the members of tye new 567 will get to vote on it and get what they want. Just like a 1 station agreement between AFW and DWH.......
Whats the story with the one station agreement? As I remember it, all the one station agreements and letters os agreement were all thrown out during bankruptcy. 
bigjets said:
Whats the story with the one station agreement? As I remember it, all the one station agreements and letters os agreement were all thrown out during bankruptcy.
bigjets said:
Whats the story with the one station agreement? As I remember it, all the one station agreements and letters os agreement were all thrown out during bankruptcy.
TAESL has been trying to get a 1 station agreement with DWH since BK but I don't know what happened. I heard that there were enough votes to get it passed (since TAESL had the majority) but it never was agreed to by the company for obvious reasons.
TAESL has been trying to get a 1 station agreement with DWH since BK but I don't know what happened. I heard that there were enough votes to get it passed (since TAESL had the majority) but it never was agreed to by the company for obvious reasons.
In my opinion there should have been a one station with TAESL/DWH/DFW. That would have been fair. The juniority language currently in place is going to force senior guys to bump the system. All the while there will be junior guys untouched here locally. In this situation the juniority benefits me personally but I believe it to be wrong for a 25 year guy to have to leave his zip code. While a 15 year guy stays put. Does this get addressed in the JCBA? Maybe, but it will be too late to be of benefit to the TAESL guys.
Amen. It also forces the company to think twice before displacing large numbers and disrupting the operation. Alot of the guys that stayed at TAESL did so because they thought (and were told) that we would have a contract by the end of this year and more than likely USAir's bumping langauge.
AA89 said:
Amen. It also forces the company to think twice before displacing large numbers and disrupting the operation. Alot of the guys that stayed at TAESL did so because they thought (and were told) that we would have a contract by the end of this year and more than likely USAir's bumping langauge.
In my opinion that is why TAESL is closing now.  Before the contract so they can get the older guys.  
OldGuy@AA said:
In my opinion that is why TAESL is closing now.  Before the contract so they can get the older guys.
That is a popular opinion at TAESL too. Makes perfect business sense. Too bad TWU seniority is pretty much useless....
How can the closing of TAESL be relating directly to seniority of existing station based mechanics when Delta Tech Ops has already been awarded a contract of that work?
AA89 said:
TAESL has been trying to get a 1 station agreement with DWH since BK but I don't know what happened. I heard that there were enough votes to get it passed (since TAESL had the majority) but it never was agreed to by the company for obvious reasons.
dude years ago i remember Matt (lets make a deal) Lorenzi standing up in a union meeting telling us all that we dont want a one station agreement because all those guys in dfw will come over and take our weekends off so it was never pursued. now you want a one station agreement? sorry but the juniority system has been in place for ever at AA. when afw shut down the writing was on the wall.
dvlhog212 said:
In my opinion there should have been a one station with TAESL/DWH/DFW. That would have been fair. The juniority language currently in place is going to force senior guys to bump the system. All the while there will be junior guys untouched here locally. In this situation the juniority benefits me personally but I believe it to be wrong for a 25 year guy to have to leave his zip code. While a 15 year guy stays put. Does this get addressed in the JCBA? Maybe, but it will be too late to be of benefit to the TAESL guys.
Violating the contract would not be fair. If the contract says, strictly seniority then thats fair. However the current and past CBAs handle a RIF by juniority. Many people at TAESL used this system in past layoffs as well. The only time I hear people complaining about the RIF aystem is when its not going their way. If the layoff was at DFW or DWH I dont think you would be asking for a one station agreement.
dfw gen said:
dude years ago i remember Matt (lets make a deal) Lorenzi standing up in a union meeting telling us all that we dont want a one station agreement because all those guys in dfw will come over and take our weekends off so it was never pursued. now you want a one station agreement? sorry but the juniority system has been in place for ever at AA. when afw shut down the writing was on the wall.
I remember hearing the same thing, that Matt said it was a bad deal for AFW and he wanted to keep the DFW guys out.
Overspeed said:
About 567? Once TAESL closes there is just DWH in 567. Wouldn't the logic that merged all the line locals come in to play again and 567's members would go to 514 or 591?
Makes sense to combine 567 with 514 since they are both overhaul. They may even do a one station agreement up in Tulsa.
So what I'm gathering the mechs in Texas are a bunch of one ways. Let's have a one station agreement when it benefits me, no one station agreement when it might threaten my weekends off.

Just think the dfw guys upset and are not getting work done as fast as other stations so work goes away, now AA not bringing work and mechs to Dfw. Dfw had a 1000 mechs at one time. Look at all that ramp and hangar space that could be used everyday. Not to mention all the mechs that could transfer back home.

Employee makes his point, company makes its point, who wins.
Buck said:
How can the closing of TAESL be relating directly to seniority of existing station based mechanics when Delta Tech Ops has already been awarded a contract of that work?
Trent 800 and RB211 work is going to Delta? Show me that link please.That "news release" posted a few days ago is BS.
 From what I have heard, USAir's contract allows bumping by seniority so the 354 mechanics at TAESL would be able to bump lower seniority guys from DWH and DFW and let those displaced guys go to lower seniority stations. It is in the companies interest to use the TWU rules so that mechanics can only go to open slots or hit the street. {Or I understand they can down grade and bump. Who the hell knows??} The rules are different every layoff !!
What good is a seniority list if it isn't used during a base closure? Might as well put us all in alphabetical order.
So if management knew that TAESL's days were numbered, why not pull the plug now and avoid a major disruption at DFW and DWH?
dfw gen said:
dude years ago i remember Matt (lets make a deal) Lorenzi standing up in a union meeting telling us all that we dont want a one station agreement because all those guys in dfw will come over and take our weekends off so it was never pursued. now you want a one station agreement? sorry but the juniority system has been in place for ever at AA. when afw shut down the writing was on the wall.
Dude, I didn't say I wanted or didn't want a one station agreement. I'll more than likely stay local in all of this. But a lot of guys with 25 years are going to get screwed.
I have no idea what Matt Lorenzi said years ago. If he fought it then he was as wrong as GP is for having fought against it since then. But they are politicians and protecting the people that vote for them is what they do. It's that simple.
I'll say it again. Seniority should count for something in a layoff. The system we have only benefits the company.

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