Taking test and pre qualifying for aircraft maintenance positions, did the union or company doit.
The whole system here at AA is sickening, taking a test to get to Tulsa, taking a test to get to the line, at one point in ALL our career we knew very little about this JOB.
Instead what has it come down to? Just what the TWU has taught you protect what you got. If that in any way is threatened we'll create a way to keep the unwanted group from coming to our shop, station, dept. Phone calls are made checking on workers to find out if they fit the mold. Then the test are geared to pass/fail each person. Crew chief slots are a perfect example of this. All of you know this as well.
The IGM mentality here at AA is the reason WHY as a group we get just what the Company feels we deserve. Nothing, They take because the TWU has set up ways in which we can stab one another in the back by the many back door deals in all these yrs.
Can a line guy grind a turbine wheel "NO" does a guy who worked at a small class 2 station accomplish a job on a wide body A/C "NO". Sheet metal tasks are a skill most of us don't have, the same as avionics. And we all know someone that should not be in the flight deck taxiing aircraft as well.
Everyone who has an A&P at one point in his/her career needed some type of OJT. The Title 1 classification of the many jobs throughout AA system is what it is. If you did not like it then why didn't you guy's force a change? WHY? because it didn't effect you or your little worlds.
The OSM, JR mechanics, these are ways in which the TWU created positions within the company, to pacify the headcount keeping dues paying members here thus giving AA a deal with lower wage scale people.
We have taken over and merged with so many other carriers over the yrs and instead of taking them in we looked for ways to screw them. The TWU way. Did these guys loose any previous knowledge about the aircraft or engines they worked "NO" some of them could work circles around some here and you know that.
This association the IAM/TWU abomination is going to do what it can to keep as many men/woman on the job as it can. WHY? to insure that if any vote is allowed these employees will be grateful for the job they have.
Isn't time we as A&P's start to stick together and work toward bettering our class and craft?