TAESL closing January 31

bigjets said:
Couple of questions if anybody knows.

What are the costs of the facilities, delta tech ops to afw?
It is my understanding the test cell at TAESL doesn't have the proper airflow for these Trents. So that basically means a new test cell at least. For the most part that is going to be the big cost factor for Delta. Delta hard has the building that the engine work will go in built. So its basically both would need a new cell and new tooling.

bigjets said:
How many RR engines does delta use?
Right now
16 Trent 800
182 BR715s
on order
36 Trent 1000s
50 Trent 70000s
50 Trent XWB-84 engines.
Also the obvious expansion of the order book to cover the ~70 (at the very least) 767 engines that don't have replacements on order. (and with this its a zero chance DL does GEnX 787s)

Vs the 44 future Trent engine AA has on order.

bigjets said:
Wasn't it RR that wanted to end TAESL?
Who would you go with, the airline that has 136 Trents on order or the RR airline that screwed you over for a large GEnX fleet and a small Trent XWB fleet they are getting via merger?

bigjets said:
I think it's unfair to blame AA when they are creating the 100 open slots at DWH, that DWH guys say there's not enough work for. At the pace of negotiations and us not willing to expect a lessor contract this time, I'm thinking a buy out won't happen before January, so I'm expecting a lot movement next year.
 I agree. AA is moving away from RR. Its a little crazy to expect an airline that is quickly to go GE to keep doing RR engines in-house.
Overspeed said:
New AA management (LUS managers) have made it very apparent they don't want to do other airline's work at all regardless of how much potential profit there is.
some of your labor has also made that clear. Hell they don't want AA to do AA work. (ahem, unless its line)

Overspeed said:
DL has shown that with good management there is a sustainable business to be done there that makes money. Both AA and United management seem to not be able to figure it out how to do MRO and make money.
ATD said:
maybe it was the contrct rules that constrained RR and wanted to get out from under union rule.
Or the basic economics that having an airline overhaul engines it doesn't have makes no sense.
AA left RR engines because GECAS financed most of the new aircraft AA ordered. I was told GECAS did the financing for AA after they agreed to order GE engines on all new aircraft. Although on the 777-300 you don't get a non-GE option.
Overspeed said:
AA left RR engines because GECAS financed most of the new aircraft AA ordered. I was told GECAS did the financing for AA after they agreed to order GE engines on all new aircraft. Although on the 777-300 you don't get a non-GE option.
You are correct. It was a way to get GE in (as you know the 787 would be replacing a lot of CF6 powered 67s) and block RR out. 
GE was also expecting DL to go GEnX and block RR out of the US market. 
and yep the 77W or 77L is GE90 only. Highly likely both DL and AA would have Trent on its 77L/77W fleets if they had the big Trent 800 that was planned at one point. 
dfw gen said:
that is too good........what a stab in the back for the guys in taesl.
Lots of great machanics at TAESL but also way to many slugs with the mentality of let them shut it down, I'll just go to DFW! And way to many weak supervisors particularly over in the breakfast club/Trent shop! Slugs working on the seat that go on their boats with there week supervisor telling them to get to work, and when they kept working on their boat stuff the supervision just walked away with shoulders slumped and did nothing!

I must say that I am in no way pro management, but the bottom line is we needed to get engine work done!
Just spoke to my buddy at TAESL he's in the top five in seniority at TAESL and from what he says he and many others are going to take the money and run there being offered 42K to leave the company. He says anybody who takes a transfer to any of the line stations with openings will not have recall rights to the DFW area they would have to find an opening to get back. He says most guys will not take the jobs in the high cost stations. His feeling is as is mine the company is going to do the same thing to Tulsa before they settle a contract. And that's because this company is too cheap to offer money like the United mechanics are getting offered to leave the company and the TWU and IAM are too weak to get anything done because they're just scrambling to save their dues payers and fighting over BS like probably bulletin boards. We won't see a contract till late 2017 or 2018 here we go again I'm used to being screwed by the TWU I just don't think these IAM boys understand how bad it's going to get.
Steve Goeyvaerts
SFO A/C Maintenance
R/R is protecting it's interest. Parker did say we are not in the MRO business.