TAESL closing January 31

Kev3188 said:
That's because it's set up more for drop in work than anything, right?
Yep. No docks, just a wide open 6 Bay hangar. Designated a base and we are paid less than the guys on there side of the field.
AA has been using "divide and conquer" methods for decades. Overhaul/Base mechanic! It's the new "B scale"! Before you know it every station will have both line and overhaul/base mechanics squabbling over who deserves to be paid what all the while the "company" sits back and enjoys the show and reaps the benifits of the division they create. We are affable morons to fall for this tactic time after time.
Kev3188 said:
I'm not a fan of it either, and I'm in it. All you have to do is (collectively) say no. If that doesn't work, and it becomes part of any JCBA offer, just say no to that, too.
This is true but had the TWU members had the chance to vote on the association like we
were told it would have been voted down easily.  
The joint agreement ?  The IAM lead committee will bring us a deal that will get 100% of 
IAM guys so then you only need to fool 1/3 of the TWU guys into believing its a good deal.
I hope I'am wrong Kev but I have seen this movie before, its just being played by different 
MetalMover said:
But keep in mind this is not just about the TWU anymore. Try telling the IAM people that they need to save TULE jobs.
I am keep that "hope" in the back of my mind, but the most important thing is numbers to protect the union as a whole not a faction of slobbering, knuckledragger's. ( I am a Crew Chief in Avionics, my knucles are as dirty as yours....)
Q: How can AA and the ASSociation create a half paid OH mechanic when Parker has offered DL +7% (3%)?
dfw gen said:
that is too good........what a stab in the back for the guys in taesl.
Curious why you see it that way? 
Delta has all three of the engine types (PR says two but its in fact the T1000, T7000, TXWB) on order while PMAA had no RR engines on order at all. 
And just FWIW, this deal was done a long time ago, they just waited to announce. We found out about it about a year ago IIRC. 
I don't see what it really has to do with TAESL at all......? 
MetalMover said:
Truly a big kick-in-the-nuts to not only the TAESL folks but also the TUL workers who stepped up years back and met the 'In-Sourcing' challenge that was put to them. Any type of loyalty this company might expect from us needs first be demonstrated by AA.... don't hold your breath.
ATLANTA, Oct. 26, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Delta TechOps, the maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) business of Delta Air Lines (DAL), and Rolls-Royce are teaming up, bringing advanced jet engines from Rolls-Royce to a 100,000-square foot expanded engine shop at Delta's Technical Operations Center in Atlanta.
318 out of the 354 at TAESL have at least 20 years Title 1 seniority. So only 36 would get less than the max.
Couple of questions if anybody knows.

What are the costs of the facilities, delta tech ops to afw?

How many RR engines does delta use?

When AA closed afw, was there a big turn over in personal at TAESL?

Wasn't it RR that wanted to end TAESL? I think it's unfair to blame AA when they are creating the 100 open slots at DWH, that DWH guys say there's not enough work for. At the pace of negotiations and us not willing to expect a lessor contract this time, I'm thinking a buy out won't happen before January, so I'm expecting a lot movement next year.
New AA management (LUS managers) have made it very apparent they don't want to do other airline's work at all regardless of how much potential profit there is. They don't want or know how to manage it so they want to focus on AA only ops. DL has shown that with good management there is a sustainable business to be done there that makes money. Both AA and United management seem to not be able to figure it out how to do MRO and make money.
maybe it was the contrct rules that constrained RR and wanted to get out from under union rule.