TAESL closing January 31

Twistedmetal said:
"Am I pissed about how twu handled the AFW lay off in 2012 YES, Taesl boys were happily watching guys roll their boxes off the property..what goes around comes around, no love from me".
Obviously you aren't aware that TAESL mechanics were bumped out by guys from the hangar in 2012 also. No one at TAESL was happy about the hangar closing. DFW was the station playing games with the seniority list.
"Union, AA and members have known for a long time that the agreement between RR and AA could dissolve. Plenty of guys there thinking Taesl would stay for twenty plus years after BK contract...didn't even make it five years. TWU should have prepared for this before BK".
AFW has been closing since it opened 24 years ago. Shoulda jumped ship in 1992 I guess..........Many people have left TAESL in the past 2 years, particularly to DFW in the last 6 months or so. Many more would have bid out if given the chance.
"Isom in the last town hall here said the company will be hiring thousands across the system, what he did not say that most will be non union and part time, ALSO, how many people are leaving this company".
Looking at a seniority list  from July 2013, it looks 200 people have left Title 1 system wide since then. That was after all of the separations were complete after the BK.
Twistedmetal said:
Move crew outsourcing news comes from station chairman at twu.
Tulsa getting wacked is nothing new and will be the biggest hit to the twu pocket(lots of dues loss).  Will it be all at once, I doubt it, but over the length of the contract. B-check work card packages are increasing..ya..think about it.
Job loss will fund the raise.
Am I pissed about how twu handled the AFW lay off in 2012 YES, Taesl boys were happily watching guys roll their boxes off the property..what goes around comes around, no love from me.
Somebody mentioned to keep this thread on track and not talk about the contract, this thread has EVERYTHING to do with the contract. The contract will be about job loss and that's what is happening at Taesl. Union, AA and members have known for a long time that the agreement between RR and AA could dissolve. Plenty of guys there thinking Taesl would stay for twenty plus years after BK contract...didn't even make it five years. TWU should have prepared for this before BK.
Like I said, company has the twu pined down, Union will have to either agree to job loss and a raise or continue with what we have right now and still lose. TWU is eating #### from both ends.
Isom in the last town hall here said the company will be hiring thousands across the system, what he did not say that most will be non union and part time, ALSO, how many people are leaving this company.
Example: When I came to this station there were 327 mechanics on the seniority list not including CC, TCC and INSP. Now, 300 mechanics and that is with almost thirty new hires off the  street.
People may not like what I have to say, but this will be a mega concessionary contract. Delta has way less Mechanics than AA..take a look at their scope, AA wants to mirror them.
I've signed more AMFA cards than I can remember, and still nothing. When going to the local meeting, the most important subject is what topping to get on the pizza...
O yea, just wait and see what they do when the seniority list gets merged, it wont be pretty. 
Two things
If AA takes US scope, that is not anywhere close to mirroring Delta. That is Delta outsourcing plus about 20% extra outsourcing. Us outsources 55%+ total of its maintenance Delta is at 37% and will be falling as more work is coming back in-house. (example, BR715 engines in 2016, A320 APU in 2016 etc)
AA has 11,000 or so mechanic and related Delta had about 10,000 or so mechanic and related.  
I really hope your union(s) are smart enough to fact check all of this. Right now it looks like AA management is going to play you like a drum, with misinformation at that....... 
Twistedmetal said:
Move crew outsourcing news comes from station chairman at twu.
Tulsa getting wacked is nothing new and will be the biggest hit to the twu pocket(lots of dues loss).  Will it be all at once, I doubt it, but over the length of the contract. B-check work card packages are increasing..ya..think about it.
Job loss will fund the raise.
Am I pissed about how twu handled the AFW lay off in 2012 YES, Taesl boys were happily watching guys roll their boxes off the property..what goes around comes around, no love from me.
Somebody mentioned to keep this thread on track and not talk about the contract, this thread has EVERYTHING to do with the contract. The contract will be about job loss and that's what is happening at Taesl. Union, AA and members have known for a long time that the agreement between RR and AA could dissolve. Plenty of guys there thinking Taesl would stay for twenty plus years after BK contract...didn't even make it five years. TWU should have prepared for this before BK.
Like I said, company has the twu pined down, Union will have to either agree to job loss and a raise or continue with what we have right now and still lose. TWU is eating #### from both ends.
Isom in the last town hall here said the company will be hiring thousands across the system, what he did not say that most will be non union and part time, ALSO, how many people are leaving this company.
Example: When I came to this station there were 327 mechanics on the seniority list not including CC, TCC and INSP. Now, 300 mechanics and that is with almost thirty new hires off the  street.
People may not like what I have to say, but this will be a mega concessionary contract. Delta has way less Mechanics than AA..take a look at their scope, AA wants to mirror them.
I've signed more AMFA cards than I can remember, and still nothing. When going to the local meeting, the most important subject is what topping to get on the pizza...
O yea, just wait and see what they do when the seniority list gets merged, it wont be pretty. 
When has Tulsa suffered a massive layoff? Are you still referring to your 1000-1500 person layoff? Could you show some documentation?
Seriously ! Title ll, They are largely the reason. Lay the blame where it belongs. Title l has never been able to get their $#### together, They want someone to blame for their groups shortcomings. You guys are so divided its to easy to play you!  If its not Title ll its Fleet service. The last time i checked there were about 1500 title ll compared to 9000 title l. But less than 50% even bother to vote.  Who's it going to be next the stock clerks?  
Everyone in this union knows T2 is twu's little baby, they coddle and take care of them, why, because they help to keep amfa off the property and there is a good block of votes there to pass agreements that hurt A&Ps. An example is the current situation where T2s base pay is more then T1, what? Ridiculous but true.
bigjets said:
AA won't have that either, if the rumors from this board are correct, there will be about 120 slots CREATED at DWH, (and there are goofs here calling AA the "enemy") but the the rest of the OPEN slots are SFO LAX JFK LGA, I think ORD is full. When SJU took a big layoff recently those guys went to MCO and MIA. I think those stations are full too.

I would seriously consider moving family with you, commuting will suck especially when ALL the flight crews will be going to DFW for training. If your kids don't want to move, remind them who's in charge. It sucks but a family unit is more important then your kids friends. I wish all those guys well. Side note SPIRIT airlines was hiring for DFW, if staying in Dallas your only option. There was a guy from Dallas who quit AA at ORD who went to work for The Rail Road in Fort Worth.
How do you find out where the vacancy's are? Im looking for the stores vacancy's.
lots of the senior guys were in Taesl to begin with, what I speak of is the 80 surplus slots that were created at Taesl for  these guys to slide into and then closing it  up and letting the rest hit the street and the system...remember that? Yes DFW definately  screwd us. This will be the second time for me to hit the system because of DFW games and AFW
CURRENT AA master seniority list for ALL of title 1  is 7629 Does not include what total will be when the list is merged with US,( The number includes cleaners and OSM),  Also, I am talking about licensed AMT only.
As far as delta numbers, those were brought up at our last town hall meeting when discussing scope and the number from Isom was somewhere around 5000 AMT, so not sure if you are including non licensed people in the maintenance organization or not. Maybe he's got his numbers wrong but I would expect the COO would keep up with things like that.
Buck, you want documentation? If I told you I herd it from the union everyone would say its a lie. If Itold you I herd it from the company everyone would say its a lie and the company is just threatening. There was no documentation that Taesl was going to close but everyone knew it would...and...no one knew until minutes before it hit the media. Other than  getting screwd at AFW, I hope nobody loses their jobs and it all works out, but given the fact that we have people who should be locked up in prison running this company and a union that is not looking out for the AMTs in the twu organization, doesn't leave me with a lot of faith. All the guys who got hit the street or the system have long been forgotten and with Taesl closing it seems it will be almost impossible for those affected to  get back home to thier families or just home.
Twistedmetal said:
lots of the senior guys were in Taesl to begin with, what I speak of is the 80 surplus slots that were created at Taesl for  these guys to slide into and then closing it  up and letting the rest hit the street and the system...remember that? Yes DFW definately  screwd us. This will be the second time for me to hit the system because of DFW games and AFW
CURRENT AA master seniority list for ALL of title 1  is 7629 Does not include what total will be when the list is merged with US,( The number includes cleaners and OSM),  Also, I am talking about licensed AMT only.
As far as delta numbers, those were brought up at our last town hall meeting when discussing scope and the number from Isom was somewhere around 5000 AMT, so not sure if you are including non licensed people in the maintenance organization or not. Maybe he's got his numbers wrong but I would expect the COO would keep up with things like that.
Buck, you want documentation? If I told you I herd it from the union everyone would say its a lie. If Itold you I herd it from the company everyone would say its a lie and the company is just threatening. There was no documentation that Taesl was going to close but everyone knew it would...and...no one knew until minutes before it hit the media. Other than  getting screwd at AFW, I hope nobody loses their jobs and it all works out, but given the fact that we have people who should be locked up in prison running this company and a union that is not looking out for the AMTs in the twu organization, doesn't leave me with a lot of faith. All the guys who got hit the street or the system have long been forgotten and with Taesl closing it seems it will be almost impossible for those affected to  get back home to thier families or just home.
oh okay I gotcha. I was talking everyone. 
I have no idea what the break down is, but I would imagine it going to be somewhat comparable. 
A lot of people think we have a lot of helpers/ASMs but we really don't. Its pretty comparable to AA. (we do have a fair amount of things like cleaners and welders because of how large the engine shop is however) 
But all in all TechOps has about 10,000-11,000 employee. I can't remember how many AMTs we have. I think its 6,000 or so though. 
Twistedmetal said:
Move crew outsourcing news comes from station chairman at twu.
Tulsa getting wacked is nothing new and will be the biggest hit to the twu pocket(lots of dues loss).  Will it be all at once, I doubt it, but over the length of the contract. B-check work card packages are increasing..ya..think about it.
Job loss will fund the raise.
Am I pissed about how twu handled the AFW lay off in 2012 YES, Taesl boys were happily watching guys roll their boxes off the property..what goes around comes around, no love from me.
Somebody mentioned to keep this thread on track and not talk about the contract, this thread has EVERYTHING to do with the contract. The contract will be about job loss and that's what is happening at Taesl. Union, AA and members have known for a long time that the agreement between RR and AA could dissolve. Plenty of guys there thinking Taesl would stay for twenty plus years after BK contract...didn't even make it five years. TWU should have prepared for this before BK.
Like I said, company has the twu pined down, Union will have to either agree to job loss and a raise or continue with what we have right now and still lose. TWU is eating #### from both ends.
Isom in the last town hall here said the company will be hiring thousands across the system, what he did not say that most will be non union and part time, ALSO, how many people are leaving this company.
Example: When I came to this station there were 327 mechanics on the seniority list not including CC, TCC and INSP. Now, 300 mechanics and that is with almost thirty new hires off the  street.
People may not like what I have to say, but this will be a mega concessionary contract. Delta has way less Mechanics than AA..take a look at their scope, AA wants to mirror them.
I've signed more AMFA cards than I can remember, and still nothing. When going to the local meeting, the most important subject is what topping to get on the pizza...
O yea, just wait and see what they do when the seniority list gets merged, it wont be pretty. 
When did the word OUTSOURCING become exclusive to a/c maintenance? 
They can outsource automotive and plant/facilities maintenance as well.
MetalMover said:
When did the word OUTSOURCING become exclusive to a/c maintenance? 
They can outsource automotive and plant/facilities maintenance as well.
They won't because that's the TWU's and the companys ace in the hole to keep any AMFA drive from being successful.
Twistedmetal said:
lots of the senior guys were in Taesl to begin with, what I speak of is the 80 surplus slots that were created at Taesl for  these guys to slide into and then closing it  up and letting the rest hit the street and the system...remember that? Yes DFW definately  screwd us. This will be the second time for me to hit the system because of DFW games and AFW
CURRENT AA master seniority list for ALL of title 1  is 7629 Does not include what total will be when the list is merged with US,( The number includes cleaners and OSM),  Also, I am talking about licensed AMT only.
As far as delta numbers, those were brought up at our last town hall meeting when discussing scope and the number from Isom was somewhere around 5000 AMT, so not sure if you are including non licensed people in the maintenance organization or not. Maybe he's got his numbers wrong but I would expect the COO would keep up with things like that.
Buck, you want documentation? If I told you I herd it from the union everyone would say its a lie. If Itold you I herd it from the company everyone would say its a lie and the company is just threatening. There was no documentation that Taesl was going to close but everyone knew it would...and...no one knew until minutes before it hit the media. Other than  getting screwd at AFW, I hope nobody loses their jobs and it all works out, but given the fact that we have people who should be locked up in prison running this company and a union that is not looking out for the AMTs in the twu organization, doesn't leave me with a lot of faith. All the guys who got hit the street or the system have long been forgotten and with Taesl closing it seems it will be almost impossible for those affected to  get back home to thier families or just home.
Listen while rumors are entertaining, the last go around at Bankruptcy we were told by the"union" said 4000 were going to be laid off. When it was finally over about 40 actually left employment.
The scare, caused many Title 1 lower senior mechanics to seek out Supervisor positions. Some of those new supervisors say they are happy, while others complain how they are treated. Especially in Hangar 1&2 at TULE, where many of those newer supervisors has left maintenance for Quality Assurance. Scarring people is never good.
Speaking of merging the seniority  list I was told the IAM/TWU has come to a agreement to give TWA AMTs Occ Time IAW the time they have been a MECHANIC working on AIRCRAFT with A/P license so the 4/10/01 is out the window US only had a one seniority for Occ, Vac the amount of time you have been working as a MECHANIC........................
Runwaysticker said:
Speaking of merging the seniority  list I was told the IAM/TWU has come to a agreement to give TWA AMTs Occ Time IAW the time they have been a MECHANIC working on AIRCRAFT with A/P license so the 4/10/01 is out the window US only had a one seniority for Occ, Vac the amount of time you have been working as a MECHANIC........................
How many threads are you going to pollute with this rumor?