TAESL closing January 31

dvlhog212 said:
Anyone have a time line on RIF notices, awards, etc? I'm understand the early out window is 10/9 -10/23.
That would make sense, because Im hearing November will start the RIF process.
TopCat870 said:
That would make sense, because Im hearing November will start the RIF process.
TAESL is having a meeting with the employees this morning at 10 with info on early out, relocation etc. Im not sure if this is a TAESL meeting or a Union meeting at TAESL. Lets see if some numbers come out later today.
No numbera given at the meeting. It was just general info on relocating and retirement etc.

Word is that the early out packages will be offered on November 1 with a week or so window to decide. After that window closes, the company will release a list of system openings.
All if this is rumors. Nothing in writing about anything yet.
AA89 said:
No numbera given at the meeting. It was just general info on relocating and retirement etc.
Word is that the early out packages will be offered on November 1 with a week or so window to decide. After that window closes, the company will release a list of system openings.
All if this is rumors. Nothing in writing about anything yet.
Nothing in writing from the company because the TWU always let's the company do what they want when it comes to RIF's.
According to the union, the company shot down every proposal presented by the union. Keeping jobs at DFW and DWH, and offering the open spots in the system and early out package on the same day were 2 big ones the company denied.
Really though, WTH is the union gonna do? Strike if provoked?
AA89 said:
According to the union, the company shot down every proposal presented by the union. Keeping jobs at DFW and DWH, and offering the open spots in the system and early out package on the same day were 2 big ones the company denied.
Really though, WTH is the union gonna do? Strike if provoked?
I believe it was Overspeed who said the company and the Association have not talked yet.... 
Guys bumping all over the system and the association is still working hard on contract "RECONCILIATION" the company making "billions" promising delta plus whatever the flavor is today and we just keep getting dick nada zilch zero. When are we going to say enough is enough?
being played like fools by both of them. wake up Tulsa when they are done with Taesl you are next. do you really think the twu can get better sweetheart deals then the iam who have been in bed with the new management longer  then the twu can hope to do? you have to have better then 88 seniority to work in the turbine building and they are moving more and more parts to dfw. when the parts are gone do you really think you have a future?
dfw gen said:
being played like fools by both of them. wake up Tulsa when they are done with Taesl you are next. do you really think the twu can get better sweetheart deals then the iam who have been in bed with the new management longer  then the twu can hope to do? you have to have better then 88 seniority to work in the turbine building and they are moving more and more parts to dfw. when the parts are gone do you really think you have a future?
They are trying to work in a warehouse at DWH also.
Well word on the street here with those in the "know" is the union keeps saying they are ready to negotiate but the company will not come to the table, turns out the the company is ready and has put the twu in a corner. Company wants to give Delta plus 7 in exchange for out sourcing move crews at all class 1 stations to fleet service(all ready done at class 2) two Tech Crew Chiefs here were asked last week to help start training fleet service on moving aircraft ,they refused!! at some still have their balls, AND....1000 to 1500 job loss at Tulsa... You Tulsa boys didn't really think Parker was gonna give YOU guys Delta plus 7 did you??  TWU is under pressure to bring a good contract to the members and the company wont budge on thier offer..SO, option one, take Delta plus 7, loose LOOOOOTS of jobs, scope obliterated  and other things. Option 2, keep this bankruptcy contract and low wages and have the TWU keep lying saying the company wont come to the table, either way, the union is screwd, rock and a hard place. Even with a pay raise the dues will not be enough to make up for the massive job lose that would  occur upon ratification. This current  contract will be the one you retire and die with, but that's okay because everyone seems to be very happy with the TWU since they are still on the property. Good luck my Taesl friends, the system is eagerly waiting your arrival..BWAHAHAHAHA.
Twistedmetal said:
Well word on the street here with those in the "know" is the union keeps saying they are ready to negotiate but the company will not come to the table, turns out the the company is ready and has put the twu in a corner. Company wants to give Delta plus 7 in exchange for out sourcing move crews at all class 1 stations to fleet service(all ready done at class 2) two Tech Crew Chiefs here were asked last week to help start training fleet service on moving aircraft ,they refused!! at some still have their balls, AND....1000 to 1500 job loss at Tulsa... You Tulsa boys didn't really think Parker was gonna give YOU guys Delta plus 7 did you??  TWU is under pressure to bring a good contract to the members and the company wont budge on thier offer..SO, option one, take Delta plus 7, loose LOOOOOTS of jobs, scope obliterated  and other things. Option 2, keep this bankruptcy contract and low wages and have the TWU keep lying saying the company wont come to the table, either way, the union is screwd, rock and a hard place. Even with a pay raise the dues will not be enough to make up for the massive job lose that would  occur upon ratification. This current  contract will be the one you retire and die with, but that's okay because everyone seems to be very happy with the TWU since they are still on the property. Good luck my Taesl friends, the system is eagerly waiting your arrival..BWAHAHAHAHA.
Myself, I can easily take the Tulsa hit. But my friend TwistedMetal don't start rumors/stories that mess with peoples lives, without some proof. I question the Tulsa job loss because the difference between 1000 and 1500. Either you have been told one or the other. Document your statement, who said that?
Your numbers would push 1989 to 1991......
Twistedmetal said:
 Company wants to give Delta plus 7 in exchange for out sourcing move crews at all class 1 stations to fleet service(all ready done at class 2)
Fleet on the US Airways side does aircraft moves, not maintenance. I do believe in the end, our ramp (AA) will end up doing it as well. I hope not, as I am currently a Goldhofer qualified AMT on a day shift move crew.
Slopoke said:
Fleet on the US Airways side does aircraft moves, not maintenance. I do believe in the end, our ramp (AA) will end up doing it as well. I hope not, as I am currently a Goldhofer qualified AMT on a day shift move crew.
No contract proposal should be brought back for a vote if it includes giving up work. I dont care how much money it contains, the answer is no!
Sheesh guys, focus. We have an AMT contract thread. This is a discussion on the shutdown of TAESL. Can we keep it on topic?