TAESL closing January 31

Has anybody heard anything about a buy out for afw guys, or if that includes all mechs?

I know spirit was hiring for dfw not too long ago.
1AA said:
That is the problem. Us and them, the TWU and the IAM. AA and USAIR. How can we really be one when in fact it's still two companies as far as labor and unionism.
It's not like Doug is offering delta +3 to just line mechs. And I believe the scope clause will be 100% line 50%oh which is what LUS has. Which is what Isom said he wants during townhall.

As a line mech I'm not willing to go to delta -3 to save Tulsa again and I'm willing to bet the 29 mechs heading to sfo or the afw guys headed to ord and NY in January would agree.

Bob was right, we live in nice places, it would be even better to keep up with the cost of living in these big hub cities. I'm sure Tulsa is nice but don't expect us sacrifice (AGAIN) so you can maintain your life style.
bigjets said:
It's not like Doug is offering delta +3 to just line mechs. And I believe the scope clause will be 100% line 50%oh which is what LUS has. Which is what Isom said he wants during townhall.
As a line mech I'm not willing to go to delta -3 to save Tulsa again and I'm willing to bet the 29 mechs heading to sfo or the afw guys headed to ord and NY in January would agree.
Bob was right, we live in nice places, it would be even better to keep up with the cost of living in these big hub cities. I'm sure Tulsa is nice but don't expect us sacrifice (AGAIN) so you can maintain your life style.
I never sacrificed my profession to save Tulsa. The union over the years told the boys in Tulsa vote yes to save jobs. The problem was the jobs they were saving were the newly formed lower paying OSM, SRP, junior mechanic and now the AMTO. I can't wait to see what local 514 is going to come up with next. Perhaps AMT Apprentice?
1AA said:
I never sacrificed my profession to save Tulsa. The union over the years told the boys in Tulsa vote yes to save jobs. The problem was the jobs they were saving were the newly formed lower paying OSM, SRP, junior mechanic and now the AMTO. I can't wait to see what local 514 is going to come up with next. Perhaps AMT Apprentice?
AA already did that. It was called the "Junior Mechanic" program.
AA89 said:
It's the union's fault, it's Tulsa's fault. Every airline mechanic should be as pissed as the Air France workers at what executive's get away with. But they have bent us over one company and one one work group at a time and we feel fortunate it's not us this time...
Perhaps Doug Parker and his subordinates should move to TUL ? While Tulsa is a terrible place to live, Parker and his subordinates would be safe because there isn't any solidarity like France Unions have. TWU supporters can be convinced to vote to save jobs by cutting each others throats and in the past the Line, but to save their profession forget it. And you guys on the Line who are complaining, I want to thank you for your help to remove the TWU for the last 10 years. I just wish you would have stood up the 20 years before that. Now at least we have an Association, I just wanted a different one. If you guys would not have been so happy in your paradises, we could have had that other Association, if you would have "Just Move To Tulsa".
bigjets said:
It's not like Doug is offering delta +3 to just line mechs. And I believe the scope clause will be 100% line 50%oh which is what LUS has. Which is what Isom said he wants during townhall.

As a line mech I'm not willing to go to delta -3 to save Tulsa again and I'm willing to bet the 29 mechs heading to sfo or the afw guys headed to ord and NY in January would agree.

Bob was right, we live in nice places, it would be even better to keep up with the cost of living in these big hub cities. I'm sure Tulsa is nice but don't expect us sacrifice (AGAIN) so you can maintain your life style.
 and about 55% total outsourcing. 2nd worst in the industry. 
WorldTraveler said:
Tell us what percentage of engine work is protected in either the TWU/AA or IAM/US CBAs.

The work from TAESL is gone. I didn't say that. a union member did.

It also validates that no other carrier including DL was willing to take on the facility in order to do work that was declining. If DL had its own large engine cell up and running in ATL, they might have thought about it.
 probably not. 
Trent 800s are dying engines, i can't see Rollers wanting to spend the money to open up another MRO. 
bigjets said:
Bob had it completely right, Chicago is a nice place as well as NY SFO LA MIA, if you make a good amount of money. When the AFW And the Tulsa guys are in those city's you'll see how nice they are. Tulsa isn't a major tourist destination for a reason. That's why Tulsa isn't a hub city. We sacrificed too much to protect weekends with holidays off, not to mention an out dated business model. Sorry but facts suck.

The TWU shouldn't be blamed for the layoff, unions can't control that kind of major business decision no matter how much they give up in contract language. This is a the reason I believe you don't trade jobs for pay.
 can you expand on this? 
MetalMover said:
I hope everyone understands and realizes that whatever is destined to happen IS GOING TO HAPPEN......No contract will prevent it.
 That is completely false. 
Bases and line stations do indeed come and go. AA, IMO, was not smart early on and put it big bases in cities that aren't hubs. That alone jacks supply chain and ferry cost up. 
having said that, work only comes and goes if you and your union let it. The way you have posted in the past you don't really care about keeping work though, you just want the money. You just post things like this in hope that people will be willing to be stupid enough to take a furlough to get you your big pay raise. (that the next time the industry hits a down cycle, you will be giving back to the company anyways) 
If I'm wrong, please correct me. 
bigjets said:
AA closed AFW and TAESL not to mention MCI DTW MSP CLE etc etc.......
Because they decided to. AA does what's necessary for AA, the CEO is in charge not GP.
It's a surprise to me that AA didn't just close tul or spin off OH during BK, but then again that was a different company then what we work for now. The new executive team wants out of MRO now we are moving more into that direction along with similar mechanic staffing levels as other airlines.

As far as dfw goes, a station is only as successful as we make it. ORD is no longer the station it once was, and would be surprised if it doesn't shrink even more. DFW isn't getting the work done, if you were a CEO would you give them more work not to get done, Miami is getting all the work and AA seems happy with the results. Take a look at all the wide body's and all the mechanics working inside the hangar when you taxi by the Miami hgr. I get the impression wether it's bad management or unhappy mechs,DFW is not getting it done. but on the flip side, DWH is getting the work and getting it done, I've heard that dwh is taking a lot of work from DFW. Just a rumor I heard a while ago but DFW might be turned into a giant class ii
 once again, AA did not shut down TAESL. Rolls Royce shut down TAESL. 
RB211s are a dead engine, Trent 800s are a dying engine. 
So you are expecting Rolls to pay for a new Test cell and new tooling for an airline quickly becoming a mostly GE fleet? 
I know it goes against the norm around here and everything is always Tulsa, Management and the TWUs fault, but all three literately have no choice in the matter. 
Buck said:
Perhaps Doug Parker and his subordinates should move to TUL ? While Tulsa is a terrible place to live, Parker and his subordinates would be safe because there isn't any solidarity like France Unions have. TWU supporters can be convinced to vote to save jobs by cutting each others throats and in the past the Line, but to save their profession forget it. And you guys on the Line who are complaining, I want to thank you for your help to remove the TWU for the last 10 years. I just wish you would have stood up the 20 years before that. Now at least we have an Association, I just wanted a different one. If you guys would not have been so happy in your paradises, we could have had that other Association, if you would have "Just Move To Tulsa".I
I was being sarcastic Buck but it probably didn't seem like it. The line has been blaming overhaul in the past and the simple fact is that the majority ruled. So overhaul voted to survive. Now that overhaul has been gutted let's see the line stations in low cost areas vote in higher pay in high cost cities. It's the same principle.They won't, because the money has to come from somewhere. 
AA89 said:
I was being sarcastic Buck but it probably didn't seem like it. The line has been blaming overhaul in the past and the simple fact is that the majority ruled. So overhaul voted to survive. Now that overhaul has been gutted let's see the line stations in low cost areas vote in higher pay in high cost cities. It's the same principle.They won't, because the money has to come from somewhere. 
and in part so was I. The money will probably come from reduction in force? That is what the TWU has fought to prevent, but at the cost of substantial wage increases everyone especially the line.
Overhaul gutted? Well I do not see a reduction in population yet, but the job they perform yes. As the MD-80 fades away, those mechanics, some wide and some engine mechanics are finding their  way to the hangar.
Shafted said:
Anyone hear what was said at the union hall today? Any info?
All I heard that was sold as fact is that of 120 positions created at DWH, 103 are for the TAESL guys, 17 for recalls. Don't understand what the recalls are for. Other than that it was just items the union was proposing to the company. So bottom line, nothing.
At one of the mechanics 25 year anniversary recognition, the manager indicated the 737 is in TULE to stay. The union has not made a comment or confirmed anything like this..
Not all 737 heavies are done in Tulsa. Did they mean the older ones are staying or all 737 heavies will be done in Tulsa now?
Buck said:
At one of the mechanics 25 year anniversary recognition, the manager indicated the 737 is in TULE to stay. The union has not made a comment or confirmed anything like this..
Was his lips moving?
1AA said:
Not all 737 heavies are done in Tulsa. Did they mean the older ones are staying or all 737 heavies will be done in Tulsa now?
I believe all he meant was that the current flow was to remain. Nothing was elaborated on, which could mean many things, as in how many to the type of check.