Still Think Ron Paul is a Kook?

What you and others fail to realize is I never expected to win or even get this close.

I thought Ron Paul would end up at best a power broker in a severely fragmented primary battle. Now it looks like he has a chance to win the whole blessed thing.

If Ron Paul wins Iowa and come in a strong second in NH & SC or manages to win one of them, then the open question becomes will the outrage galvanize the electorate to get behind Ron Paul and get him into the White House is a chapter that has yet to be written.

When he started, I thought he had less than no chance to win and the best he could hope for is to raise awareness. NOW, however it looks like he could win.

OTOH Reagan who appeared to be an intellectual light weight and ill suited for the Presidency went on to do great things. So the question still remains "which group would a President Paul fall into?" The answer is the same for all incoming Presidents and the answer is "It Depends"

A lot of domino's would have to fall just right for it to happen, but I honestly think he can win the whole thing. WHY do I think this? There is something about him that's fresh, yet old at the same time. Here's a guy, love him of hate him that when asked will tell you exactly what he believes and why. Then you go home and try to find a contradiction and you can't do it. When he talks about the COTUS, Freedom & Liberty you know he believes it to the core of his being. In a way he's the Anti-Politician.

Just a few quotes I found in just one thread. Sorry, you very much did want and even think he could win. The fact that the expectation/hope was unrealistic is a separate issue.
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Just a few quotes I found in just one thread. Sorry, you very much did want and even think he could win. The fact that the expectation/hope was unrealistic is a separate issue.

Anyone who runs CAN win. Could he win? Yes he could and yes I do want him to win.

If we all just supported the front runner, then we'd be in real trouble.
That is not what you said and I really do not care. It is obvious you really like Paul. We all get that, trust me, we really get that. You said he had a chance. I never thought he did. Big whoop. As many of us have said, Paul has a few good ideas. the rest of them like most other politicians ideas are unrealistic or just crazy. Is he more principled than other politicians, probably so. The fact that he has held on to some principles for so long even though they are out modded or unrealistic seem to point to an unrealistic out look. Dreams are good to have but you have to realize that they are dreams and that they may not be achievable, at least not in one fell swoop. And I don't think he gets that. Just my opinion.
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That is not what you said and I really do not care. It is obvious you really like Paul. We all get that, trust me, we really get that. You said he had a chance. I never thought he did. Big whoop. As many of us have said, Paul has a few good ideas. the rest of them like most other politicians ideas are unrealistic or just crazy. Is he more principled than other politicians, probably so. The fact that he has held on to some principles for so long even though they are out modded or unrealistic seem to point to an unrealistic out look. Dreams are good to have but you have to realize that they are dreams and that they may not be achievable, at least not in one fell swoop. And I don't think he gets that. Just my opinion.

You NEVER compromise your core values and beliefs. 4,300 plus today in PHL standing in a driving rain storm to hear him speak says that for some Intellectual honesty, an unwavering set of core beliefs and the courage to speak out are far more important then the Empty Suit and Empty Suit white and their meaningless pandering.
You NEVER compromise your core values and beliefs. 4,300 plus today in PHL standing in a driving rain storm to hear him speak says that for some Intellectual honesty, an unwavering set of core beliefs and the courage to speak out are far more important then the Empty Suit and Empty Suit white and their meaningless pandering.

And Paul will struggle to get 10% of the vote.

Why? Normal people don't like him.
You NEVER compromise your core values and beliefs. 4,300 plus today in PHL standing in a driving rain storm to hear him speak says that for some Intellectual honesty, an unwavering set of core beliefs and the courage to speak out are far more important then the Empty Suit and Empty Suit white and their meaningless pandering.

i want world peace and good will toward men. I think it's a great principle and live my life by it as best I can. I know it will in all likelihood never happen in my life time if ever. I take little victories where I can. Core beliefs are fine but if you cannot see the forest for the tree then it does you little good. Libertarians have a few good ideas but most are unrealistic in the society that we live in.

One more thing. We live in a nation of over 300,000,000 people. The word compromise is something you better wrap your head around if you ever want to have a chance of changing things. The fact that Paul seems unable or unwilling to do so is the biggest reason he has never been elected to anything beyond his Senator seat and never will be. Not everyone believes as you do. In fact judging from the primary results very few do. So either learn to play with the other children in the sand box or play with your self.
You NEVER compromise your core values and beliefs. 4,300 plus today in PHL standing in a driving rain storm to hear him speak says that for some Intellectual honesty, an unwavering set of core beliefs and the courage to speak out are far more important then the Empty Suit and Empty Suit white and their meaningless pandering.

Our whole system of governemnt is based on a compromise. In spite of what you may think Ronald Reagan compromised when he was president. Conservative icon Barry Goldwater talked about the need for compromise in politics and governing. Maybe this is why Ron Paul has accomplished nothing in his legislative career. Other bring home money to his district.
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Our whole system of governemnt is based on a compromise. In spite of what you may think Ronald Reagan compromised when he was president. Conservative icon Barry Goldwater talked about the need for compromise in politics and governing. Maybe this is why Ron Paul has accomplished nothing in his legislative career. Other bring home money to his district.

OR, maybe compromise is what got us into this shitehole?? Go along to get along is all great grand and wonderful until you compromise who you are. From Alexander Hamilton to Malcolm X the quote "Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything" rings loudly in my ears about now
OR, maybe compromise is what got us into this shitehole?? Go along to get along is all great grand and wonderful until you compromise who you are. From Alexander Hamilton to Malcolm X the quote "Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything" rings loudly in my ears about now

If there is no compromise and one side gets it's way all the time then there is no need for political parties. What you would have is a one party system. Here are a list of countires that fall into that category. The USSR, China, North Korea, Nazi Germany, facist Italy, facist Spain, Saudi Arabi etc.
Just because there are examples showing that too much compromise did not end up with a satisfactory result does not prove that no compromise is better. As 777 pointed out, look at the legislation that Paul proposed and passed in it's original form.
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Just because there are examples showing that too much compromise did not end up with a satisfactory result does not prove that no compromise is better. As 777 pointed out, look at the legislation that Paul proposed and passed in it's original form.

For me at least then can be NO COMPROMISE on the following:

A full and complete audit of the Federal Reserve Bank. It's our Country and we have a right to know.

Repeal of the Patriot Act in it's entirety! Same for NDAA and all of the other civil liberty robbing post 9/11 legislation.

A balanced budget, but not a balanced budget amendment.

Immediate repeal and dismantling of the Obama Health Care scam.

The other issues like shrinking the size of the Federal Government, How we conduct ourselves overseas, How the tax code gets revised, gay marriage, Abortion, etc are IMO appropriate areas for compromise. For me maximized individual Liberty is all important. On some things I'd go further than Dr Paul and on others not so far.

My personal key message is that under no circumstance can you trade Liberty for perceived Security as the end result is tyranny. You keep the individual free and the rest of the issues will ultimately take care of themselves.

Dr. Paul has ONE fatal flaw. A flaw that he shares with many whose views don't square all the time with the mainstream. Dr. Paul is what I call a "True Believer". You're not changing that man's mind. Generally speaking "True Believers" don't get elected. Do I think he is the only one with the right answers? YES I DO! I will work, blog, whatever to make sure his voice is heard because I believe him to be right. I don't compromise in the voting booth either. Come November if he's not the nominee or not a 3rd party candidate I'll write him in. Why? Because I need a clear conscience that I voted for the man who most closely speaks for me.
Yea. Only one flaw.

So congress passes a budget that cuts spending 50%. What would you do or what should Paul do as POTUS?
OR, maybe compromise is what got us into this shitehole?? Go along to get along is all great grand and wonderful until you compromise who you are. From Alexander Hamilton to Malcolm X the quote "Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything" rings loudly in my ears about now

Not compromising on anything is why the Libertarian party at 42 years old, has never ever ever elected anyone to a federal office (representative or senator), or governor.

Buncha dweebs who all want things their own way, each one an island unto themselves, accomplishing nothing.