Still Think Ron Paul is a Kook?

"Rep. Ron Paul, who is still technically in the hunt for the Republican presidential nomination, seems to have finally accepted his fate.

In an email sent to supporters late last night, the Texas congressman said by the time the Republican National Convention comes around, he won't have sufficient delegates to secure the nomination."

From NPR.
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The Liberty Movement is here to stay and you'll be seeing great changes in the party as a result of his delegate strategy.

For me I honestly never expected an outright victory. Honestly to get this far is more then I expected. The word is out and the movement grows. I'm satisfied with that. The collapse of the Central Banks will propel us even further and his son is waiting in the wings along with others.

"The collapse of the Central Banks will propel us even further"

Now that is something I did not know that Ron Paul was advocating...or is that your deluded version of the world?
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"The collapse of the Central Banks will propel us even further"

Now that is something I did not know that Ron Paul was advocating...or is that your deluded version of the world?

He has spoken on that topic since the campaign began. The entire world wide banking system is on the verge of collapse this very day. Read something NOT published here in the US and you'll see it. You'll recall he predicted the Housing bubble fully 2 years BEFORE it happened and he has shown great concern over the sitituation.
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Details tomorrow

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They are arranging "Ronvoys" right now. A fun way to get there to honor Dr Paul and send a message to the Neo-Cons that the Liberty Movement is here to stay. Currently 5 states have NEW Republican Party Chairman all are supporters of Dr Ron Paul and the Liberty Movement.
Details tomorrow

Music, Entertainment and activism. Join Us.

They are arranging "Ronvoys" right now. A fun way to get there to honor Dr Paul and send a message to the Neo-Cons that the Liberty Movement is here to stay. Currently 5 states have NEW Republican Party Chairman all are supporters of Dr Ron Paul and the Liberty Movement.

My left nut tells me Rand goes Mittsky, Pop gets cabinet position to dismantle the Fed.
I ever tell you abount my left nut and its political accuracy?


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