Still Think Ron Paul is a Kook?

Not compromising on anything is why the Libertarian party at 42 years old, has never ever ever elected anyone to a federal office (representative or senator), or governor.

Buncha dweebs who all want things their own way, each one an island unto themselves, accomplishing nothing.

How long Obama and his Progressives been trying?
For me at least then can be NO COMPROMISE on the following:

A full and complete audit of the Federal Reserve Bank. It's our Country and we have a right to know.

Repeal of the Patriot Act in it's entirety! Same for NDAA and all of the other civil liberty robbing post 9/11 legislation.

A balanced budget, but not a balanced budget amendment.

Immediate repeal and dismantling of the Obama Health Care scam.

This audit you keep talking about, that's just a Ron Paul supporter wet dream that really is not going to accomplish much of anything.

The Patriot Act, do you get rid of it in it's entirity or just certain parts? That's what you would have to work out in Congress.

A balanced budget, I think if you were to ask every member of the House and Senate they would all say they are for it. The real issue is how you go about it. The only way you would be able to acheive it is through compromise.

Repeal of Obama Care, that's not going to happen.
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  • #79
This audit you keep talking about, that's just a Ron Paul supporter wet dream that really is not going to accomplish much of anything.

The Patriot Act, do you get rid of it in it's entirity or just certain parts? That's what you would have to work out in Congress.

A balanced budget, I think if you were to ask every member of the House and Senate they would all say they are for it. The real issue is how you go about it. The only way you would be able to acheive it is through compromise.

Repeal of Obama Care, that's not going to happen.

Yes to repealing the Patriot Act in it's entirety.

If a full audit of the Fed were to take place, remember we've already had apartial audit which uncovereed some dirty deeds done in total secrecy. A full audit IMO would reveal details of all manner of Bankster shenanigans that would result in bloodshed in the US. I really believe there would be people who take up arsm against the government. So your assesment that a full audit is a dream is likely true. The truth that we've been sold down the river by our own Government since 1913 is a hard pill to swallow even for me and imagine to those involved and engaged.

Repeal might not be likely as the SCOTUS may make repeal a moot point if it were to strike down portions or all of it. If it survives I believe there will be a Non Compliance movement that will render it a failure. Polls show as many as 70% of the public is against it. Up from 59% against it when voted and signed into law. IF Romney wins and as a result there is a Republican Majority in the House and Senate I think you could see a repeal though it won't matter much as Romney will come up with a similar non free market government funded solution that will continue pilferring individual Liberty in exchance for security which is a myth as Man has only those rights that he can defend.
"Compromise" was a dirty word to them and they wouldn't face the fact that we couldn't get all of what we wanted today. They wanted all or nothing and they wanted it all at once. If you don't get it all, some said, don't take anything.

Guess who.
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  • #81
This audit you keep talking about, that's just a Ron Paul supporter wet dream that really is not going to accomplish much of anything..

Ron Paul's push for full Fed audit slated for House vote
By Peter Schroeder - 2012-05-25 11:08:00 AM ET

One of Rep. Ron Paul's (R-Texas) pet issues will hit the spotlight this July, as House Republican leaders plan to hold a vote on authorizing a top-to-bottom audit of the Federal Reserve.

In a memo to Republican members sent Friday, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) unveiled the GOP majority's plan for the months leading up to the fall elections. Among a "busy legislative agenda," including bills tackling healthcare, domestic energy production and taxes, Paul's 300-word measure has carved out a spot on the docket.
The bill is currently pending before a House Oversight subcommittee, but has garnered a substantial number of sponsors — 227 in all, including several committee chairmen. And while Fed-bashing became a popular activity on the GOP primary campaign trail, not all the bill's backers are Republicans. Several Democrats, such as Reps. Peter DeFazio (Ore.) and Dennis Kucinich (Ohio), are among those pushing for a Fed audit.
The central bank's activities have come under heightened scrutiny ever since the financial crisis. Republican lawmakers have argued that the Fed's efforts to boost the economy via rock-bottom interest rates and two rounds of massive bond-buying known as "quantitative easing" are encouraging inflation. And members in both parties have expressed concern about the outsized role the Fed took on during the financial crisis, extending huge amounts of loans in a bid to keep the financial system afloat.
The Fed was previously audited by the Government Accountability Office under a provision of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law. However, that survey was limited to just the Fed's actions during the financial crisis, which revealed the central bank loaned trillions to the world's largest financial institutions as Wall Street teetered.
Under Paul's bill, the entire operations of the Fed would be examined and publicized.


Not accomplish anything? Nooo having a full disclosure of the activities of our central bank is a nit!! Having the people demand accountability from their Central Bank is no big deal. For those two reasons this legislation if passed and an audit takes place will be a landmark case of we the people standing us to an out of control federal government.

Depending upon what's found it could mean the demise of one or both political parties as we know them, but hey it's my wet dream right?
Yes to repealing the Patriot Act in it's entirety.

If a full audit of the Fed were to take place, remember we've already had apartial audit which uncovereed some dirty deeds done in total secrecy. A full audit IMO would reveal details of all manner of Bankster shenanigans that would result in bloodshed in the US. I really believe there would be people who take up arsm against the government. So your assesment that a full audit is a dream is likely true. The truth that we've been sold down the river by our own Government since 1913 is a hard pill to swallow even for me and imagine to those involved and engaged.

Repeal might not be likely as the SCOTUS may make repeal a moot point if it were to strike down portions or all of it. If it survives I believe there will be a Non Compliance movement that will render it a failure. Polls show as many as 70% of the public is against it. Up from 59% against it when voted and signed into law. IF Romney wins and as a result there is a Republican Majority in the House and Senate I think you could see a repeal though it won't matter much as Romney will come up with a similar non free market government funded solution that will continue pilferring individual Liberty in exchance for security which is a myth as Man has only those rights that he can defend.

It almost sounds like you want people to die as a result of an audit of the Federal Reserve. The fact remains I have to hear one Ron Paul supporter come up with a cohereant answer as to waht would happen if there were no Fed.

You ignored the point I made about the deficit. Now were back to the subject of compromise. Whether you like to admit it or not the only way the deficit is going to be addresed is through COMPROMISE. Unfortanetly it seems a lot of poeple in DC are ignorant of that fact. The deficit IMHO is a whole lot more important than an audit or the Patriot Act. Speaking of the Patriot Act would you repeal the part about border security?

The only way Obama Care would be repealed is if the GOP gets a fillibuster proof majority. If not they are going to have to come to some sort of deal with the democrats.

Not accomplish anything? Nooo having a full disclosure of the activities of our central bank is a nit!! Having the people demand accountability from their Central Bank is no big deal. For those two reasons this legislation if passed and an audit takes place will be a landmark case of we the people standing us to an out of control federal government.

Depending upon what's found it could mean the demise of one or both political parties as we know them, but hey it's my wet dream right?
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  • #84

Nice link to bad it's Bullshite. The Fed have NEVER in US history undergone a full audit. NEVER.

The partial audit that was done during the bank bailout and TARP uncovered lending of nearly 16.3 TRILLION Dollars given to the Banksters to avoid an economic collapse.

As to what would replace the Fed, Dr Paul has been well quoted and there is significant information on line. In fact in one of these threads I found a 20 some page document and offered to send it to you and all I heard was crickets.

I;m not looking it up again and doing your work for you. The answers are out there and the bill has 227 sponsors and not all are Republicans. Also there is a video of a veiled threat from Ben Bernanke if the Fed is audited. They have something to hide and it's time we found out.
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  • #85
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men".
~ Woodrow Wilson

even the guy who signed the bill creating the Fed figured it out.
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  • #88
Yes, you are. If you haven't noticed, Mitt just went over the top with the delegates for the nomination yesterday with his win in Texas.

Let us now how the nomination fight works out for you.

Romney/Bush 2012.

The Liberty Movement will be here LONG after Ron Paul is worm food or are you to dense to grasp that? Glenn Quagmire lives in the Liberal Nanny State of RI. So one can see where your Liberal Idea come from. The state with one of the highest Unemployment rate nationwide due to it's policies. Whereas I live in an area where UI is between 3.3% and 5.8%. States where Ron Paul did really well.

If you understood how the delegate count works then you's know Mitt does NOT have the requisite number of confirmed delegates as BOTH videos clearly point out. Many state GOP organizations now have Ron Paul supporters as Party chairs.. The old order GOP is under attack from the Tea Party and the Liberty Movement and neither are going away anytime soon.

We are going to lose the nomination fight but grow the Liberty movement and in the end someone will take up where Ron Paul left off and we will restore the Republic. It's not if, it's when.
It almost sounds like you want people to die as a result of an audit of the Federal Reserve. The fact remains I have to hear one Ron Paul supporter come up with a cohereant answer as to waht would happen if there were no Fed.

You ignored the point I made about the deficit. Now were back to the subject of compromise. Whether you like to admit it or not the only way the deficit is going to be addresed is through COMPROMISE. Unfortanetly it seems a lot of poeple in DC are ignorant of that fact. The deficit IMHO is a whole lot more important than an audit or the Patriot Act. Speaking of the Patriot Act would you repeal the part about border security?

The only way Obama Care would be repealed is if the GOP gets a fillibuster proof majority. If not they are going to have to come to some sort of deal with the democrats. dead in the water. When the supreme court announces it's decision, by July, which imo will be "The government cannot force you to buy something", there will be no funding, henceforth, no ObamaCareTM !
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  • #90 dead in the water. When the supreme court announces it's decision, by July, which imo will be "The government cannot force you to buy something", there will be no funding, henceforth, no ObamaCareTM !

One can hope that's for sure. Consider this! I want your honest opinion.

Suppose ObamaCare is NOT struck down? Will there be a resistance movement?