Still Think Ron Paul is a Kook?

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Are you kidding me! You try and hijack almost every thread on this board with your Ron Paul worshiping.

Not talking about other threads try to focus, I know it's hard but I have confidence. For the record I worship Jesus and I support Dr Paul.

Say what you will but IMO the only reason you're here is to deflect and attempt to discredit Dr Paul.

Not talking about other threads try to focus, I know it's hard but I have confidence. For the record I worship Jesus and I support Dr Paul.

Say what you will but IMO the only reason you're here is to deflect and attempt to discredit Dr Paul.

View attachment 9416

Oh I get it, it's okay for you to hijack every thread under the sun but I had better not do it. Especailly when the subject is your man crush.

One the bigest problems I have with Ron Paul is his supporters. Quite frankly most of you come across as arrogrant know it all alls mixed with more than your fair share of nasitness. I think this former Ron Paul supporter said it best.
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Oh I get it, it's okay for you to hijack every thread under the sun but I had better not do it. Especailly when the subject is your man crush.

One the bigest problems I have with Ron Paul is his supporters. Quite frankly most of you come across as arrogrant know it all alls mixed with more than your fair share of nasitness. I think this former Ron Paul supporter said it best.

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Well compared to most the Ron Paul supporters DO know more. Here's another point to ponder.

View attachment 9417
Since you cannot make with out mentioning Paul I think we all know where sit on the scale.
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Since you cannot make with out mentioning Paul I think we all know where sit on the scale.

You'd do well to revisit my posts. Then you could just STFU. It's certainly not even close to every post.
You'd do well to revisit my posts. Then you could just STFU. It's certainly not even close to every post.
Once was quite enough.

I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. I just looked at the posts in this thread. You made ten posts including the OP and mentioned Pauls name in 7 of them.

Is there a quote from Ghandi about people who proclaim to speak the truth and anyone who disagrees with them is an enemy of liberty and freedom?
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Is there a quote from Ghandi about people who proclaim to speak the truth and anyone who disagrees with them is an enemy of liberty and freedom?

Not that I'm Aw
are Of.

However ponder this.

Ron Paul Only Candidate Able to Defeat Obama in New Poll
Edges out Obama while Romney, suffering from Obama’s enthusiasm gap, at best ties Obama

LAKE JACKSON, Texas, Apr 12, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul again polls better against President Barack Obama in a head-to-head matchup than establishment-choice moderate Mitt Romney, according to a poll released today from Rasmussen.

The poll notes that in a general election matchup, the 12-term Congressman from Texas edges out Obama by 1 percentage point, 44 to 43 percent. The survey also notes that in a hypothetical 2012 head-to-head, Obama and Romney are tied at 45 percent, which bodes poorly for Republicans being urged to believe the race is over, only to later experience buyer’s remorse.

The poll also finds that this far into Obama’s first term, 40 percent of voters respond that they “strongly disapprove” and 27 percent “strongly approve” of his performance. With a Presidential Approval Index of -13 points, it is noteworthy that some Republicans are seemingly settling on a candidate no more popular than the President, suggesting an establishment liberal Democrat is no more popular than a establishment liberal Republican.

Rasmussen is not Gallup but it's a pretty good organization.
Entire Article
I do not understand these polls. Are they only polling people who do not vote? How else does one win a poll and not win a singe primary? Is he running in the wrong party?
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I do not understand these polls. Are they only polling people who do not vote? How else does one win a poll and not win a singe primary? Is he running in the wrong party?

Many polls deal with or in hypothetical situation. Let's be candid shall we? Right now unless Mitt Romney,

1. - Struck by lightening and dies

2. Somehow manages to screw-up and lose to Ron Paul

Mitt Romney will be the Republican Candidate.

What this poll shows and it is conducted scientifically is that given only TWO choices, likely voters would pick Ron Paul over Barack Obama. Where these things get tricky is how one defines "Likely Voters".
If they would pick Paul over Romney then why id they not pick Paul over Romney when given the chance?

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