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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.”

For right now we seem to be someplace in between "Then they fight you, Then you win" Notice the MSM isn't vomiting venom all over and prefacing every interview with "Hasn't won a primary" any longer. More what if's now then ever. Suppose he does go 3rd Party? Or Throw in with Gary Johnson of the Libertarians? Head to head he does very well against Obama in polls.

With a constant 10 to 20 percent he has the ability to play King Maker, something that I do not think he will do. Those who assume we would only take votes from the Republican are sorely mistaken. IA, MN and other states he's done well in are relatively Liberal especially MN.

Ron Paul's campaign is well funded and well organized. He out draws Barack Goldman and Mitt Sachs at rally's and speeches regularly. The Liberty Movement grows because the Democrats and Republicans blow.
The fact that Whiny boy won less then 11% of the votes and garners nearly 90% means somethign is wrong. The fact that Whiny boy and his supporters are not offended by utilizing the system to circumvent the primary votes is quite revealing.

Why have the primary elections if no one is even going to abide by them? If the delegate process has nothing to do with the publics will why bother?
The fact that Whiny boy won less then 11% of the votes and garners nearly 90% means somethign is wrong. The fact that Whiny boy and his supporters are not offended by utilizing the system to circumvent the primary votes is quite revealing.

Why have the primary elections if no one is even going to abide by them? If the delegate process has nothing to do with the publics will why bother?

The ONLY people shown to have broken the rules were those lined up against Dr. Paul. The rules were made to prevent people like him from ever getting any traction. Now that there is some traction we shall see. If Dr Paul tells his 11% to vote for the tooth fairy, the tooth fairy will have 11% of the vote. Barack Goldman and Mitt Sachs need to remember that come November.

IMO, Mitt will reach out to Dr Paul in a serious and meaningful way.as Dr Paul's supporters are the margin of victory for either Candidate.
Try and focus. I did not say that he.broke the rules. I never said he broke the rules. I know.you want to change the issue but we are not talking about breaking the rules.

What I am talking about is someone who received 11% of the vote ending up with nearly 90% of the delegates. If Paul does not like the rules then he should try to change them. Subjecting the people vote seems quite unlibertarian.
The fact that Whiny boy won less then 11% of the votes and garners nearly 90% means somethign is wrong. The fact that Whiny boy and his supporters are not offended by utilizing the system to circumvent the primary votes is quite revealing.

Why have the primary elections if no one is even going to abide by them? If the delegate process has nothing to do with the publics will why bother?

Excuse me, saw RP on the news tonight picking up more delegates. I believe you may have to change from calling him whiny to winny.
More like Mr Whiny Hypocrit. Hew picked up 21 out of 24 delegates but only won 11% of the vote. That's a nice spit ion the eye to the voters. Mr Whiny is just another lying snake oil sales man from DC who thinks he knows better than than the voters so he will take delegates any way he can even though the voters have told him to go pound sand. All Mr Whiny has is a few good ideas in a ocean of BS. He failed as a libertarian and he failed as a republican candidate. The voters are not buying the carp he is selling.
More like Mr Whiny Hypocrit. Hew picked up 21 out of 24 delegates but only won 11% of the vote. That's a nice spit ion the eye to the voters. Mr Whiny is just another lying snake oil sales man from DC who thinks he knows better than than the voters so he will take delegates any way he can even though the voters have told him to go pound sand. All Mr Whiny has is a few good ideas in a ocean of BS. He failed as a libertarian and he failed as a republican candidate. The voters are not buying the carp he is selling.

You know sometimes you're as dumb as a bag of hammers!

The ruling Parasite Political Class rigs the deck to prevent "outsiders" from ever having a chance to win. So along comes a guy who looks at the rigged deck he's been handed and says, "You know if I play my cards right I can win a few hands and really get in the race"

I don't know about anyone else but I want an intellectually honest person with the sharp elbows required to be a world leader. One who is principled and savvy enough to play a rigged deck to the advantage of our country when it comes to foreign affairs and domestic as well.

Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry & Herman Cain all had the opportunity to leverage the rules but they lacked ONE thing. A group of energized, engaged and involved base of support that has more then doubled in 3+ years. His youthful volunteers pledged their time and hard earned money to the Liberty Movement and Dr. Paul.

Now that's he's actually won a few all we hear is how he won was deceitful.How so? Did he lie and say his obvious strategy was something other than it was? I could post tens if not thousands of You Tube video's where he reveals his strategy up front. The fact that his people bust their assets for him tells me something about the man.

The turn out at rally's packs the venues to the gills compared to the half empty room Obama launched his campaign from. Ron Paul gets the rock star treatment from his followers everyplace he goes. While the venues Obama occupies are as empty as his suit.

Did Ron Paul give us:
The GM/TARP Bailouts?
The housing bubble? Now he did predict it that's true, but he didn't create it. For that you can thank Empty Suits 1 & 2.
The Patriot Act and it's middle of the night extension.
The NDAA, CISPA and numerous Liberty robbing executive orders
Solyndra, Fast & Furious, etc
A lowered credit rating due to borrowing 5 trillion in a little over 3 years

NOPE! All of the above was brought to you by the Republicrats, NOT Dr. Paul!
Now that's he's actually won a few all we hear is how he won was deceitful.

He just ignored the voters. You are unwilling to see this because you have a huge man crush bone for Whiny boy that all he blood has left your brain. You can hardly go a post with out praising your man crush.
Fo;;owing the rules is NOT snaking! If it is then Obama didn't win the nomination in 2008! No sacrifice in standard or intellectual honesty. Just the same tactics as others. Politics is a contact sport. I guess they didn't expect this from a 76 year old Dr. from TX.

When an outsider does it, it's fraud and when a thug of the Establishment does it? Then it's all grand and good! If he has the most delegates then he WON! What part of V-I-C-T-O-R-Y has you confused? Do you think your Messiah & Savior didn't do exactly the same thing? Well think again.

You can twist this anyway you care to. Ron Paul won these Primaries fair & square. You don't like it? I can't help you.

Stick with Mitt Goldman and Barack Sachs and see if anything thing changes. The business as usual Crony Capitalist Class and their respective Parasites will deliver more of same until the economic bubble collapses.

Ron Paul WON in those states via lawful means. Can't say the same about many. Face facts, LIBERTY is popular. When you have a message whose time has come no government or army on the face of the earth can stop it.

Gimme a break. If the rolls were reversed you would be screaming from the rooftops on how the system was gamed and how a legit victory was stolen from the great, infaliable, god like Ron Paul.
Either way, its going to be an interesting RonPaul convention.
I'd give the payback angle against GOP. GOP are the ones fronting stooge no win moderate candidates which the majority of voters reject, particularly independents. Someone has to wake up in the GOP and realize the times have changed.
Either way, its going to be an interesting RonPaul convention.
I'd give the payback angle against GOP. GOP are the ones fronting stooge no win moderate candidates which the majority of voters reject, particularly independents. Someone has to wake up in the GOP and realize the times have changed.

Ron Paul converntion? Is'nt he the guy with the least amount of electoral votes?

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