Still Think Ron Paul is a Kook?

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  • #46
NO! But not that I'm back in the PHL area I'm going to a rally on Independence Mall on Sunday.
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  • #49
My prediction. Mitt Romney will get the nomination and there will be no "proff".

we shall see how many delegates Ron Paul ends up with and my money is on it being double to triple what MSM reports.

View attachment 9436

The Paul Campaign polled their supporters and by an overwhelming majority they want him to go all the way to Tampa. so we're in it to try to win it. Likely not going to happen, but the individuals donors who fund 98% of the campaign have pledged to keep supporting him which says an awful lot about the man. Most of his support comes from those under 30 who realize they're getting stuck with our credit csrd bills.
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  • #51
So far nothing to prove the Ron Paul is the victim of some vast conspiracy to deprive him of delegates.

There's a pretty significant body of evidence from around the nation. doesn't matter really. i knew it would happen. the thing is that some of the shenanigans have been reversed.

The ONE thing Dr. Paul has going for him is his "ground Troops" who have done the heavy lifting and become experts in the delegate selection process and have put themselves "Out there" and signed up to be delegates.

It has gone so far as Republican state committees to have been "warned" not to accept any delegate applications from anyone under 30 as they "might be" Paul Supporters.

As I said in another thread, The Crony Capitalist Republicans are scared to death of the Tea Party and the Liberty Movement led by Dr. Paul. i think their level of fear is great enough that they are willing to lose the general election and scapegoat Paul & the TP.
There's a pretty significant body of evidence from around the nation. doesn't matter really. i knew it would happen. the thing is that some of the shenanigans have been reversed.

Which you don't bother to share with the rest of us. How convienent.
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  • #54
Really? Where did you find this little gem?
All you have to do is surf the internet. stevie wonder could find it. And NO! i'm not providing it. you want it? find it like i did. no handouts here just good old fashioned Libertarian individual Liberty. I'm free (for now0 to look it up and so are you. Laziness is unbecoming. Self reliance is the key.
I have found plenty of accusations. I have read sites that claim the earth is flat, the holocaust never happened, aliens have landed, aliens are in area 51, that 9/11 was a government conspiracy .... funny thing no one has any proof. Just stuff they either made up or heard from their brothers girlfriends best friends brother whos dad heard it at work from someone who obviously knew what they were talking about it so it must be true. So enough of the drama and Stevie Wonder BS. If you have proof, post it, if not it's OK to say you have no proof it's just what you believe. At this point it pretty much carries the same weight as the theories mentioned above.

Personally, it does sound quite plausible. Politicians are going to protect their turf. How ever with out proof it's only an accusation.
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  • #56
I have found plenty of accusations. I have read sites that claim the earth is flat, the holocaust never happened, aliens have landed, aliens are in area 51, that 9/11 was a government conspiracy .... funny thing no one has any proof. Just stuff they either made up or heard from their brothers girlfriends best friends brother whos dad heard it at work from someone who obviously knew what they were talking about it so it must be true. So enough of the drama and Stevie Wonder BS. If you have proof, post it, if not it's OK to say you have no proof it's just what you believe. At this point it pretty much carries the same weight as the theories mentioned above.

Personally, it does sound quite plausible. Politicians are going to protect their turf. How ever with out proof it's only an accusation.

Well then we will know when they count delegates in Tampa
The only thing the delegate count will prove is how many delegates each person has. Unless of course you are going to use Pauls low delegate count as a proof of a larger conspiracy. Face it, you have a theory, albeit a plausible one but a theory none the less.
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  • #58
The only thing the delegate count will prove is how many delegates each person has. Unless of course you are going to use Pauls low delegate count as a proof of a larger conspiracy. Face it, you have a theory, albeit a plausible one but a theory none the less.

It's beyond theory as there are a few hidden camera video's on You Tube where you can hear the Establishment GOP directing underlings to act against Ron Paul.

Let's see how may show tomorrow in PHL in the predicted driving rain to hear the message of Liberty
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  • #60
Yep. When Paul loses the nomination you will say "see, I told you so!"

What you and others fail to realize is I never expected to win or even get this close. To me the fraud is a clear sign the message is resonating and the Elite East Coast Establishment Republicans KNOW that Dr Paul can go 3rd party in a heartbeat and completely derail any Candidate they choose.

The march to Liberty may not be won this cycle, none the less our young people have figured it out in large numbers that our generation is stealing their kids milk money and they will be around long after the earth and worms have stripped the flesh off Ron Paul.

My Niece and her kids (when they arrive) deserve the same Liberties I had. When I march for Dr Paul, I march for her not me.