Still Think Ron Paul is a Kook?

Nice link to bad it's Bullshite. The Fed have NEVER in US history undergone a full audit. NEVER.

The partial audit that was done during the bank bailout and TARP uncovered lending of nearly 16.3 TRILLION Dollars given to the Banksters to avoid an economic collapse.

As to what would replace the Fed, Dr Paul has been well quoted and there is significant information on line. In fact in one of these threads I found a 20 some page document and offered to send it to you and all I heard was crickets.

I;m not looking it up again and doing your work for you. The answers are out there and the bill has 227 sponsors and not all are Republicans. Also there is a video of a veiled threat from Ben Bernanke if the Fed is audited. They have something to hide and it's time we found out.

I did'nt stop you from posting twenty pages of anything. It seems your major problem is the inablity to articulate what happens when the Fed is gone. If you can't do that and instead need a twenty page paper to do it for you than maybe you should not be makeing the arguments.

Your doing my work for me? I believe the opposite is true. Case in point the gold standard. When I asked what happens if on the gold standard a country say like China shows up with a couple hundred billion in US dollars wanting gold. Your response was that it probalby won't happen and besides there no historical precendence for this. Which is untrue and if you had done your homework you would have known that. dead in the water. When the supreme court announces it's decision, by July, which imo will be "The government cannot force you to buy something", there will be no funding, henceforth, no ObamaCareTM !

What industry do you work in by the way?
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I did'nt stop you from posting twenty pages of anything. It seems your major problem is the inablity to articulate what happens when the Fed is gone. If you can't do that and instead need a twenty page paper to do it for you than maybe you should not be makeing the arguments.

Your doing my work for me? I believe the opposite is true. Case in point the gold standard. When I asked what happens if on the gold standard a country say like China shows up with a couple hundred billion in US dollars wanting gold. Your response was that it probalby won't happen and besides there no historical precendence for this. Which is untrue and if you had done your homework you would have known that.

For the 486th time what happens is sound currency based on something of intrinsic value. Gold has been traditionally used but not exclusively. So If/When the Fed goes we'll figure it out. I did find a very good article on how a return to Gold would work. I'm not searching for it again. Go back through the threads. I offered to send it to you and I hear crickets. So if you don't like it TFB
For the 486th time what happens is sound currency based on something of intrinsic value. Gold has been traditionally used but not exclusively. So If/When the Fed goes we'll figure it out. I did find a very good article on how a return to Gold would work. I'm not searching for it again. Go back through the threads. I offered to send it to you and I hear crickets. So if you don't like it TFB

That's your answer, we will figure it out after it happens? I can think of no better way of saying I have clue.
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That's your answer, we will figure it out after it happens? I can think of no better way of saying I have clue.

Ron Paul has spoken on it as well, I've researched it and NO, I'm not doing your work for you or Glenn. Typical Progressives, You do the work I'll take the Credit. They have this search engine called check it out.


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Intrinsic value? Nothing has intrinsic value. Things only have value because we as a society have decided it. A $1 bill has value because we agreed that it does. You can five a bar of gold to a starving man and that gold is worthless.
I don't think Ron Paul is a Kook but, his Lemmings are !

Now ..........on to more important things, like bootin' Barrack Hussien Obama out of office !




Moderators, you may close this thread as it's taking up needed space on servers for relevant issues !
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Moderators, you may close this thread as it's taking up needed space on servers for relevant issues !

We'll see in November. 10 to 15 percent of of the vote nationally is a big hammer and Romney is actively courting the Ron Paul supporters. It's his margin of victory.
My guess is the Paul-Bots will whine like little children and say since Ronny didn't get the nod, we're votin' for Nobama now !

That'll learn 'em !
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My guess is the Paul-Bots will whine like little children and say since Ronny didn't get the nod, we're votin' for Nobama now !

That'll learn 'em !

BTW, When was the VOTE held? When Romney is confirmed then we have a nominee. Until then Ron can win delegates. The more he wins the harder it eis for the Bankster Republican's to ignore him because they need his supporters to ensure vistory.