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Some FA's don't know they got a pay raise.

And the APFA went back to Parker last month and demanded more money, Parker told them to pound sand.
And he gave raises to only groups that had a JCBA.
AC AA LA FA said:
It speaks volumes that Laura waltzed out of here with her arms open ready to embrace a position in the corporate world and more so that you give her kudos to do so. Lets not forget that there were enough "rational" people to vote down this agreement., An agreement that was presented to us via built points and item after item of TBD implementation. Deterioration of our work rules and increases in our insurance add up to a concessionary agreement. Yes, we did see a bump in our rates of pay but as always, the devil is in the details. 
The "NPA" was inked to ensure we were to never let an impartial 3rd party hear our grievances and deliver what would be deemed fair. To date, we are still wading through items and waiting (at the expense of working flight attendants adding up to hundreds of thousands of dollars)  for many of the upside articles to be implemented. Facebook or Bookface, yes or no, the information was out there and the message was clear form our union the collective YES vote was to be their mantra. UA is fighting a battle and has not caved in. We had an opportunity of a lifetime to make real sustainable gains in the negotiating environment we were in but we missed the boat. UA/AFA is not or has not been the only CBU to be stalled out by their employer.-its a tactic that's been used forever and a day when it benefits the company. This "Industry Leading Contract" in all its glory has all but brought APFA to the brink of it's existence via shady and inept leadership.You all continue to wear your rose colored glasses and enjoy your huge raises and improved quality of work life, all in the shadows of record profits..it must be nice where you work.
UA is fighting the battle are you kidding me !!!! It's been 5 efing yrs with no JBC , no raises !! Did you really want to go through that!
diamondcutter said:
UA is fighting the battle are you kidding me !!!! It's been 5 efing yrs with no JBC , no raises !! Did you really want to go through that!
Perhaps that is why when I flew to SJO on United (to use up some leftover Continental OnePass miles from the days of living in Houston) I got the 2nd worse service in First Class ever.  (The first worst service was also on United from Bangkok to SFO years ago.)  I've never seen crabbier more not eager to please f/as in all my years of flying, and I had my first airplane flight in 1958.  That kind of work is what really encourages the company to give you a raise.  Not.
diamondcutter said:
UA is fighting the battle are you kidding me !!!! It's been 5 efing yrs with no JBC , no raises !! Did you really want to go through that!
Her mind is made up.  Please do not attempt to confuse her with facts.
kirkpatrick said:
>>PBS system came from USAirways and Mike Flores.  Blame him if you don't like it!<<
IORFA, I know you're a reasonable person and I'm not ragging on you; just using your post to tag on here.
PBS was a foregone conclusion.  It was included in the 1113, the LBFO, the Bridge agreement and the ultimate JCBA.  There was no way anyone was going to stop it.  Once the kinks are worked out I think people will like it here, too.
As for all the Laura bashing, the binding arbitration seems to be what everyone is so angry at, but look at UA/CO - nine years and still no Joint Contract.  We'd be in the same boat if we hadn't agreed to the binding arb.  It would take years before we would have seen a final contract.  The JCBA may not be perfect but the pay is good, there were many work rule improvements and I think we're much better off with this than bickering with the company for another five years or so.
Live with it.
Mark, I know it was in there the whole time. For some reason people think Laura brought it. The actual system IS from USAir and was designed by Mike Flores. So if people have any issue with it, contact him as its his baby. I too think it will be just fine when all is said and done. There is no way it is going away. People just like to complain. For some reason, some doofus thinks I voted no on the JCBA. I absolutely voted YES. I am also very happy to have voted YES as I too think we would have been on the same long path that United F/A's are on and that is the never ending negotiations bus. No thank you. Laura was masterful in getting the arbitration included with an end to the negotiations. 5 years with no raises? No thanks. Look at our own fellow employees. The poor TWU represented groups are getting the royal shaft! Peoples hatred for all things AA have them walking around with blinders on. That's fine, their lives are miserable and I don't let them affect my daily life. I'm happy and I've found it easier to ignore them at work. The clueless new hires irritate me more now and I'm getting good at ignoring them as well. Contrary to the very few malcontents on here, people are very happy for the most part at work!
IORFA said:
>> I'm happy and I've found it easier to ignore them at work. The clueless new hires irritate me more now and I'm getting good at ignoring them as well. <<
I flew with a new newhire (Dec 11) a week or so ago and her main complaint was the attitude of many of the oldies.  She's got the job she always wanted and comes to work only to hear a bunch of bitchin. 
So they ran Laura out of town on a rail and what do they think it's going to get them?
If the newhires start resigning because they are tired of hearing the complaints from more senior f/as, some of those more senior f/as are going to be surprised when they find themselves back on reserve.  I haven't served a reserve month since Oct. 2013.  I'm on the backup list for January and missed being on reserve by only 18 people.  I expect to be on reserve in February which is OK.  That's my former reserve rotation and my vacation month.
Moment of gratitude:  When I started with AA in September, 2000 and got DFW right out of training, who would have ever thought that I would ever not have to serve reserve at DFW.  In 2000, there were f/as with almost 25 years still serving reserve 3 months/year at DFW.  I used to say, I won't live long enough to get off reserve.   :lol:
I will have 14 years in January (adjusted seniority date due to 17 month furlough).
Funny as all het the hell out

John Ward, who lied blatantly and repeatedly, engaged inhateful and shameful anti-labor activities and who absorbed with palpable fear Helped AA rape the FA's in 2003 is revered as a hero by the "hardliners".

Laura Glading gets smeared with the completely untrue campaign lie about "giving TWA'rs their seniority", very successfully navigates an actual BK which the FA's come out of with huge friggin raises, in spite of themselves and the idiocy of voting no on an even better deal, and is pilloried by the "tough guy" crowd, who did Not One Single Solitary tangible Thing to improve their position in negotiations.

Truly Amazing
I wonder if any of the loud mouths will run for office and negotiate an even better deal, instead of just saying, the union should ask for more money!

I bet nobody thought of that !

So many factions to deal with, but the one that gets me is the one that want the union to negotiate a contract for the flight attendants that don't want to put anytime in. Well LG actually did that AND got the pay raises but the know nothings successfully got the hard 40 put back in the contract. But yet LG is the villain.
The new APFA leader went to Parber for more money, they were told to pound sand.
dfw gen said:
Kind of like the proposals we handed over?
Nothing like it at all.

The FAs have a negotiated JCBA.
jimntx said:
If the newhires start resigning because they are tired of hearing the complaints from more senior f/as, ...
If the new hires don't get "synergized" first by this merger they may actually realize what a good job this is.
Just like the more senior F/A's who actually had to put up with bankruptcies, pay cuts, reduced work rules, commuting across country, base closures, displacements and not knowing if you had a job every Christmas among other indignities.
The new hires furloughed after 2008 and not having retired from a prior job may have more appreciation for what some of us have gone through.
If they don't like it here there are thousands who will take their place.  
Some of us have paid the price to complain.
Be Careful What You Wish For. said:
If the new hires don't get "synergized" first by this merger they may actually realize what a good job this is.
Some of us have paid the price to complain.
Actually, you haven't.  You've paid the price to express your displeasure about your current situation.  But, if you are not willing to DO anything about your situation to change or improve it, but you continue to express your displeasure, that is called whining.  Whining is unattractive in children, and it is insufferable in adults.
All of this Laura bashing is nothing more than a manifestation of American society today.  Nothing bad that happens to me is my fault. And, someone else must be blamed for it.  If I say it is bad, it is tragic.  The world must constantly adjust itself to my comfort and desires.  OH, and if I have to turn off my laptop/dvd player/whatever, Western civilization as we know it will collapse.
Everyone needs to take a big dose of pheno-Get-Over-Yourself chloride.

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