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Some More Interesting Info re: F/A LBFO

[Most people took this job to travel.] “I'd say most of us took the job to earn a living...”
I wonder why they showed all of those videos on the last day of training which showed Flight Attendants traveling the world and having fun. If you don’t like to travel and meet new people (hopefully not to Sodomize
) then the job is not for you.

The rest of us have made new, platonic relationships throughout the world. Some of us have made arrangements for future travel as well.

“I certainly didn't take this job because I expected passes for not working here…”
I worked high time for many years.

The hours that FAs put in in a given month are none of your business.
You value equality. We value liberty.

Why are you upset? You got your way.
AA is now anti-family.
I've seen some hate filled people on these boards but you take the cake bluebird...you're in for a rude awakening.
Must be tough...

Living your own life, and... having to mind how everyone else should live thiers... Not to mention the mental effort that must be required to read thier minds, in order to know what all of them want and valu ,too...

You would have to be, like, a god, or something...

Your righteousness, and sense of entitlement, while not a surprise, have served as a useful reminder of the dangers of fanaticism, particularly of the religous variety.

Thank You

I simply do not care how much, or even whether, you work.

Given your anti-liberal comments, I am, however, curious as to why you seem to believe a business should provide retirement benefits to an ex-employee who quit before meeting the reqirements for retirement? Or, iow, why should they give thier product to a non-retired, part time, ex-employee.

Is it simply because your god-like self wants them to?
“I've seen some hateful people on these boards since joining AA but you take the cake bluebird...”
Truth is hate to those who hate the truth. Enyart.

You wanted your hand held all the way to hell?

“...[Y]ou're in for a rude awakening.”
Is that a threat?
Any Chick-Fil-A bags in your car?
Surprise, surprise. Yet another religious fanatic has gone off the deep end and has no concept of reality.
“Must be tough...

Living your own life, and... having to mind how everyone else should live theirs... Not to mention the mental effort that must be required to read their minds, in order to know what all of them want and value ,too...

You would have to be, like, a god, or something...”
That would be Mitt Romney (2 Pe 2:1).


“…Your righteousness, and sense of entitlement, while not a surprise, have served as a useful reminder of the dangers of fanaticism, particularly of the religious variety.”
Ro 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 10:9, 10:13
Truth is hate to those who hate the truth. Enyart.

People as fanatical and self righteous as you flew American planes into buildings. I don't believe you are an active AA f/a for a second but if you are It behooves American Airlines to find out who you are because you shouldn't be working in the post 911 airline business. There's no place for your kind of "truth."
Given your anti-liberal comments, I am, however, curious as to why you seem to believe a business should provide retirement benefits to an ex-employee who quit before meeting the reqirements for retirement?    Or, iow, why should they give thier product to a non-retired, part time, ex-employee.

Is it simply because your god-like self wants them to?
To Bluebird. Hags and Fags? I thought this website was monitored, you should be kicked off anyday now. This is an airline forum not a religous forum. Bin Laden would have been proud of you! Why are you so worried about sodomites? If you dont like "sodomites" dont be one. You sound like a very bitter angry person, I dont think the bible is a buffet where you pick and choose. All that hatred will cause alot of stress and that causes heart attacks and strokes, Get Help! Good Luck!
“People as fanatical and self righteous as you…”
Ad hominem

“…flew American planes into buildings.”
Muslims did that (Ge 16:12).
“…but if you are t behooves American Airlines to find out who you are because you shouldn't be working in the post 911 airline business.”
Silence the critic.
Lefists believe in freedom of speech—as long as you agree with their speech.

“There's no place for your kind of "truth."
There aren’t “kinds” of truth (Jn 14:6).
To Bluebird. Hags and Fags? I thought this website was monitored, you should be kicked off
Silence the critic (Eccl 10:2).
Increasing social tension regarding homosexuality is a good thing. Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).

…Bin Laden would have been proud of you
Islam is a perversion of Christianity (Ga 5:9).

…Why are you so worried about sodomites?
2 Co 5:11, 1 Co 6:9

If you don’t like "sodomites…
If I didn’t like Sodomites I would say nothing. Apathy and hatred are pretty much the same thing.

This is an airline forum not a religous forum.
Then why are you discussing the Bible?

, I don’t think the bible is a buffet where you pick and choose…
Then don’t be a homo (Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27).

All that hatred will cause alot of stress and that causes heart attacks and strokes, Get Help! Good Luck!
You’ve got that backwards. All that God does leads to live and good living. All that humanists like yourself do leads to: theft, murder, and destruction (Jn 10:10).

BLUEBIRD, THIS thread is about AA/LBFO it IS NOT a thread dedicated to you and your apparent rote knowledge of the bible. If you do need to show off your knowledge and be vain and proud please find a reader other than myself and apparently many others somewhere else. You don't appear wise, you appear as yet another religious jackass...the citations are just irrelevant static and IT IS ANNOYING.

When I come onto this board I don't have much time to read through too much and I certainly haven't any desire or need to read through your thread irrelevant barbs and counter punch biblical insults.

Knock it off!

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