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Some More Interesting Info re: F/A LBFO

I decided to vote yes because the LBFO looks better then the unemployment line.And what looks even worse is a force transfer back to NYC when they layoff 40 percent of the base.

"Stan: Maybe there really are pirate ghosts and they took her inside.

Jonathan: Alright, gang, we have to split up and look for clues.

Stan: How should we split up?

Jonathan: I know. Let's have everyone who enjoys having obstacles in their life, which they can overcome, go this way, and everyone whose insecurities sabotage their potential to overcome those obstacles go that way.

Korn: Okay!

Kyle: Wow! That was easy."

KoRn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery , South Park

Cowards go to hell first (Re 218).
Union says new contract better than alternative for flight attendants


The union representing American Airlines flight attendants strongly urged its members Thursday to ratify a proposed new contract and not follow in the footsteps of the airline's pilots.

If members of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants vote down the proposal, the union said, it is now clear that the bankruptcy judge will allow American to impose far less attractive terms.

In an unsigned message posted on the APFA website, the union leadership said Wednesday's ruling on American's motion to throw out the pilots contract was a "blistering indictment of the labor unions" and their legal and economic arguments.
Although the ruling by U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Sean Lane sent American back to rewrite its plan, "the remainder of the ... decision validated each of American's arguments for its business plan and dismantled each of the unions' cases against it."

If the flight attendants vote down the proposed contract, the APFA said, they do so at their own peril. Voting ends Sunday.
"We can now say with certainty that the Section 1113 process will leave flight attendants worse off than the [proposed contract]. There is little doubt that the end result, should we reject, will be 2,000 furloughed flight attendants and many more on reserve," the message said.

APFA leaders did not respond to requests for further comment on the posting.
One airline industry analyst said APFA members would do well to heed the message.
"They need to look at this from the standpoint of the individual flight attendant," said Henry Harteveldt, an analyst with Atmosphere Research Group in San Francisco. "I think this is very good offer. It's better than they had initially."

On Thursday, American sent a revised term sheet to the Allied Pilots Association outlining changes it will propose in a new motion to be filed with the court today seeking to throw out the existing contract.

American spokesman Bruce Hicks said the revisions address the specific objections Lane gave in his decision. Rather than virtually unlimited authority for domestic code-sharing, the new proposal retains the same language agreed to by union leaders in the contract voted down by its members last week.

And rather than near-unlimited power to furlough pilots, the proposal retains the terms of the existing contract limiting the number of pilots American could lay off.
Why the neg rep again? Jimma Jam is that you?

We were talking about the dandies who could not handle NYC.

You too can live in a crash pad with twenty others and watch Brokeback Mountain.

Personally......I rather watch you in "Girls gone Wild"!
I place a value on being home for children (Pr 22:6). You don't. We disagree.

Maybe when you are old your kids will change your diapers and serve you oatmeal (Pr 31:28, Ps 128:3).
Then again, maybe they won't.

The job of being a parent is more important than this job.

Our schedules were manageable. Our flexibility at AA was the best in the industry because we could drop or pick up trips as needed. Should this agreement pass, our options will be limited.

I don't take meds (Eph 5:18).

I do not permit a women to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent. (1 Timothy 2:12)
[Glading: Absolutely, I’m voting for the American Airlines contract by tmaxon] “We had a chance to talk Thursday with Association of Professional Flight Attendants president Laura Glading about the ongoing vote on American Airlines’ “last, best and final offer.” Among her comments:

On whether the contract proposal of a $40,000 early-out incentive was popular with APFA members:
“I see a lot of interest in the early-out. I think that’s very positive, because that impacts everybody. Everybody’s seniority is going to move up.

“The other people who would be very interested in ratifying this are the 2,300 or 2,200 people at the bottom who stand to be furloughed. Why would they vote no, knowing that American’s March 22 term sheet includes as many furloughs as it does?" http://aviationblog.dallasnews.com/tag/bankruptcy/

Would they really furlough 2,200 to 2,300 FAs without offering a VBR (preferably age plus seniority) to move people out of the system?
Your world yes. Reality, probably not.

EdIt: after reading your " evidence " from another thread, I change my opinion to NO, AA wouldn't offer what you what with $40,000.
“…[A]fter reading your "evidence " from another thread, I change my opinion to NO, AA wouldn't offer what you [want] with $40,000.”

I don’t want the cash. I want the travel passes. Most people took this job to travel. Some of us can’t leave before getting passes for our own family situations and plans.

People value different things. For some it’s travel passes. For others, it’s pension, insurance, etc.

APFA’s Early Out proposal gave a year's salary to each FA. FAs are paid higher in subsequent years so the longer you work, the more you are paid.

AA offered a $40,000 to all regardless of years and they did not offer passes. It’s as if they put no thought into what FAs need at all.

That is why I recommend that FAs don’t take it. Wait until passes are offered. If you’ve worked for this company for 15 years, you should separate (not retire) with passes.

In years past, they gave unlimited passes after 10 years of service (e.g. SkyChefs). They could return the age plus seniority equals 40 or 50 or 65.

I have contracts from years past and there have been separation packages all the down to the age of 39 (Pg 339 HH2, 10 October 1995 Special Early Out Program, Agreement AA/APFA). Why do they honor age but not seniority? If you've got the years, you should be able to leave with benefits.

They used to want young, female FAs.
It’s changed for the worse.

That is their choice but now that they’ve changed to job altogether, provide an opportunity for those of us who don’t want to be a part of Old Hags’nFags Air to get out (Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27).
I really have no idea how to respond to that hate filled response. All I can say is wow, I hope you get the help you so very much need. If I were you I would worry about your mental health instead of some campaign for retiree passes before you are eligible.
Most people took this job to travel. Some of us can’t leave before getting passes for our own family situations and

If you’ve worked for this company for 15 years, you should separate (not retire) with passes.


I'd say most of us took the job to earn a living...

Passes are a bennie, one that i enjoy, but a bennie... Not even contractual

I certainly didn't take this job becuse i expected passes for not working here.

Talk about a sense of entitlement! A business should give its product to someone who hires on with no intent to work thier schedule?


BTW... Your remarks were hateful... The old " I am just telling the truth" bit is simple rationalizing bad behavior... And this case, hateful, unChristlike, but, sadly, all too commonly "Christian" Behavior.

A comment about splinters in your brother's eye, and the plank somewhere else comes to mind

As a flaming heterosexual, I'd rather drink beers with gay FA's at a bar between a cat toy superstore and a Duty Free outlet than listen to co-workers rant about the bible or 'end of days' dribble.

P.S. I'm not planning to go 'poof', post Rapture sounds like a real rockin' party time to me.

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