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USA320Pilot said:
The company has publicly offered the IAM to participate in the new business plan and to cost effectively conduct overhaul in-house, but up to this point the IAM has refused to enter into discussions. Therefore, the company has no option but to implement "painful" plans, outsource maintenance, and make the IAM irrelevant to the process to compete in today's new marketplace.

I certainly do not like what is happening and we have the best mechanics and related in the business, but the IAM has given the company no other options.

In fact, in a press release on October 21, 2004 the company said "it is willing to work with the IAM to explore ways to bring future Airbus heavy maintenance work in-house."

See Story



Hmmm, right on my birthday...wonder if that is an omen or what!

I will say it again captain, there will be NOTHING to talk about until AFTER the bus issue that THEY, NOT us implemented causing all this discord.
And also that would be like the company buying a 747 and contracting out the flying to UAL or NWA and then issuing a press release stating:

"We would love to meet with ALPA to discuss bringing 747 flying in-house"

You just don't get it, the scope language of the M&R CBA prevents outsourcing of heavy mtc. And if it doesn't then why has the company in every round of contract talks submit proposals for outsourcing of heavy mtc?

You should have seen the evidence presented at the abritration case. The company's own proposals to the IAM and letters of waiver requests has sealed the company's fate to losing. The company has all ready asked for an executive session to try and get the damages not awarded. Why would they ask for that if they think they are gonna win?

Like I have said, your posts show a desperate and scared man. You will never learn the resolve of other union members who have been betrayed by the corporate raiders running US Airways.
700UW said:
And you believe the company?

Even the City of PIT has called US liars!

I hate to tell you this but October 21, 2004 has not happened.

Didn't Dave tell you to take two rounds of concessions to save your pension?

Where is your Defined Benefit plan now?

P.T. Barnum was 100% right, did he know you?

Here is a post from Chris Chiames:
I find it very hard to believe that the majority of CWA members will vote yes for any concessions. The last round passed by a mere 5 votes and I think that was only because there was a glimmer of hope that the 2008 snap back would really occur. So there was some hope. There was also the fear-factor because everything happened so quickly and no one had time to really stop and think things out.

This time it is quite different. Everyone has just about had it! Nothing was done to improve the company after the last two concessions. As a matter of fact things have gotten much worse financially and work conditions have hit rock bottom. Snap backs are definately out of the question. The CWA will never regain pay, vacation, sick time, pension, etc. There is NO HOPE now! Most important is this has been dragged out so long this time, there is no longer fear. Whether or not it was by managements design, but most this time have had plenty of time to plan what direction they will take when the cuts or closure takes place. They are prepared and the ones that aren't will quickly prepare as the time nears.

As many on this board have said there is nothing to lose for the CWA and IAM. There is no hope here. The layoffs will come, there is no hope of pay raises or improved benefits, work conditions will only get worse (if that is possible) and moral will only get worse with the layoffs and cuts. Moral is a big thing! If any one thinks that it's bad now it will be twice as bad having to deal with the same problems and terrible work conditions for 35% less pay and less vacation, sick time, higher medical and no pension. Most hate going to work every day and being in such a dark, depressing, haphazard, disorganized environment. It will only get worse with more concessions and most know it.

There are Res. agents jumping ship weekly. They no longer care to wait it out until the end for unemploment benefits and possible severence. They couldn't stand it for another month. Despite what a lot of posters on this board think, they have ALL obtained jobs with equal or higher pay with better benefits, and most with "normal" work hours with night, weekends and holidays off. They talk about their new jobs with actual smiles on their faces. They have hopes of pay raises, increase in benefits and promotions. They no longer have the worry of losing their job or their company filing bankruptcy looming over their heads daily. Everyone says that it feels as though the world has been lifted off of their shoulders. It was a big decision for all but it is a breath of fresh air. They even look different. No more haggard look, dark circles under their eyes or nerves on edge. They are now bright eyed and bushy tailed and actually have hope for a new future. Their whole being has changed and they can actually breath again. It can and will happen for all if and when the time comes.

There is no longer any trust in the company or hope for a bright and prosperous future. Whether or not more concessions are in store for the CWA the future is very grim. Everyone needs to really think this out before they vote. Yes you might still have a job if the yes vote prevails, but you probably won't very shortly and is it worth it to work under current or worse conditions, while paying out more for health benefits while making significantly less with still the worry of future pay cuts and the companies stability. With the give backs will US still be here in a year or two? Will the concessions be squandered again? Will the anger and bitterness run ramped in the aftermath. It won't be a pleasant place to come to every day. If you think it's bad now, it will be worse afterward.

Save your health and sanity! Everyone needs to get out of the comfort zone and become abitious and have some faith in themselves and their abilities. There are jobs out there making the same amount of money or more. Even if it's less the stress and anger will be gone. You may, as others who have left said, be able to breath again and regain your sanity. You may actually be able to smile when talking about your job. You may actually have a bright future again!

VOTE NO!!!!!!!!!!
bobcat said:
I find it very hard to believe that the majority of CWA members will vote yes for any concessions.
Save your health and sanity! Everyone needs to get out of the comfort zone and become abitious and have some faith in themselves and their abilities. There are jobs out there making the same amount of money or more. Even if it's less the stress and anger will be gone. You may, as others who have left said, be able to breath again and regain your sanity. You may actually be able to smile when talking about your job. You may actually have a bright future again!

VOTE NO!!!!!!!!!!

Apply this same text to the IAM situation. I too feel the same way you do. Some people feel this airline will make it but how I will never understand when you have disgruntled employees hating everything including themselves.

You are correct, there are other opportunities out there, this I know for sure and I don't blame anyone for taking them and walking away from this permanent punishment state the U employee lives.
Thanks for the compliment 700UW. But I really think the employees at US need to look past tomorrow and really look at what the future holds for them with US. Do you really think that with more concessions the company will be saved and be so profitable that all employees will reap the benefits of huge profits to make up for all that was taken from them.

With all the pay and benefit cuts, lay offs and downsizing will US do a 360 and finally be "The Airline of Choice"? Will it be a wonderful exciting place to work? Will everyone finally come to work in a great mood with huge smiles on their faces ready to face our happy, content and satisfied passengers? I say, in your wildest dreams!!!!!

It will still be the same. Get up every day dreading going to work. In a foul mood because you do have to go to work, tension headache, ulcer acting up, the big "D" (diarrhea), blood pressure souring, yell at the kids, fight with your spouse, kick the dog, throw the cat around, drive to work like a maniac, so as not to be late to avoid the wrath of management, all the while swearing at and giving the finger to anyone that gets in your way. Then when you get there you have to deal with management on your back and passengers screaming at you and calling you every foul name in the book while worring if you will have a job tomorrow. IS that any way to live. The stress is taking years off of everyones' lives and affecting their health whether they know it or not. Not to mention affecting their home life.

No, I believe it will only get worse. Save your health, sanity and family life and vote NO!
Once again Bobcat, my sentiments exactly.
Bobcat....you're post speaks volumes about how the majority of us feel, in all departments. It falls on deaf ears at Crystal Palace. Most of us dread the thought of going to work everyday and getting nothing but aggrivation from management and dealing with irate passengers, working overbooked, delayed flights, and staff shortages like I have NEVER seen. Leaving work with headaches, ringing ears, and feeling like Ive been beat up and mugged in Central Park! This company is on it's final descent, and those in Crystal Palace could care less. I agree, vote NO and let nature take its course. I REFUSE to go thru all this for 13.10 hr.
Beware: $13.10 per hour is very good for unskilled labor. That is $27,248 per year with no overtime. It is unlikely that $13.10 will be attainable starting anew in another industry. I start my people at $8 per hour, untill they reach a certain skill level and then they are paid $10 per hour. I recently hired a technician with several years experience and he makes $12 per hour. These wages are in line with the market. As a matter of fact, my shop foreman was complaining that I pay my techs too much!

I am not saying anyone should take a company offer of $13 per hour, I am only pointing out what the market may be out there in the real world away from UAIR.
And the same mechanic at a car dealership can make more then twice what you pay.
cavalier said:
MrAeroMan MrAeroMan MrAeroMan

Come out come out wherever you are.....what's the matter, fear got your butt?

Do you feel better trying to attack me, the poster who refuses to bent one more inch for a management team that deserves hell fire?

I think you need to get a grip, take a deep breathe and move on with your life, it will extent it.

Unlike you Cav I do other things with my life than sit here and wait for you to post something.
I know what you're all about and that you are a fraud. You're the worst of the worst and you know I know it.
As for you still being on the property or not is of no concern of mine. If you are you're crazy. If you aren't then you should take some of your own advice and butt out of other peoples business as you are no longer part of the equation.
700UW said:
The company wants to farmout all heavy maintenance, GSE, Plant Mtc and shops.

WN has 400 airplanes and 1,265 mechanics and they farmout 72% of their maintenance. Do the math. HP farms out all heavy mtc.

The 2,009 is the low end of layoff, 2,500 high end including all areas of mtc. Apply the WN figure and you end up with 800 line mechanics to service 279 planes.

And to Rico and Aeroman, you do not know who I am or what information I am privy too. Like I said I was with Mr Roach all day Thursday and the acting DL 142 President. Like I have said, I am on the inside, you are all on the outside.

You're hilarious 700. You come on these boards and chase 320 like a dog in heat posting immediately after he does about how crazy he is for his "Insider Information" he has and then you turn around and do the same exact thing.
You're no different than he is as you post the same thing. You chastise him for not revealing sources so why don't you reveal yours by name and when and where you got your "Insider Information" from. He's entitled to his opinion just as you are so I don't know who soiled your Wheaties over him but it appears you have a lot more in common than you care to have. He posts something and you call him a liar. The difference is when you post something he doesn't come out and call you a liar. THAT'S the difference between you and him. IMO he's got far more class than you'll ever have.
Glad to see mraeroman can only attack someone and not add viable information to a debate and discussion.

See I don't post lies and don't get proven wrong unlike A320Pilot.

I guess you cant comprehend what you read?

And to Rico and Aeroman, you do not know who I am or what information I am privy too. Like I said I was with Mr Roach all day Thursday and the acting DL 142 President. Like I have said, I am on the inside, you are all on the outside.

Robert Roach is the IAM General Vice President of Transportation for the IAM and the Acting District Lodge President of IAM DL 142 is Tom Higgenbotham.

Can you read and comprehend it now?
700UW said:
Glad to see mraeroman can only attack someone and not add viable information to a debate and discussion.

See I don't post lies and don't get proven wrong unlike A320Pilot.

I guess you cant comprehend what you read?
Robert Roach is the IAM General Vice President of Transportation for the IAM and the Acting District Lodge President of IAM DL 142 is Tom Higgenbotham.

Can you read and comprehend it now?

Well that's all the proof you can muster up? Your word is supposed to be enough for me and others on here?? YEAH RIGHT!! :lol: Isn't it funny how you hold some people to one standard but you don't hold yourself to the same standard? It's typical of you and yours. The rules and standards of today are for everyone but you huh 700?
I've provided viable information it's just it's not what you want to hear so you tune it out.
So what does ol' Bobby Roach take in his coffee nowadays anyway? 😛
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