Here's your response 700,
I did not mention you by name, thus had no need to drop down to your personal level. But I have not just the nerve, I have the right to my opinion, even and especially in regards to the IAM.
I have given my share, before, and right up to now..., One of my stripes and about 50% of my pay to fly something twice as fast, with twice as many seats, going twice as far.
BUT that was my choice.
In rewturn the comapny gave me training in what promses to be one of the most popular aircaft models in the coming futue. Hopefully I can make something of that here into the years to come. But if not, I am one of only around 300 pilots in the US that know how to fly the EMB-170/190's.
Give now to get later, that is the name of the game. ALPA, CWA, TWU, AFA, all still in that game trying to save this company in hope of returns later. IAM, well they are still in the locker room.
YOU, 700, felt no need to address my points either, in that this is the last hurrah for IAM in the major airlines. An IAM Fleet service work group by itself has
nowhere near the negotiating leverage that they do when tied in with the mechanics. So the point IS that IAM will NO LONGER be able to "sink another ship" because IAM will no longer matter to such a degree IF they allow US to go under.
Airline workgroups exert different amounts of negotiating leverage in the following order:
1. Pilots
2. Mechanics
3. Dispatchers
4. Flight Attendants
5. Fleet Service.
The reason has nothing to do with who works more, it all comes down to how easily you are replaced. Pilots by far take the longest, followed not too far by mechanics and so on. THUS the great appeal about AMFA, in which Mechanics are able to get a better deal for themselves, without worrying about improving or MAINTAINING the lifestyle of other non-mechanic workgroups...
So like I said, good luck ever talking another mechanic group at a major airline to sign on for what IAM offers...
Oh, and good luck 700uw, trying to make more than I do in the future if we all cannot save this place.
He who laughs last, laughs loudest.