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Should I stay or should I go?

I do not live in PIT and I do not work for Airways nor would I work for Airways. However I did at one time on both accounts. In my opinion they are a hostile employer and that conflicts with my leadership style. I know I appeared short with you, but you appear to be ditzy to me. Please do not ninja me for I am just a mere mortal man.

Why work for no real future or retirement?
I do not live in PIT and I do not work for Airways nor would I work for Airways. However I did at one time on both accounts. In my opinion they are a hostile employer and that conflicts with my leadership style. I know I appeared short with you, but you appear to be ditzy to me. Please do not ninja me for I am just a mere mortal man.

Why work for no real future or retirement?

Flightchic is actually pretty awesome. I cannot believe you can judge someone that you don't know. I did the same as flightchic. I became a flight attendant to travel and have some fun along with that. I hung up my wings this month after 10 years. Flightchic is a great flight attendant and working with her is a blast and I don't think anyone should judge someone if they don't know her personally. I guess that says a lot for your character.
FlightChic is a fantastic employee. Honey you have a great head on your shoulders. Don't let it go to mush here. You will make the right decision for yourself as we all will. My partner asked me, "Do you like to travel SOOO much that you are willing to work for a company that detests you like US does"? That really got me to thinking. I have NEVER seen or experienced a company that treats it's employees with such disrespect. There is NO retirement, bad pay, RESERVE FOREVER and on top of that your job hangs on EVERYTHING under the sun. I find at this point in my career that this job PREVENTS you from doing more than it ALLOWS. IF your going to school thats great but for those that do jobs on the side.... IMO if you NEED a second job to make ends meet the FIRST job isn't working. Working ETB every month to make ends meet and living on reserve for a lifetime is no way to "Enjoy" a career. If you have an out take it. :up:
Well Flight Chic, I am guessing that you already made your decision, but here's a contrarian point of view.

It is very possible if not inevitable that the industry will take some casualties in the next year. It may be US or somebody else, but the travelling public is not going to the beach as much because of gas prices, so they may retract air travel as well.

Translation: Non revving window.

If you're like me, you're here for the benefits and freedom. The last few years have been dismal, but if you can shake it off and do your job professionally, and maximize your time off, then later on you'll be able to do anything, but now may be the time to seize the moment. No one knows what this industry is going to do, if you still feel like flying, hang out and go see every person that you've ever known around the world. Then, a year from now if the worst has happened, you'll have no regrets.

The GREAT news is teachers are always needed, especially good ones, and yes, you're sacrificing years of building a retirement, but personally I would rather retire with good memories and later, than money and a limited travel history. We've seen them, the 60+ year olds that have waited their entire life to go to Europe, only not to be able to climb all of those stairs or walk everywhere on cobblestones. So they stay at great hotels and you'll stay at hostels or on a friend's floor, you decide.

BTW, I'm a bit of a hippy chick, but I'd rather my kid's language teacher be a rich, well travelled resource of Latin America and Europe than one with a lot of classroom time and perhaps less culturally aware. Disregard the snide remarks as those emanating from small minds with small worlds.
I do not live in PIT and I do not work for Airways nor would I work for Airways. However I did at one time on both accounts. In my opinion they are a hostile employer and that conflicts with my leadership style. I know I appeared short with you, but you appear to be ditzy to me. Please do not ninja me for I am just a mere mortal man.

Why work for no real future or retirement?

You have perspective problems.
The next person that says something negative about FlightChic is going down. To Chinatown. In COACH , SON!!!
<SNIP> wear a skirt to the night club that is too short and a top that is too tight,
Somehow I’ve got Van Halen’s “Hot for Teacherâ€￾ in my head right now.

I’ve always thought it’s interesting how many FAs go into the medical or education fields. It must be something about being a caring nurturer.

That line of work is not for me, though. I would rather eat a carton of blackboard chalk than deal with a room full of kids, and hospitals are full of sick people and stuff.
Can you say scrambled messed up head? Future queen of the trailer court. Getting dressed each day has to be a chore just picking out your clothes. Please do not have kids.

I don't know about all that but I sure can say "(deleted by moderator)"

Obviously, your elequent posts and classy dialogue show that you are quite the catch.
What are you doing for the 4th? I'd like to take you to the liberty bell and bang your head back and forth in it to celebrate your freedom to be a (deleted by moderator)!!
Somehow I’ve got Van Halen’s “Hot for Teacherâ€￾ in my head right now.

I’ve always thought it’s interesting how many FAs go into the medical or education fields. It must be something about being a caring nurturer.

That line of work is not for me, though. I would rather eat a carton of blackboard chalk than deal with a room full of kids, and hospitals are full of sick people and stuff.
Working with the public is challenging. You know, they are the same people whether they're on an airplane, sitting in a classroom, or sick in a hospital. The difference from my point of view, is that when they are in the hospital, they are practically naked and they know that you will be doing invasive things to them. If you're standing over them with a large syringe or long tube, you're not gonna get too much lip. 😉 jk! But seriously, we all serve the public in one way or another. I am honored to do my part for patients and their families. Teaching requires more patience than I have. I need measurable results that I can control without extraneous variables that come with teaching. Thank goodness for all the patient teachers who are underappreciated!
Here’s an interesting article from a few weeks ago:

Nurse touts airline safety practices
Former pilot boosts health care safety with experience

DANIEL CONNOLLY The Commercial Appeal
Sunday, June 1, 2008

MEMPHIS - When Gary L. Sculli left his job as a Northwest Airlines pilot to return to his earlier career, nursing, he experienced a culture shock.

The airlines have created a culture that promotes safety, but the health care industry is far behind, he said.

Now, Sculli travels around the country telling health care workers how to use aviation safety concepts to prevent medication errors and other slip-ups from injuring or killing patients.

The 43-year-old with close-cropped gray hair promotes a philosophy adopted from his own experience. He says health care workers must learn to catch mistakes or reduce harm once errors have happened, because eliminating them is impossible.

"Wherever humans are functioning, wherever humans are interacting and working, there always will be errors," said Sculli.

When he's not appearing as a paid consultant or unpaid speaker, he's applying aviation safety practices at his current job as nurse manager of a 40-bed unit at Baptist Memorial Hospital-Memphis.

Sculli's background is a big asset to his colleagues in the hospital and throughout the Baptist system, said Beverly Jordan, the system's vice president and chief nursing officer.

Nurses in Sculli's unit are now using checklists, an airline staple. One checklist used in shift-change meetings reminds the head nurse to tell everyone on staff about factors that can lead to errors, such as patients with similar names.

Link to the rest
Here's a snippet from one of my medical books:

Chapter 44. Crew Resource Management and its Applications in Medicine
Laura Pizzi, Pharm.D.
Neil I. Goldfarb
David B. Nash, M.D., M.B.A.
Thomas Jefferson University School of Medicine and Office of Health Policy & Clinical Outcomes


Patient care, like other technically complex and high risk fields, is an interdependent process carried out by teams of individuals with advanced technical training who have varying roles and decision-making responsibilities. While technical training assures proficiency at specific tasks, it does not address the potential for errors created by communicating and decision making in dynamic environments. Experts in aviation have developed safety training focused on effective team management, known as Crew Resource Management (CRM). Improvements in the safety record of commercial aviation may be due, in part, to this training.1 Over the past 10 years, lessons from aviation's approach to team training have been applied to patient safety, notably in intensive care unit (ICU) and anesthesia training.2,3 This chapter reviews the literature on Crew Resource Management, also known as Cockpit Resource Management, and describes adaptations of this training framework to medicine.
OK, first of all I am an excellent teacher and very passionate about educating today's youth. You don't know me so don't judge my teaching abilities based on a post. Second of all, I really do want to teach but just quitting a "fun" job on the fly (no pun intended) is not an easy decision. Do I want to leave and do what I am passionate about even though it is a difficult and sometimes stressful job or do I want to stay here and do a meaningless job yet have some fun? Am I ready to give up the fun? What if I regret leaving US Airways? In any case, this has nothing to do with my knowledge of teaching pedagogy nor my ability to inspire and motivate children.

If you're that unsure, don't do anything
I don't know about all that but I sure can say "(deleted by moderator)"

Obviously, your elequent posts and classy dialogue show that you are quite the catch.
What are you doing for the 4th? I'd like to take you to the liberty bell and bang your head back and forth in it to celebrate your freedom to be a (deleted by moderator)!!



UPDATE2: Sorry*


* ha ha ha ha ha


UPDATE2: Sorry*


* ha ha ha ha ha

Shannon, you crack me up! I like your editing! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Are haha's even allowed on US Aviation? You better check before it gets moderated like your other liberty bell post. :lol: Don't worry, I appreciate your kind words!

Why does everybody pick on Shannon? She writes a hilarious post and it gets "moderated". She tries to help someone out and it makes the headlines and gets "busted"! I read this board and her posts are not nearly as mean or as offensive as others' posts (and I assure you they are much more entertaining) and she still gets in trouble while the other bad posts or posters don't even get deleted or get in trouble! You people need to stop picking on gnomes and pick on people your own size! Trust me, there are plenty of large people at US Airways for you to pick on! :down: Uuummm kaaayyyy? Leave Shannon alone! Bother way, I approve this post! :lol:
Shannon, you crack me up! I like your editing! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Are haha's even allowed on US Aviation? You better check before it gets moderated like your other liberty bell post. :lol: Don't worry, I appreciate your kind words!

Why does everybody pick on Shannon? She writes a hilarious post and it gets "moderated". She tries to help someone out and it makes the headlines and gets "busted"! I read this board and her posts are not nearly as mean or as offensive as others' posts (and I assure you they are much more entertaining) and she still gets in trouble while the other bad posts or posters don't even get deleted or get in trouble! You people need to stop picking on gnomes and pick on people your own size! Trust me, there are plenty of large people at US Airways for you to pick on! :down: Uuummm kaaayyyy? Leave Shannon alone! Bother way, I approve this post! :lol:

Hahahahahahaha (inhale) hahahahahhaa

I am ALWAYS in trouble.