I think fair would represent something different to different people. For example, on a LGA-CLT round trip, I would consider $300-$400 r/t fair, or even little higher for a totally unrestricted fare, while I would consider $900-$1000 as it had been out of the question. I think it's time to tie the price of a ticket more closelyto the actual COST of transportation.
If I use the high figure of 11 cents a mile, considering an O/D case, it COSTS approximately $59.40 to transport one passenger between LGA and CLT, assuming it's about a 540 mile trip. Therefore at $150-$200 each way, it is profitable for the airline, and I think it would be considered fair by most passengers, especially business travelers.
I realize I am oversimplifying the matter, but I was once told that if the bottom fares could be raised by $20, the top end fares could come down by about $300. The person who told me this was BBB himself.
I don't think it will ever be perfect, but a rational fare structure would be a big step in the right direction.
Also, for what its worth, I had a conversation with someone familiar with DL who told me that long term, simplifares are revenue positive.
My best to you all.....