Actually, it's already trashed. Now if you had 750 credit and filed for bankruptcy, that would be just stupid. If you're already at the bottom there's no real loss.Yikes!
And trash your credit rating for how long?
That would look terrible on a resume.
I know you are in PHX, and I am in INT. In INT, there is the opportunity to work overtime for certain classifications (CSD, Preferred, etc). This work pays time and a half over 40 hours. There is also the opportunity to work shifts for someone else (basic RES classification) and that person will pay you a premium to work their shift. You get paid regular rate by the company(even for hours over 40), but that person pays you a premium to work a shift for them - anywhere from $6 - $10 an hour. People just put up a sign, and they are easy to find here. Ask around, they may have that in PHX
I work in Int'l vacations. We do have drop/pickup. Add hours were taken away from us before I got in the department because of abuse. (?)