Short F/A's pretty much systemwide


Feb 27, 2004
Scheduling is calling and trying to make deals again for f/a's to come fly on their off days. Seems to be short again around the system. Breaks my heart!
don't think I'll be helping them out... they don't ever cut me a break. have fun those who do. Maybe they'll give you an award for being such a good super-stew! This place never ceases to amaze me.
Once again, they've slit their own throats...they didn't offer a lot of vacation over the now a ton of folks have vacation and no one's AVL to addition, if you look at the RSV list, it doesn't appear that there are a lot of SCK calls for them but who knows what B/H are doing...especially in PIT w/ the latest announcement. If it was me and I was going to quit instead of trying to commute, even with seniority equal to some time B.C., I'd be using up my SCK time......

just my opinion
The thread title made me laugh I was reading that there were short flight attendants systemwide. I thought there was a height requirment.
OK our minds are in the same place as I did too. I was thinking what the hell kind of thread is started now against short people?? :D
Once again, they've slit their own throats...they didn't offer a lot of vacation over the now a ton of folks have vacation and no one's AVL to addition, if you look at the RSV list, it doesn't appear that there are a lot of SCK calls for them but who knows what B/H are doing...especially in PIT w/ the latest announcement. If it was me and I was going to quit instead of trying to commute, even with seniority equal to some time B.C., I'd be using up my SCK time......

just my opinion

They are short at the beginnning of every month. It has been this way for years.......

Why is this so shocking and news worthy?????
Yeah I hear ya Bragg.....Yesterday I was trying to get released from 6am in the morning till 7:30pm. I was going into my INV days and was good for 1 day of flying yesterday. There must have been at least 28 f/a good for one day and about a handful good for 2 day trips maybe 3 good for three days. I agree they were very short but when u have that many f/a's only good for 1-day and it's 3pm in the afternoon they could of at least let a few of us go. What really pissed me off was when future scheduling was covering trips for Saturday they were releasing the handful of f/a's who was on duty for more than 1-day Friday who took trips for the next day and leaving only the 1-day f/a's still on duty. If your that short why release f/a's who can fly 2 days or more and only leaving f/a's good for 1-day going into your INV days at midnight. I was one of those f/a's who got a call at 7:30am this morning of course I let the phone ring,ring,ring while I got my cup of coffee. ...Scheduling left voice msg asking if I was willing to give up my days off to fly tomorrow.....U got to be kidding me after yesterday trying get released all day letting those of us that went off duty at midnight hanging around all day and they want us to give up a day or two kiss my. Scheduling can call f/a's supervisor's to go out and fill in the vacant f/a jump-seats and the freak-in lodo rsv f/a's to start taking trips when scheduling is this short. I need to get back to my college football and my adult beverage...GO BAMA!! later..............ô¿ô
Anyone know the legend of one of our RSV PHL Flight Attendants? I won't say her name but she is my hero. After sitting 6 days with nothing she has a doctors appointment on her OFF day. That afternoon she was going OFF. Scheduling calls and tells her they must take her days off away for a 2 day or something. She says NO. They were like "Sorry but you must take the trip". She reply's, NO. Hangs up. They call her back. She answers. They get the scheduling supervisor on the line. He advises her she must take the trip. She said. No, I have sat for 6 **** days with nothing. I am going off and have appointments I must keep. Sorry, it's your problem I can't bail you out. She hangs up. 5 minutes later an Inflight Supervisor calls back to give her a direct work order ( aka cue the organ). She reply's, You know that? You want the ***** trip covered slap some wings on yourself and get the hell out there. Then hangs up and takes the phone off the hook! To hear her tell it is just too funny. Sometimes they just push us one inch too far.
OMG I have NEVER heard that story but LOVE it. I wish I could hear the recorded phone call. I would have p!$$ed my pants. :lol:
Dont get pissed at the schedulers--they are only doing their jobs. And as far as "not cutting you a break" . . the contract and management doesn't allow them to do that. Don't blame them for doing their jobs "by the book" . .just as people shouldn't blame pilots, flight attendants, and mechanics for doing their jobs "by the book". Are crew schdulers sometimes rude to crewmembers for no reason? Sure they are--just like crewmembers are to schedulers. And it's certianly not scheduling's fault that the airline is short staffed.
Dont get pissed at the schedulers--they are only doing their jobs. And as far as "not cutting you a break" . . the contract and management doesn't allow them to do that. Don't blame them for doing their jobs "by the book" . .just as people shouldn't blame pilots, flight attendants, and mechanics for doing their jobs "by the book". Are crew schdulers sometimes rude to crewmembers for no reason? Sure they are--just like crewmembers are to schedulers. And it's certianly not scheduling's fault that the airline is short staffed.
You know yeah there's some truth to your comment...however there's no damn reason why the schedulers should of sat onto 28 f/a's who were only good for a 1-day yesterday until 7:30pm last night. If scheduling was sooooo short yesterday why the hell did they released the handful of f/a's who were good for 2 days or more yesterday after they pickup trips for Saturday and leaving the coverage down to just 28 f/a's good for 1 day trips? Out of the 28 f/a's 23 of them were going into there INV days. I've been here way too long and I know how they work up in Pittsburgh castle..........ô¿ô
They are short at the beginnning of every month. It has been this way for years.......

Why is this so shocking and news worthy?????
Actually no, they were not short at the beginning of September and it was a holiday weekend to start the month...they had plenty of coverage and only a few out of base trips had to be covered around the system......
Scheduling can call f/a's supervisor's to go out and fill in the vacant f/a jump-seats and the freak-in lodo rsv f/a's to start taking trips when scheduling is this short.

Has a flight attendant supervisor actually ever done that. They are useless paper pushers in my opinion.
Anyone know the legend of one of our RSV PHL Flight Attendants? I won't say her name but she is my hero. After sitting 6 days with nothing she has a doctors appointment on her OFF day. That afternoon she was going OFF. Scheduling calls and tells her they must take her days off away for a 2 day or something. She says NO. They were like "Sorry but you must take the trip". She reply's, NO. Hangs up. They call her back. She answers. They get the scheduling supervisor on the line. He advises her she must take the trip. She said. No, I have sat for 6 **** days with nothing. I am going off and have appointments I must keep. Sorry, it's your problem I can't bail you out. She hangs up. 5 minutes later an Inflight Supervisor calls back to give her a direct work order ( aka cue the organ). She reply's, You know that? You want the ***** trip covered slap some wings on yourself and get the hell out there. Then hangs up and takes the phone off the hook! To hear her tell it is just too funny. Sometimes they just push us one inch too far.
That is hilarious. Good for them!! If it would of been one of our RSV's, they would of gotten a refuse to fly, and wriitten up, or terminated. Funny, the differences. IF they start junior assignment on the West they most contact you by phone, not in person, and they still leave intimidating messages on your machine, voicemail. Like hell, I am coming in to cover your mistakes!!! :lol: