don't you mean abducted, and held hostage.....that is what all of us on the east have been saying about the "business casual" management team that we've inherited...
don't you mean abducted, and held hostage.....that is what all of us on the east have been saying about the "business casual" management team that we've inherited...
No I think they got pissed when AA reneged on their promise to keep those base stations open but soon thereafter closed them down and out the doors they went.the TWA-IAM/AA-TWU went to binding arbitration where you have exactly what you had pre transaction (full seniority in your bases). Or are you just pi$$ed because you couldn't bump a nAAtive out of his base?
Exactly. And, where were the pilots when the NWA techs walked in 2005?I doubt you will see any Mechanic and Related crying for the Pilots when they rushed to cross the picket line in 1992.
And it is a done deal, ALPA East presented their case and must have done a horrible job, they have no one to blame but themselves for electing such bad leadership.
Support the pilot group? When was the last time in the history of this company, east or west, that the pilots supported ANY other work groups? They would throw their own mothers under the bus to save their own skin.
It shouldn't. The AA unions did those things unilaterally and selfishly. The West and East pilots agreed to a fair process of binding arbitration and we got it.The whole thing reminds me of the shafting that American Airlines and its unions did to 20,000+ employees of the late TWA.
ALPA does have cut-and-dried bylaws for seniority integration. Binding arbitration occurs only if the two sides fail to reach agreement. What we don't have is a preset, one-size-fits-all seniority integration method. This is in recognition that every merger is different.I guess I am confused here: ALPA has no cut and dried bylaws for integrating seniority if and when a mergers occurs. Arbitration is the norm in these situations, correct?
I'm not sure the F/A's senority is safe even though its been a done deal (me too and all).
That's almost as tasteless and irrelevant as asking about the folks who took a dip in the drink at LGA or ended up a bit short of CLT due to the impressive acumen of US East crews over the years.
Everyone has baggage.
As a F/A I don't like the DOH integration BUT our merger policy dictates that it be done according to seniority. wrong.
Exactly,Support the pilot group? When was the last time in the history of this company, east or west, that the pilots supported ANY other work groups? They would throw their own mothers under the bus to save their own skin.