Gar, I'm not trying to be tacky, but a lot of your objections involve points that apply to the way you do things now. Are you suggesting that any changes to the f/a access to the system not require any changes to the way you and your colleagues work?
As a former consultant I listened to a lot of people in different jobs in different industries say, "Oh, we can't do it that way." When I asked why not, 99% of the time the reply was "Well, we've NEVER done it that way before."
If you do what you've always done, you will get what you have always gotten. All I'm saying is that reserve access to open time is working well at one other airline (that I know of for sure), Frontier. I don't understand why it would not work here.
Another suggestion, save all the programming code for the current way. Make sure that everyone knows that if they abuse the new system--i.e., "ruining" their block of days by plotting nothing but turns--we will return post-haste to the old system. (By the way, I find it hard to believe that reserves would be plotting only turns if left to their own devices. At my base, the major complaint about reserve lately is that all the multi-day trips go to the MU parkers leaving only the turns for the reserves.
As a former consultant I listened to a lot of people in different jobs in different industries say, "Oh, we can't do it that way." When I asked why not, 99% of the time the reply was "Well, we've NEVER done it that way before."
If you do what you've always done, you will get what you have always gotten. All I'm saying is that reserve access to open time is working well at one other airline (that I know of for sure), Frontier. I don't understand why it would not work here.
Another suggestion, save all the programming code for the current way. Make sure that everyone knows that if they abuse the new system--i.e., "ruining" their block of days by plotting nothing but turns--we will return post-haste to the old system. (By the way, I find it hard to believe that reserves would be plotting only turns if left to their own devices. At my base, the major complaint about reserve lately is that all the multi-day trips go to the MU parkers leaving only the turns for the reserves.