Sandra Bland

Hackman said:
When and if... I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Much different scenario. Back to reality, Bland was legally pulled over and resisted, decided to up the ante with her nastiness, and got arrested. Facts, only facts sweetykins.

If you want to stick with facts the only fact available now i s that she was pulled over for a traffic violation. The article posted above would seem to indicate that the arrest may not have been justified or legal. Until an official inquiry is concluded we do not know what the other facts are regarding this matter.
KCFlyer said:
So when they come for your guns, I'll take that as a notard.
Second amendment is still in force. My guns are legally owned. Keep making your libtard fantasy statements. It's all you've got.
Ms Tree said:
So exactly what are the parameters that must be met in order to ignore a law enforcement official? 
I would surmise it's up to the laws of your state and the individual law enforcement officer/s you plan on ignoring. Another dumb question.
That is not what I am asking you.  In the first quote of yours you seemed to imply that since the Bland case was 'a simple traffic stop' she should have obeyed all the requests of the officer even with he was not following guidelines and had no basis for his actions.  
Bundy is grazing his cattle on public lands and he is fully aware that he is breaking the law.  He was ordered by federal officials to cease and desist.  He has refused to do so.  By your own logic, the Feds were fully within their rights to go in with guns blazing to apprehend and arrest Bundy.  
What I am asking is when is it OK in your eyes to ignore law enforcement.  Given your different stances on Bland and Buny it seems obvious that you see some situations where ignoring law enforcement is OK. 
Hackman said:
Another fine example of libs confusing two different situations. The Bundy standoff was not a simple traffic stop for an illegal lane change.
Hackman said:
I would surmise it's up to the laws of your state and the individual law enforcement officer/s you plan on ignoring. Another dumb question.
Hackman said:
Second amendment is still in force. My guns are legally owned. Keep making your libtard fantasy statements. It's all you've got.
According to the article posted earlier, the LEO did not follow all protocols for his department and was not justified in his actions.  If that proves to be the case then his actions were just as illegal as someone violating the 2nd and confiscating your guns.  So if a LEO were to come to your door looking to confiscate your guns, would you surrender them and go to court to fight and get them back?
Hackman said:
Second amendment is still in force. My guns are legally owned. Keep making your libtard fantasy statements. It's all you've got.
The fouth amendment is still in force too.  She could do anything that was legal on her private property.  Oh wait....guys like you supported the Patriot Act...the one that trampled all over the fourth amendment because "if you haven't done anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about".  Until Obama got elected.  Then it was an abuse of power.  We all saw how easily the sheep allowed the fourth amendment to get's only a matter of time until it's the second.  
I mean...let's say you are having a party at your private home, but a neighbor thinks you are too loud and calls the cops...The cop politely asks you to keep it down, but notices that you have had a few beers...and notices the gun case behind you.  So he politely asks you to hand over your guns so that nobody accidentally gets hurt.  You can pick them up at the station the next morning.  Do you comply?   And if you don't and he attempts to arrest you for "failure to comply" you find your white lives matter sewer mouth and tell him where to stick his request.  I'll prefill some of your answer...tard tard tard swettykins.  
Ms Tree said:
So exactly what are the parameters that must be met in order to ignore a law enforcement official? 
Maybe you should search these issues if you and KC think you can tell a law enforcement officer to phuckoff.
delldude said:
Maybe you should search these issues if you and KC think you can tell a law enforcement officer to phuckoff.
Yes.  I remember hearing a story about someone telling the SS to phuckoff.  It's amazing to me that "patriots" will condone giving law enforcement officers the ability to "think on the fly" and finally get you into a situation where you will be arrested.  As I said...noisy party...had a few beers...gun case in behind you...."please give me those guns".  Phukyou.    Followed by a recitation of their second amendment rights.   Then a tazer, a beat down, the handcuffing and the arrest.  Because I really doubt you guys will act like Eddie Haskell and go "gee mr officer, you look awfully nice in your uniform. 
"the "Sovereign Citizen" in Dell's video have been around for years. It's not new, conservative, liberal or even Libertarian. Leanr before you judge


These folks are serious as a heart attack. Trouble is that many are also financial scam artists. The southern Poverty Law Center hates them so they can't be all bad. The woman in Dell's video is a poor example of a Sovereign citizen."

However serious they are, they are wrong, and it ain't gonna' work when push comes to shove.

Same as the "The IRS is illegal so I don't have to pay" crowd. They may fly unser the radar and get away with it for a while, or a long while, and thay may believe that is because they know some ****.

It ain't, and if/when they finally draw fire, they are not goimg to remain standing long.
KCFlyer said:
Yes.  I remember hearing a story about someone telling the SS to phuckoff.  It's amazing to me that "patriots" will condone giving law enforcement officers the ability to "think on the fly" and finally get you into a situation where you will be arrested.  As I said...noisy party...had a few beers...gun case in behind you...."please give me those guns".  Phukyou.    Followed by a recitation of their second amendment rights.   Then a tazer, a beat down, the handcuffing and the arrest.  Because I really doubt you guys will act like Eddie Haskell and go "gee mr officer, you look awfully nice in your uniform. 
As you and several others have vainly attempted to point out, conservatives obey the law and go home at the end of the night whereas dumb phucks from the left act out and garner the rewards of their actions and try to blame the man.
During a routine traffic stop if an officer asks for your gun do you give it to him?
Ifly2 said:
During a routine traffic stop if an officer asks for your gun do you give it to him?
Of course he would.  Conservatives just obey they laws and quietly go home.  Much earlier I posted a video of a soccer mom telling a cop "I could f---ing kill you".  She was in Westwood, Kansas.  A very red state, and a red (read wealthier) little suburb.  And while I can't prove she was a conservative, odds are really good that she is.
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UPDATE II: In minute 25 and 26 the video shows credible evidence of technical difficulties suggesting the possibility of editing or some undisclosed technical error combination thereof, as published originally to Youtube by the Texas DPS and shown below. While the audio sounds like a continuous stream of discussion between dispatch or phone and Officer Encinia, the video below shows the tow truck driver leaving his car multiple times without going back to the cab of his wrecker. The same vehicles can clearly be seen to pass multiple times. It is unknown at this time if the irregularities signal intentional editing, technical difficulties or a combination of both. A lot can happen in 2 minutes.

UPDATE III: Academy Award Nominee Ava DuVernay also believes the Sandra Bland video to be intentionally edited.
Glenn Quagmire said:

UPDATE II: In minute 25 and 26 the video shows credible evidence of technical difficulties suggesting the possibility of editing or some undisclosed technical error combination thereof, as published originally to Youtube by the Texas DPS and shown below. While the audio sounds like a continuous stream of discussion between dispatch or phone and Officer Encinia, the video below shows the tow truck driver leaving his car multiple times without going back to the cab of his wrecker. The same vehicles can clearly be seen to pass multiple times. It is unknown at this time if the irregularities signal intentional editing, technical difficulties or a combination of both. A lot can happen in 2 minutes.

UPDATE III: Academy Award Nominee Ava DuVernay also believes the Sandra Bland video to be intentionally edited.
Don't know if you are aware, but this issue came out the same day and TSP supposedly released another.
Glenn Quagmire said:
There really wasn't much of an encounter. Cop is hep to getting recorded.....dude wasn't aware of the same basic law.
Prior to oBama inciting riots in several cities here, some PD's still had issues with filming police.Some still do, but you are within your right to film them. So you get a cop who doesn't see it that way, what do you do? What is it they say?
Discretion is the better part of valor?
Makes one wonder if Sandra ever heard of that?