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Arpaio's latest punishment: Live on bread and water

Ms Tree said:
I would think any opponent would point out all the money AZ is wasting on lawyers defending tbis idiot and realize he is costing them money.
The annual average taxpayer cost in these states was $31,286 per inmate.
New York State was the most expensive, with an average cost of $60,000 per prison inmate.
I'm sorry, what was that about wasting money? If you want to talk about wasting money on prisoners look no further than the liberals in New York city.
eolesen said:
That's why he's been re-elected over, and over, and over.

Sheriff Joe does what all you liberal pansies are afraid to do: treat prisoners like prisoners.
He has my vote. 🙂
eolesen said:
Then again, having lived in border states for 18 of the last 22 years has tainted my view on things...
No your view is correct. The libtards are the ones that have had their view tainted.
snapthis said:
 Let's use Ron White's solution. "We have the death penalty and we use it"
Sounds good to me. If they kill someone they should be put to death. Libtards are all about equality right?
Glenn Quagmire said:
Deport them all, prevent them from coming, and watch our economy.
Yes, that would be a shame if wages started to go up and the welfare system wasn't overloaded by people who don't pay income tax.

If you want to stop spending $$ on imprisoning people, then you need to push to invest elsewhere. The "prison pipeline" stops when things like education again become a priority in this nation.
Right, because Common Core is the answer, where below average students still get a diploma!
OH! WAIT! You must be talking about me and the rest of the tax payers paying others college tuition! Do you "EVER" believe in "ANY" personal responsibility or is it always someone else's fault!
eolesen said:
Yeah, God forbid someone who gets things done should ever be in control of law enforcement in a place like NYC.

That "ASS HOLE" you refer to has been on the job for 55 years, and elected Sheriff repeatedly for 23 of those 55 years. His last election in 2012 was a landslide and a mandate by Democrat standards (53%).

I know it just burns you up to see someone who goes against everything you believe in getting re-elected by that type of margin, Bears.

If it pains you so much, move to AZ and vote against him. He's considering running again in 2016. Heck, he's only 85. Why not?
Hell, Hitlery's only 95 and she's running for Prez!
southwind said:
Right, because Common Core is the answer, where below average students still get a diploma!
OH! WAIT! You must be talking about me!
Yep, and below average is being charitable.