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Innocent man released after 30 yrs.

Ms Tree said:
Scalia cited this case as an example where the death penalty would be justified. Oooppssss.


See Callins v Collins for Scalias decision. He just cant catch a break. The stuff Scalia says is just sad sometimes.

Stuff like this..." MAKES my DAY "   !!
It ' Might ' be a Strong bet that the cops were;
1. VOID of critical thinking ! ( Think  F-DUMB as a BAG of Hammers)
2. WHITE !
3.  ' Southern ' to boot !
They ought to make it LAW, that any Cops, or Prosecuters who inflict injustice like this, should be IMMEDIATELY Incarcerated !
From what I have read so far the prosecute was a real Gung ho bible thumper a day always went for the death penalty.

He should be prosecuted for misconduct.
Wow, I find it laughable that the words White and Bible stick out. Well look at the source!
nuf sed
Ms Tree said:
From what I have read so far the prosecute was a real Gung ho bible thumper a day always went for the death penalty.

He should be prosecuted for misconduct.
RIGHT,.............except that....." Bible HYPOCRIT "  should be the one to be EXECUTED !
Not that its worth it but, I notice you Libtards zeroing in on the words "White" and "Bible" yet fail to mention he's being compensated 3/4 of a million dollars!

And Barry-O just remember, you'll do well to keep yer ass north of the Mason- Dixon.....you wouldn't last a day down here!
No amount of money can make up being in jail for 30 years and being innocent.

You are clueless.

Money can't make up for missing 30 years of freedom.
And you are an idiot. My very first sentence said "Not worth it"!
Now take your drivel elsewhere!
southwind said:
Not that its worth it but, I notice you Libtards zeroing in on the words "White" and "Bible" yet fail to mention he's being compensated 3/4 of a million dollars!

And Barry-O just remember, you'll do well to keep yer ass north of the Mason- Dixon.....you wouldn't last a day down here!
They cant help themselves. Its hard wired into their little spaces between their ears.
southwind said:
Not that its worth it but, I notice you Libtards zeroing in on the words "White" and "Bible" yet fail to mention he's being compensated 3/4 of a million dollars!

And Barry-O just remember, you'll do well to keep yer ass north of the Mason- Dixon.....you wouldn't last a day down here!
I sent you 2 free tickets...............to see the movie............" BLACK MASS" !
That will give you and Idea of what life up here could be for a  YAAA - HOOO....like you.
You'd likely  get KNUCKLED just for walking near 'southie, and thats for not even saying anything.
Open your YAP with a  " Y'ALL, or OVER YONDER ", you'd need   "911" asap  !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
I sent you 2 free tickets...............to see the movie............" BLACK MASS" !
That will give you and Idea of what life up here could be for a  YAAA - HOOO....like you.
You'd likely  get KNUCKLED just for walking near 'southie, and thats for not even saying anything.
Open your YAP with a  " Y'ALL, or OVER YONDER ", you'd need   "911" asap  !
He has a big truck, doesn't that count for anything?
Dog Wonder said:
He has a big truck, doesn't that count for anything?
Weeeell  'Dog, yes it could be an issue.
That   S-M-F'r could go down these twisty old-boston streets and find the thouroughfare a 'bit too narrow' for his liking, OR some Drunken Irish Lout.....DOUBLE PARKED in the middle of the street....JUST WAITING for anyone to  "BLOW"-a- "HORN" !   🙄
Bottom line,....." WHACK-Bite-Gouge-F'ed -up ", then his Red neck-mobile, dissapears, ALL at the hands of a Female. ( Probably one of Whiteys neice's) !