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Arpaio's latest punishment: Live on bread and water

eolesen said:
There are more illegals crossing the border now than during the previous administration, mainly because they think there's going to be another amnesty plan. They've also seen the lack of commitment to the border fence, and as mentioned, ICE's role on the border is less than what it used to be.Then again, having lived in border states for 18 of the last 22 years has tainted my view on things...
Nobody has come close to dealing with the problem. Rubio floated a trial balloon and was skewered for it.

Deport them all, prevent them from coming, and watch our economy.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Nobody has come close to dealing with the problem. Rubio floated a trial balloon and was skewered for it.

Deport them all, prevent them from coming, and watch our economy.
Worked in the past.
snapthis said:
We need more like him. I'm glad he doesn't listen to those bleeding heart liberals. The inmates will survive, ("It contains vegetables, protein, and more than 1,000 calories a slice.") and hopefully not want to come back as repeat offenders.

We also need to enforce the laws on the books. Let's use Ron White's solution. "We have the death penalty and we use it"

For example:


HUNTSVILLE — A Mexican national was executed Wednesday night in Texas for killing a Houston police officer, despite pleas and diplomatic pressure from the Mexican government and the U.S. State Department to halt the punishment.
Edgar Tamayo, 46, received a lethal injection for the January 1994 fatal shooting of Officer Guy Gaddis, 24.

How does bread and water make up a balanced diet much less contain 'vegetables'? Do you believe forcing 'patriotism' is constitutional? The fact that a federal court ruled that he violated the COTUS is a good thing? I always thought conservatives were supposed to be a law and order party. Guess not.

IN the case of the Mexican National the World Court of which the US Is a part of, ruled that the US violated international law by not advising the defendant of his right to contact the MX consulate. They are arguing that they could have helped with his defense. There was no question of guilt but in procedure and that could have changed the sentence to life instead of the death penalty. I know it's only the law and it would seem that it's not a big consideration to you but what happens when a foreign country (MX) captures a US citizen who this time might be innocent and does the same to that person.

I think one way to avoid that is to just follow the law and treat everyone equally so that we don't have these problems. Seeing as this did take place in TX it is easier to understand how this happened.
Ms Tree said:

How does bread and water make up a balanced diet much less contain 'vegetables'? Do you believe forcing 'patriotism' is constitutional? The fact that a federal court ruled that he violated the COTUS is a good thing? I always thought conservatives were supposed to be a law and order party. Guess not.

IN the case of the Mexican National the World Court of which the US Is a part of, ruled that the US violated international law by not advising the defendant of his right to contact the MX consulate. They are arguing that they could have helped with his defense. There was no question of guilt but in procedure and that could have changed the sentence to life instead of the death penalty. I know it's only the law and it would seem that it's not a big consideration to you but what happens when a foreign country (MX) captures a US citizen who this time might be innocent and does the same to that person.

I think one way to avoid that is to just follow the law and treat everyone equally so that we don't have these problems. Seeing as this did take place in TX it is easier to understand how this happened.
Bread and water?
Wasn't it bread and baloney before?
What was the favorite food of the Roman Army?
I don't want to start another thread on this looser so I'm going to post this info here.
Arpaio was investigating a judge who is hearing the case of racial profiling by Arpaio's department.  Now he is before the judge for contempt.  This revelation should go over about as well as a turd in a punch bowl.  This guy needs to be canned at the very least.  He wastes taxpayer money and he violates the law.  
I wonder how long that ASS HOLE Arpaio would be breathing................if he was the sheriff in any of the 5 counties in NYC ?
Yeah, God forbid someone who gets things done should ever be in control of law enforcement in a place like NYC.

That "ASS HOLE" you refer to has been on the job for 55 years, and elected Sheriff repeatedly for 23 of those 55 years. His last election in 2012 was a landslide and a mandate by Democrat standards (53%).

I know it just burns you up to see someone who goes against everything you believe in getting re-elected by that type of margin, Bears.

If it pains you so much, move to AZ and vote against him. He's considering running again in 2016. Heck, he's only 85. Why not?
What exactly has he "gotten done"?
eolesen said:
Yeah, God forbid someone who gets things done should ever be in control of law enforcement in a place like NYC.

That "ASS HOLE" you refer to has been on the job for 55 years, and elected Sheriff repeatedly for 23 of those 55 years. His last election in 2012 was a landslide and a mandate by Democrat standards (53%).

I know it just burns you up to see someone who goes against everything you believe in getting re-elected by that type of margin, Bears.

If it pains you so much, move to AZ and vote against him. He's considering running again in 2016. Heck, he's only 85. Why not?

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