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Sandra Bland

Dog Wonder said:
The Just Ain't Right lost their agenda in a sea of babbling.
Why don't you try babbling a coherent sentence. 
Hackman said:
Now now, no name calling sweetykins. As I said before and will repeat again for you, as you keep posting the same video over and over, it's up to the individual police officer. Maybe he is having a great day, and doesn't feel like upsetting the kiddos taking white soccer mom to jail. In addition, she's a white soccer mom, and we all know with "black lives matter" thugs, Nobamma's adviser Al Shtardton, and the white libtard crowd; White people are never arrested if they break the law, only the poor downtrodden blacks who always do nothing wrong.
Are you suggesting the mood of the officer should/can dictate how he treats a person?  I do not think anyone is questioning the legality of the arrest.  What I am questioning an what I think the others here are questioning is were the officers actions justified and was the arrest justified.  
I think the cop when off the rails.  There was no threat to the officer and his reaction and escalation was not warranted.
KCFlyer said:
YOu must have missed it so I'll post it again...a cordial cop and a woman upset at being pulled over. 
The cop in that video didn't even have the chance to politely ask her anything...yet she wasn't ordered out of the car...she wasn't handcuffed...she wasn't threatened with a tazer.  Was the cop in this video derelict in her duty?  
delldude said:
There you have it.  Derelict in her duty because she didn't rip the woman out of the car, taze her, take her to the ground, handcuff her and cuss back at her.  Cops are expected to kick butt and take names.  And it's apparent that 6 minutes is too long to listen to what a cop who USED to kick butt and take names had to say about changing up just a little bit.  Arrests up....confiscated drugs and money up....complaints - zero.  Because they treat people like people.  Apparently to the right - a practice that is "weak".   
I notice from your side....no comments about the open carry gun nuts disobeying cops....no comments about the KCMO police training....no comment about "a confrontation resolved".    I'm not sure what it is, but on another board I post to, no right wingers comment on those same videos.   A 30 year cop saying "there's a better way".  I guess that means you all can't dispute it.  At least not without using the word "tard" somewhere in the reply. 
Dog Wonder said:
Wasn't Hackman the guy who proudly proclaimed his obesity on this forum...that he was something like 6', 280 lbs, and "built"...

I'm sure that fancy weapon he talked about has been used to intimidate many Walmart thugs who thought they were going to cut in line or grab the last bag of tater tots in front of him.

He and southwind need get together and see if they can find a clue.
Ms Tree said:
Are you suggesting the mood of the officer should/can dictate how he treats a person?  I do not think anyone is questioning the legality of the arrest.  What I am questioning an what I think the others here are questioning is were the officers actions justified and was the arrest justified.  
I think the cop when off the rails.  There was no threat to the officer and his reaction and escalation was not warranted.
It all depends on the laws violated, individual officer, and the largest factor, how the suspect reacts. In Blands case, overreacts. She arrested herself with her sewer mouth and attitude. She was unlucky she ran into a officer that wasn't taking her crap. Then she apparently hung herself, as she was previously suicidal. She was stoned (large amount of THC in system), she was an angry "black lives matter" activist that hated police. She'd been arrested for shoplifting, she was no stranger to trouble. Could the officer have treated her differently? Sure. He decided to arrest her after she forced his hand. Her fault. 
No matter how many times it is explained to your liberal mind, the Bland arrest will not be justified for any reason. It's just the Al Shtardton syndrom that you can act out and play stupid games with the police if your an angry black. Well, I guess they have had enough.
Sometimes the police are wrong, sometimes not.
Roll the dice if you wish.....
Hackman said:
It all depends on the laws violated, individual officer, and the largest factor, how the suspect reacts. In Blands case, overreacts. She arrested herself with her sewer mouth and attitude. She was unlucky she ran into a officer that wasn't taking her crap. Then she apparently hung herself, as she was previously suicidal. She was stoned (large amount of THC in system), she was an angry "black lives matter" activist that hated police. She'd been arrested for shoplifting, she was no stranger to trouble. Could the officer have treated her differently? Sure. He decided to arrest her after she forced his hand. Her fault. 
No matter how many times it is explained to your liberal mind, the Bland arrest will not be justified for any reason. It's just the Al Shtardton syndrom that you can act out and play stupid games with the police if your an angry black. Well, I guess they have had enough.
Sometimes the police are wrong, sometimes not.
Roll the dice if you wish.....
I haven't blamed the cop for her suicide....just for his treatment during the traffic stop.  She forced his hand by refusing to put out a cigarette.  I imagine he would have called for backup, tazed and SHOT the white soccer mom who was threatening to "f---ing kill" the officer who pulled her over.  Two different cops.  One a professional.  The other wasn't.  Can you guess which one was which?  
Glenn Quagmire said:
Wasn't Hackman the guy who proudly proclaimed his obesity on this forum...that he was something like 6', 280 lbs, and "built"...

I'm sure that fancy weapon he talked about has been used to intimidate many Walmart thugs who thought they were going to cut in line or grab the last bag of tater tots in front of him.

He and southwind need get together and see if they can find a clue.
Obesity? Nay Quagturd, I think I was talking about benching 280, or now a little more. About what you and your sagging utters weigh. I only carry into Target, were the libtards such as yourself with the free Obammy SNAP cards are flowing on friday, snapping up all the Cheetos for the Rosy O'Donnell marathon. They say they are intimidated, and my reply is your in a Target store, go to Wal Mart.
Remember, black lives matter. But not yours....
Hackman said:
It all depends on the laws violated, individual officer, and the largest factor, how the suspect reacts. In Blands case, overreacts.


No matter how many times it is explained to your liberal mind, the Bland arrest will not be justified for any reason. It's just the Al Shtardton syndrom that you can act out and play stupid games with the police if your an angry black. Well, I guess they have had enough.
Sometimes the police are wrong, sometimes not.
Roll the dice if you wish.....
OK, lets deal with the first part. The only law she broke was to change lanes with out signalling. Not acting with deference is not illegal and no basis for his escalation.

You have yet to explain how a cop is justified in yanking a woman out of a car for not putting out a cigarette and subsequently arresting her.

I do not think the attitude of the person being pulled over should be any more of a factor than the attitude of the cop. He is there to do a job and that job is to enforce the law. I do not have to happy much less nice if I get stopped. So long as I do not threaten the officer or others I fail to see how my behavior should justify an arrest.

Feel free to explain your view on that ... or just go ahead and hurl more insults. What ever floats your boat.
KCFlyer said:
I haven't blamed the cop for her suicide....just for his treatment during the traffic stop.  She forced his hand by refusing to put out a cigarette.  I imagine he would have called for backup, tazed and SHOT the white soccer mom who was threatening to "f---ing kill" the officer who pulled her over.  Two different cops.  One a professional.  The other wasn't.  Can you guess which one was which?  
I don't really care about your irrational liberal blame, all police are Nazis that arrest blacks. The liberal media, the Bland family and Al Shtardton have. Both the white soccer mom and the black lives matter activist should have been arrested, but they were not. Sometimes one gets lucky, sometimes not. Bland rolled the dice, and lost.
Again, you don't like the police KC, any of them. Especially no BS white cops.
That's the real leftist truth and "black lives matter" agenda.
Hackman said:
I don't really care about your irrational liberal blame, all police are Nazis that arrest blacks. The liberal media, the Bland family and Al Shtardton have. Both the white soccer mom and the black lives matter activist should have been arrested, but they were not. Sometimes one gets lucky, sometimes not. Bland rolled the dice, and lost.
Again, you don't like the police KC, any of them. Especially no BS white cops.
That's the real leftist truth and "black lives matter" agenda.
Actually, I DO like the police.  In fact, I've posted two different videos of what the KCPD is doing, but you (nor any other right winger) has commented.  Does it work?  I dunno.  I remember during Ferguson (just across the state) there were protests here.  The police chief (black guy - I know him from a Dale Carnegie class) said told the people that they have a right to protest....they WANT them to protest.  Just stay on the sidewalks and don't do anything stupid.  And you know something?  They did.  All those stupid 'black lives matter sewer mouths' had a protest here in KC.  But you didn't read about it in the paper because there weren't fires, beatings or arrests.  The cops let them protest.  Yeah...I know, a bunch bunch of pussy cops that most likely were singing kumbaya withe them.  
I notice that in at least 3 posts you have posted about "sewer mouth black lives matter".  Could I ask you what you thought of the white woman with an equally sewer mouth telling the officer that "I could f---ing kill you"?   Was the cop in that video derelict in her duty by not yanking, tazing or handcuffing the woman?  I mean...she had a sewer mouth, and even uttered the typically black "motherf--er" at the cop.  

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